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London Terrorist Attacks

Started by Jack, July 07, 2005, 09:44:26 AM

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My prayers are with those who lost loved ones today to the hideous machinations of a group of satanic extremists.

Events like this is why it is so important to fight terrorism.


It was bad. Trains were bombed and even a double decker bus had the roof blown off of it by a bomb. The news has been about little else since it happened with the reports of the dead and the injured rising as the reports come in.

At the moment I think it is around 40 killed and 700 injured. Although that is subject to rise. It was obviously planned for the opening of the G8.

Let's hope this isn't just the start of things to come.

Darth Wyndisis

My prayers are with them as well.  I also pray that it doesn't happen again, and I thank God for the people He saved from the attack.


Oh yes, God forbid that this should be a start of something... the number really is rising, though. A couple hours ago it was around 690 injured.

Wikipedia has a lot of information already:

I find it disturbing that the terrorists are just making a statement, of sorts... -___-


My hopes and prayers go out to the families of those killed. They will need all the help they can get.



I haven't heard about this yet.....damn.

Oh by the way, just because they probably weren't Christians does not mean they were Satanists.  I mean, I'm a Christian, but not one of those judgmental "I'm better than you" kind.  You know, the kind that would make me an athiest?
Just making a point.

Maybe what they did they thought was right.  I mean, we all have differing views on what is right and wrong.  I think it sucks and that it's sad all those people died and were makes me angry.  But would they not feel the same way if someone did it to them?  The world is a vicious cycle......It's really sad that people can't get along.  Human beings will be the downfall of civilization.  

Sorry everyone for the psychological approach to this matter.  I wanna be a psychologist, and I tend to think a lot.  



Quote from: Cyclos on July 08, 2005, 09:30:36 AM
Oh by the way, just because they probably weren't Christians does not mean they were Satanists.  I mean, I'm a Christian, but not one of those judgmental "I'm better than you" kind.  You know, the kind that would make me an athiest?

Whoa, sorry if I gave the wrong impression. By "satanic" I did not means "of Satanic (or non-Christian) beliefs," but rather "really, really, really bad."


Either way it is tragic what happen and my prayers go out to the families of those who lost loved ones. Damn terrorists, I would just love to get my heads on them.


Terrorists have a twisted view of the world. They can't see themselves as we see them now; just as we can't stand in their shoes and look at our country with hate. Neither understands the other, and that is why the war ensues.

Darth Sauron

  It's tragic, but we're going to have to get used to this sort of thing.  I'm afraid that it is only going to become more routine as time passes.  
 You have to wonder why we are fighting a war in Iraq, when 99% of the terrorist attacks are perpetrated by Saudi' Arabians.  There were no Iraqi terrorists on 9/11, and it wasn't Iraqi's who blew up those trains in London.  Most of the insurgents in Iraq are terrorists who infiltrated Iraq just for the chance to kill Americans and those who help them.

 Saddam Hussien was one evil bastard, but I think at this moment we should be more focused on the countries that are spawning these terrorist.

A few months ago, A Saudi national came to visit Bush at his Crawford ranch.  This is the guy who's countrymen killed 3000 of ours, and Bush was holding hands with him.

But I'm not just bashing Bush, but all poloticians, every SINGLE one of them.  Republicans, Democrats, they are all guilty of taking Saudi money.  The Saudi's have our oil, and with it they have our economy in a strangle hold.    

So, until the current political climate can change, Saudi Arabia will keep producing thousands of terrorists, and American Administrations will keep looking the other way.  We talk tough, and we are tough, but we aren't fighting the right battles.  Until something changes, terrorist attacks are going to become commonplace, an everyday obstacle to our lives.  

Darth Wyndisis

The thing is there is no specific geological region that the terrorists live in.  Yes, they do live in the Middle East, and like you said a lot spawn from Saudi Arabia.  In such countries, many children are taught to hate America and everything it stands for.  That has been going on for the past thirty years.  By going into Iraq, we are putting a stop to that kind of teaching.  By attacking one country, no matter which one, we can not defeat them.  Iraq and Afgahnistan are transforming, and hopefully people in other Islamic countries will see what freedom is and revolt.  Or something like that.  If there are terrorist attacks in the future, they could be of any given Islamic nation.  It's like luck of the draw, they all hate us.

Darth Sauron

That's true.  Most of the islamic countries over there hate us, and they teach that hate at their schools.  However, most of these countries are nearly destitute.  Saudi is different because of their vast wealth, they can fund terrorism all over the world, and they do.  Without financial backing the terrorists can preach hate all they want, but they can't come over here and do anything about it.  Saudi money makes it possible.  

Iraq and Afghanistan may well become flourishing democracies in time.  But they will be small successes in the war on terror as most of the terrorists are coming from elsewhere. I'm not a Republican, but if Bush said tomorrow that he was going to topple Saudi Arabia, I'd be behind him 100%.


We could never attack, not in a million years. You think invading Iraq draws in foreign fighters? If we invaded the land of Mecca and Medina, a few million Muslims would flood into Saudi Arabia to overthrow the monarchy and then defend the country from us.

Problem is, as bad as the Saudi royals are, the alternatives are so much worse. It a literal rock and a hard spot, and there's no easy solution to do the ideal: bring about a stable, non-anti-American, responsible regime.


As much as I hate polititions, and as much as I hate war, you have to give them, as well as President Bush, props for handling this situation as they have. Terrorism and war are not easy things to deal with, and they are certainly doing a better job than any of us could ever do. Fighting terrorism is like fighting shadows and grasping at straws, and I am so grateful that we have a president that looks out for the United States as he does, and makes our beautiful country a safer place to live in.


Agreed. You have to give Bush credit that there has not been another terrorist attack on American soil since 9/11. There must be doing something right.