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Started by Darth Wyndisis, June 02, 2005, 09:17:30 PM

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Darth Wyndisis

Just for fun, let's post memerable quotes here.  Post anything from movies, to books, to parts of conversations you were involved in, to games, whatever.

Here's mine:

From the movie adaptation of Stephen King's "Misery:"

Annie Wilkes:  "This isn't what happened last week!  Have you got AMNESIA?  They just cheated us; this isn't fair!  HE DIDN'T GET OUT OF THE COCKADOODIE CAR!"

STAR WARS (couldn't resist):
Anakin:  "I killed them.  I killed them all.  They're dead, every single one of them.  And not just the men... but the women, and the children too.  They're like animals, and I slaughtered them like animals!  I hate them!"  

A classmate asking be what I thought of the math portion of the MEAP test (Some stupid Michigan assessment test):

Classmate:  "So what did you think of that test?"
Me:  "Math is a waste of my time.  Did you know any of that stuff?"
Classmate:  "I understood some of it."
Me:  "I didn't remember much of the material.  I so wanted to burn that test."  (Zones out)
Classmate:  "Do you know how to do stuff with matrixes [sic]?"
Me:  "What? Huh?  Oh you mean like running on walls and s**t?"



Nice, with the [sic]. Truly you are one of The Educated. *bows*

That's a good quote, though (your own). What grade were you two in when the classmate was asking about matrices (assuming he/she meant matrices)?

Darth Wyndisis

It was just this past school year.  I was a junior and he was a sophomore.



From 8-Bit Theater:
Black Mage: "Do you know what happens to a giant when it is blasted by a fireball?"
Fighter: "Err no...what?"
Black Mage: "The same thing that happens to everything else."
Fighter: "...Dude that line sucks."

Law & Order:
Coroner: "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go remove a javelin from somebodys chest."
Det. Briscoe: "What made you get into this job?"
Coroner: "Free javelins."

And basically every line spoken from in the Simpsons.


"Tina you fat lard get some dinner.. EAT THE FOOD!"

"BuT mY LIpS HurT ReaL BaD!!"~Napleon dynamite


Monty Python:
Naraarator: Then the company was traped in a cave and ran out of food so they ate Sir Robins ministrils. And there was much rejoicing.
Backround: Yeah!Flags wave.


Another good MP quote

"Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?"


"There cannot be a crisis next week. My schedule is already full." Henry Kissinger.

"I don't want to achieve immortality through my work. I want to achieve immortality by not dying." Woody Allen.

"A verbal contract isn't worth the paper it's written on." Sam Goldwyn.

One more...

"If at first don't succeed,try,try, a couple of times more. Then quit there's no sense in making a fool of yourself." W.C Fields.

...and now I'm done. ;)

Darth Wyndisis

THE STAND By Stephen King:

Randall Flagg:  "Liars sit in chairs; truth tellers just sort of... hunker down."

Weird/funny student in our school's auditorium.



banana fingers:"u look friendly."
monkey:*has the most sour/mean look on its face*
~banana fingers part 1

"shhh im catching little kids"~my friend lee when we couldnt find the kids we were baby sitting

"may i eat the lovely vittle?"~me when i wanted my friends cupcake


Quotemay i eat the lovely vittle?"~me when i wanted my friends cupcake

*grin* Hey--you do know what "vittles" are, right?

I guess for my contribution to the quotes list, you can find all of my self (by me) quotes at the bottom of the front page of this site: (in the black area in the bottom of the window).

It'll say something like
Quote(after several plates at a buffet) "There was a grunt, and a distinctively organic sound, as Weien switched stomachs." –Weien

The quote will randomly change each time you refresh the page, and there are quite a few of them ^^. Just things I've said that my sister (scarily enough for me) managed to remember and put up on her site.


happy to see some1 knows what im talking about. :D anyways i have more quotes

" dont tell me your really gonna try to stuff that whole cream puff in your mouth!"
"hi hare heady hid."~forgotten goddess

"thats nothig i put make-up on my rat."~last week when me and my best friend were talking about her pouring milk on her cat

Darth Wyndisis

QuoteI guess for my contribution to the quotes list, you can find all of my self (by me) quotes at the bottom of the front page of this site: (in the black area in the bottom of the window).

Ha ha!  I remember reading those back in the HA1 days.  A lot of them are quite funny.  I like the one that has something to do with skirting around the matter like a red hot jelly bean, with eyeballs.


Speaking of which I wish I could remember some of the classic quotes from HA1, I can't remember them but I know there were some classic ones.

Darth Wyndisis

I had that same thought a couple days ago.  Hmm...
