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Your Opinion

Started by bgrugby, June 03, 2005, 06:38:10 PM

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Does that mean you've already met him?



In that case, you'll fight him just before Ganon in the last session of level 8. We'll talk after that. My reaction at least, while/after fighting him and being kind of a Vaati-fan, was like this:
:-[ >  :( >  >:( >  :-\ >  ;D


Okay, now I REALLY want to get to Vaati.

Princess Ruto


Princess Ruto, is there any particular reason why you feel writing that was necessary?

Princess Ruto

just felt like it cause im board

Hi no Seijin

One, that didn't really add anything to the discussion.  Two, just saying you were bored doesn't justify you writing it.  Three, there are Vaati fans on the forums and they could be offended by it.
Best.  Cane.  EVER!
Secretary of Lolcats; I won the MagmarFire Award for 2/21/08!
Filler.Filler.Filler.Fillah!  Filler.Filler.Filler.Fillah!


Thanks, Hi no Seijin! Anyway, I still can't get past this one part on FSA. And it's keeping me from playing it anymore.  :(


What part? Maybe I can help/give advice.


Okay, I'm in Temple of Darkness, I've already beaten the kight with the spiked ball and chain thingy, and I've already beaten those skeletons in the shadow world, I've got a key, but I don't know what to do with it!  :(


In the same room where you got the key, stay in the light/above world. Go to the lower left corner and fall. You can use the key on a block in the dark/lower world to make it disappear..



...I played the version for the 'cube of game, and... well, it wasn't what I was expecting. I'm not a... confrontational type of person, so when my disagreeable friend (the only person who was willing to play with me) chucked me off a cliff because I accidentally picked up a force gem, I was just like "owo;;"

I don't know, I'm not...a multiplayer type person, so my opinion of the games wasn't very high. It was... weird to play and I lost interest. It's a good game, I guess, but not for me. ;w;

(I was looking forward to the Helmaroc King and Vaati's return, though.:))


I personally think that FSA (I never played FS) had more in common with mario than Zelda. Also, the story make very little sense at first unless you've played MC.