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The Legend, Episode 1 (Chapter 2, The Jungle)

Started by Mysterious F., June 23, 2006, 05:03:49 PM

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Mysterious F.

Taking Soquin's advice, he went to the forest entrance and then turned south and found a cave. He heard voices inside, so he went in. Indeed, he found a giant rock blocking the path, but he also found several Gorons trying to destroy the rock.      
  One of them walked up to him and said "Sorry kid, you have to leave. The king of Hyrule and Darunia agreed only those certified to help can be here. You're gonna have to leave, sorry."  
  "It's okay, I understand." Link said and left. Before he did, though, he noticed something on the rock and asked the Goron "What's that thing on the rock over there?"
  "Well,"  the Goron answered, "It's a bomb flower. The rock is blocking us from lighting it, and there isn't enough of it exposed to be exploded by a bomb. Seriously, though, you have to leave."
  Link then left and put on the cape.
  "Well, here it goes." Link said and jumped. Soquin was right, Link could jump high as far as 20 feet into the air! Link landed, and had an idea on how to get on top. Quickly, he ran about 15 feet away from the cave and stopped. He then turned around and started runing about 3 feet and then jumped. The cape lifted him high into the air and he soared forward on top of the cliff. He then ran all the way to the other side and looked around.
  It was alot like the swamps of Termina, except there wasn't that much water, more trees. He copuld see many thing moving through the bushes and trees, probably monsters. He could also see a slight figure on top of the trees, every time it moved it made a stomping noise on the ground. It wasn't on the trees, however, it was so tall it was higher than the trees, and the trees were about as tall as Hyrule Castle, so the "thing on the trees" must be the monster Soquin mentioned! Lucky for Link, it was far away, near some lake with a tiny island in the middle. The lake looked deep, deep enough tp drown this colossul monster!
  Link then jumped off the cliff, yet for some reason the cape slowed his speed to the ground, and he didn't get hurt when he landed. He then noticed some bomb flowers making a line towards the rock then the line split in many directions, circling the rock. Link had an idea and lit one and ran away quickly. The bomb flower exploded, exploding the next one, and the next one, and then all the others. The bombs exploded the rock and the cave was now useful and the Gorons went through the cave and looked around and saw Link.
  "Did you explode the rock?" One of them asked.
  "Yep." Link replied.
  "Thank you, little fellow." The Goron said happily. "We don't have to work anymore! Here's something to show our thanks."
  The Goron then handed Link a map of the jungle.
  "Don't go any further!" The Goron said, " The monsters will eat you alive! Not even the Master Sword will guarentee your safety, not that you should know where it is. The king moved it to a secret part of the castle only members of the Royal Family can enter."
  The Gorons left, and Link looked at the map. In the far, southeast corner of the jungle, there was the lake Link noticed earlier labeled DO NOT SWIM IN, RISK OF BEING EATEN, LAKE MONSTER!, while the island was labeled EARTH TEMPLE. There was also a small house labeled NANCY'S HOUSE, FOLLOW PATH.
  Link was about to go to Nancy's when he heard the stomping the monster made becoming louder. Deciding to take the safe way, Link left the jungle, went through the cave, and went back to the forest.


Mysterious F.