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The Ban List

Started by Jack, July 05, 2005, 01:37:57 PM

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Darth Wyndisis

About dan_the_man:  Yeah, what Jack said.  He took the locking of a topic personally and then decided that since he couldn't debate God's existance, there was absolutely nothing else to talk about here on this Zelda forum.  This was the thread that got locked.  Hey, who wouldn't lock a thread like that, unless you were dan_the_man...  Oh yeah, he couldn't spell "contravershal." :D


Quote from: Ganon on April 11, 2006, 04:36:43 PM
I dont wanna be banned :'( I wanna be a cohort :'(

And you won't be banned, as long as you follow the rules.

I'm not the bad guy, but people are making me out to be the devil for expecting them to follow the rules.

UPDATE: (This doesn't help my case much...)

Medli is officially banned. She spammed again, despite repeated warnings and infinite patience from the mod team.




Quote from: darkness_link on April 12, 2006, 11:11:16 AM
not Medli :'(
*takes off hat and places right hand over heart* *silent*

The Postman

We will all miss Medli but life will go on :'(

Darth Wyndisis

She had more than enough warnings and had time to turn herself around.  Still, she talked back and kept going about her spamish ways.


TP Zelda

she did not! she was the best bff i ever had :'( :'( :'( :'( ill follow the rules so i dont end up like her. poor medli


she did too deserve it, I was a guest sometimes so she did'nt know I was on, and saw her spam




The Postman

now yall are spamming :o


>: O

Yes, quite a bit of spamming.

And shouldn't proper punctuation be a rule too?