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The Ban List

Started by Jack, July 05, 2005, 01:37:57 PM

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The following members are banned, and for the following reasons:

joe/link for spamming the boards.
dan_the_man, because he asked for it.
solid snake/miko, for frequent profanities.
jack sparrow/king of evil: ganon, for harassment and spamming.
jack fate, for harassment, repeated off-topicness.
emeralb link 3.0, for inappropriate language.
Raiden, for insulting several site members repeatably.
Sabata, for insulting, flaming, and cussing.
Rincewind, for insulting, being a duplicate account of a previously banned member(Jack Fate)
Bgrugby, for insulting
Kirby Comix V2/Go-Ruden Densetsu - Spamming, flaming
Shadow Goris - Spamming
UndercoverQuater/SuperCoolBano - Spamming/Trolling
Happytime Harley - For being just that terrible


are these like the first two you banned


Yes, but they were also the same person.


ugh i hate people who do that


Quoteugh i hate people who do that
me too. I can't stand it when people spam the boards, and also, make a double accounts. And Jack, I'm glad you finally banned him!

Zelda Veteran

riiiiiiiiiight... well, i dont like said SPAM either. sad to say i didnt know what SPAM was untill recently. :-[
i always thought it was like a sea food or somthin :P

My real Poison team in BW2. They all have perfect natures and EV's. I went the extra distance and bred the right IV's into them. Come at me bro.


i thought when they ment spam as in that meat in the can crap. L0L! i found out what it was though.


i dont  know how you would send spam
but thats a good thing


You get a warning first, right? I mean... I'm stupid so i wont even know if I'm spamming before I'm banned...

If I'm getting banned it would be nice to know before I actually get banned though...

Keep rocking Jack, don't let anyone ruin your great forum! I love it!  ;D
The rising sun will eventually set,
a newborns life will fade.
From sun to moon, moon to sun...
Give peaceful rest to the living dead...

"Aim for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars..." - Les Brown -


NHah you'll get like three warnings. You'll see it coming from far away.

Also, warnings fade away after a period of good behavior.

Not to worry, and thanks!




literally, dude that was smart (sarcasum)


i hope i do not get ban :(

Darth Wyndisis

Follow the rules and you will be fine.