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Started by Darth Wyndisis, June 02, 2005, 09:17:30 PM

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I remember one quote but I am not sure why Rugger said it,

"Wyndisis, you magnificant !@#$^ &$#, nice job!"

Must have been from a quest

Darth Wyndisis

Ah!  Remember the crazy guy Rugger killed when he was possessed?  Don't expect it to be exact but...

Crazy Guy:  "Darkness is spreading, beware!  It's coming!  The darkness is spreading!  *Grabs Rugger by the arm*  You!  Who are you? Your heart is not pure!"

Rugger:  "I will kill you for being so annoying."

[gap in memory, Rugger says something bad about the goddesses]

Guy:  "You... you must not speak of the Goddesses that way."

Rugger:  *puts spear to his neck*  What did you say?!  I will kill you right now; I am so sick of you!"

Guy:  "Do as you must, but I have prepared myself for death.  *Tears up*  Have you?"

Rugger:  *Runs spear through him*  "Take that you piece of ****!  All I have is hate.  Hate hate HATE!!!"


And we all shared a laugh over putting dekou/makar in a room full of cats. ^^ Ah, the memories.


Ahh yes I remember saying something like that. As for dekou/makar all their quotes were memorable for all the wrong reasons. I think he had like 500 posts and not one had a capital letter, proper punctiaton, or even ended right. I think when we did kill him and all of his creations, the Goddesses of Hyrule stuck their hands down from the Heavens and gave us all a big thumbs up.


why would you put mackar in a room full of cats? (really tell me) anyways i want to put down this talk me and my friend shaylynn had

shay:" i cant wait for TP to come out!!11"

me: i gonna start camping out in front of game stop in a zelda costume!"

shay:"thats sounds like you."

me:"its sounds more like love."

shay:"if your goin as zelda then ill go as link."

me:"cant lee is,hes goin to camp out in
front of the game stop in philly."

shay:"*rolls eyes* really lee needs help."

me:"im goin with him."

Darth Wyndisis

I guess to torture him.  It wasn't the same Makar from WW, it was a Fairy in HA.


I thought the cats ate him  ;D


ok thanx :-\..... still thats really random


Yes--and the "Dekou" character we're talking about was a Zora.

Sometimes teased as a fish. And you know how cats and fish get along ^^.


Well lets just hope that we do not have a repeat of that from anyone in HA2.


Won't be a problem, I intend to execute a zero-tolerance insta-ban policy for anyone who hassles the players. And by ban, I mean IP ban so we can't have Vidunu-like issues.

Darth Wyndisis

Good.  I like a harsh, zero-tolerance policy.


i guess none likes zelda fairies... :P

Master Goron

It has nothing to do with being a fairy. Makar was not liked because he was too whiny and hung out with Dekou. They didn't respect the rules. And that's why no one liked them.


QuoteIt has nothing to do with being a fairy. Makar was not liked because he was too whiny and hung out with Dekou. They didn't respect the rules. And that's why no one liked them.

Bingo! Actually, in a paraphrase of Makar's very own words: "Actually Makar is not a fairy; technically, he is a Korok. But fairies are the closest race we have..."

They were a troublesome bunch, that's for sure. Old, too--they were in the game before I was.