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Least favorite FFVII boss and why

Started by Rev Rabies, June 25, 2006, 10:37:27 AM

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Rev Rabies

Demon gate for me! in one of my playthroughs Aerith didn't know seal evil yet so the fight was very hard and i got very mad. Just ask Gamefreak how enraged i was.


You can't stop him.  Trust me, on my replay yesterday, I tried.  Carry Armor, falls under one of my least favorites.

Rev Rabies

No, you can't stop him but seal evil did slow him down tremendously. Also i sold my time materia so i couldn't slow him without seal evil.


I HATE the robot that uses Lapis Laser on you. It took me quite a few tries to beat it because of that unfair advantage! :o

Advanceshipping and Rion had better be Chuck Norris approved.


That would be Carry Armor, as stated in my post.


Thank you for that. I couldn't remember its name.

Advanceshipping and Rion had better be Chuck Norris approved.

Rev Rabies


Lost Number, he was so tough! Or at least he was because I was weak, I hadn't even goten past Materia keeper and had only just managed to beat Gi Nattack or whatever (the tiki guy)

Rev Rabies

Lost Number: easy

Materia Keeper: challenging

Gi Nattak: Life kills it in one hit!


Lost number isn't easy.  He can be quite challenging depending on how you go through with the battle.

Rev Rabies

Have aerith on you team, kill red side with powerful summons and seal evil it when it turns all purple.


Well, I'm sorry for sucking. I didn't ever use Aeris, so I thought i would be stupid to dend in a level 15.


Even then, even one death can just lead to a domino thing and everything just falls apart after that.

Rev Rabies

Yes that's true GF. I personally bust Aerith out each time i fight a magic-happy boss.


first and final forms of were extremely hard to beat for me and to forever to be sephiroth. 8)