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Started by Vaati, August 11, 2006, 08:32:33 AM

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Princess Ruto

why does old man tingle have to bother turning up  >:( if hes stuck in jail or under a rock im just going to leave him there because he is so ANNOYING >:( >:(

And im not going to say im sorry to that old man green clothed tingle .


It is vair funny when Tingle tries to get your force gems, but then Link gets them first, then Tingle looks disapointed and goes away.  ;D

Princess Ruto

Ha Ha serves him right ;D


Hehehe! Though, sometimes I feel sorry for him. Surprisingly.

Princess Ruto

he's annoying an all but deep down in you ,you fell sorry for him


Strangely enough. Maybe it's just becasue I don't think he has any friends.

Princess Ruto

he's got his brother and that over person who dresses in white .but if i was one of them i would just leave .


Except I don't think David Jr. really likes Tingle. I'm mean, would you like someone who made you work all day long without stopping?

Princess Ruto

David Jr said he bever liked tingle when you vist him down by the lake and he says that he wonders why he works for tingle


I would probably wonder that too.

Princess Ruto

if i was david jr i would just quite and get on with my life


I'd escape while Tingle was asleep.

Hi no Seijin

Quote from: Princess Zelda on October 28, 2006, 08:59:07 AM
if i was david jr i would just quite and get on with my life
Maybe that became David Jr.'s life.  Maybe he just accepted the fact that he may never fulfill his father's dream and moved on.

QuoteI'd escape while Tingle was asleep.
One, that's you.  Two, they could, but they didn't.  So they must not really mind all that much.
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Secretary of Lolcats; I won the MagmarFire Award for 2/21/08!
Filler.Filler.Filler.Fillah!  Filler.Filler.Filler.Fillah!

Princess Ruto

we dont really know what happens to them while they sleep tingle might lock them up or something (thats my suggesten)


Tingle's taking out his anger of being locked up by locking up his look-alikes.  ;D