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Your Opinion

Started by bgrugby, June 03, 2005, 06:38:10 PM

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Mysterious F.

One of my favorite games! It was awesome! 8)


I guess the people who are bad-mouthing it played it alone right? 1) It's multi-player and most games that are aren't fun to play alone. 2) I really loved it because it was fun to play with my brothers nad solve puzzles together. (You wound't imagine how many cuss words they said after Tingle took the large force-gem before they got to it. ;D ) 3) We all had game-boy advances, so all we needed to buy was the game-link cable. 4) It has Vaati,must I say more? (Sadly, he was pretty easy to beat,since we had about 99 force fairies,sorry Vaati!)  

Mysterious F.

Yes, those faires help.

The Postman

The idea of four links is stupid

Mysterious F.

Not always. Even in one player games, those four links are useful.


I loved it!
I know many people hated the plot but i thought it was awesome, a nice change from the whole triforce concept.
The co-op is hilarious and on occasion me and my mate have gotten to the stage of physically beating the crap out of each other for throwing each other down holes to gather more force. ;D


FSA and FS was coolonly in the aspect that it wqas multilayer, which was really fun to do with others. Other than that, i didnt reallylike it too much

RIP my LeafGreen team: 2005-2010


I'd play it, but I have no friends. Other than MagmarFire.


I'll play it with you :D

RIP my LeafGreen team: 2005-2010


I, personally, had a whole lot of fun playing FSA late at night when I have nothing else to do. I found it quite entertaining, and I couldn't keep off of it until I completed it.

That took a while.


It was a really fun game! Even though I only played single player FSA. It also tells us how Ganon became that blue pig warrior thing.


FSA: Let's see:
- new race
- very interesting plot
- good puzzles and variation
- huge fights. It's only a shame most enemies didn't really had AI at all. Then again, the (sub) boss fights were awesome.
- connecting the Four Sword/Vaati story with the Master Sword/Ganon(dorf) story.
- even though it at first felt very stupid you lost the power of your sword & heart containers after each level, you couldn't get more than one item and you had to carry keys and moon pearls, it started to work surprisingly well after a while. I never felt the tloz-design was being betrayed. It was different, but very familiar too.
- has many great references
- might be a multiplayer game, but the singleplayer mode works very well.

I don't know which tloz-game I consider the worst, but it definetely isn't FSA. That game was great. I wouldn't know about FS though, since that one hasn't got a singleplayer mode (what were they thinking?).


I like Four Swords Adventure. I'm on Level 6 in the Temple of Darkness. I'm pretty sure I'll meet Ganon here. But I really looking forward to beating Vaati!


This is going to be a bit painful. Let's just say I was looking forward to meeting/fighting Vaati too.


Not painful for me! Go Vaati!  :D