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Started by Vaati, August 11, 2006, 08:32:33 AM

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Princess Ruto

he might make them more stupid at night when there sleeping ;D


I would have never thought of that.

Princess Ruto

are you being sarcastic?

Tingle could do anything to his followers


Princess Ruto


In this one video, Tingle is getting tipsy on milk...  ;D "Give me another."

Princess Ruto

tingles workers don't really like tingle because he is theving little rat .One night all of tingle workers quite and they left him, so tingle was alone .Two days after the workers left him he came up woth an idea .He went to the market to sell  his "i love tingle potion" and he put a different cover on it so no one knew what it was .It was bought only about 5 times and it was bought by the people in the minish cap (the uniform they have to where looks like tingle's uniform and its made of tingle's old crumbling skin so i would NEVER work for tingle )   .The workers drank it and came hypnotised to love tingle and care for him and bath him and every thing else .Every one thought this tingle person was going to far so what they did was put exploding gas in some water he was about to drink and then BOOM he exploded because the explodeding gas is very powerful and so that was the end of tingle (hurray hurray).everyone was so happy that tingle would never return again .


lol! That would make a great humorous fanfic!  ;D

Princess Ruto

yep it would

want me to tell you about more things that tingle get's up to (like the christmas reck or dumped in the dump ).


Sure, as long as it's not dirty. (To prevent getting in trouble) And if there's anything that is, you can just PM me.

Princess Ruto

The Christmas reck

Tingle was an old man with no friends and nobody to give him things for christmas .Tingle got so mad he lay on his bed in his borrow and lay there for weeks .Christmas eve came and then christmas came and in the afternoon he climbed the big hill and shouted at the top of his voice and he jumped down with all the people dancing around the christmas tree looking at him he nocked down the christmas tree and all the towns people picked tingle up and through him in the sky and a big srtong man kicked tingle in the bum and he went flying out of sight and no one saw him again


Princess Ruto

The Hanted Cottage

In an old cottage there was an old man living there called tom and he died and then a nother old man called tingle went and lived there and he knew a guy called tom lived there and then died but what tingle did'nt now was that toms soul was still living there and it haunts the cottage .

The cottage was built in 1966 and it was built right next to a swamp and everybody that died in the cottage was throwen into the swamp and 3 days later there soul would come out and haunt the cottage .About 50 people died in the cottage and people belive that tingle will die there to .

One evening tingle was watching telly and it started to go all fuzzey and he went out side and got the ladder and put the ladder on the wall and climbed up to sort out the t.v airale and when he sorted it out the soul from tom came up to the ladder tingle was about to climb down and the soul lifted up the ladder and carrired it above the swamp .At that percise moment tingle was on the last step of the ladder and he looked down and he sceamed like an old lady and tingle fell in and all the 50 sould grabed him and pulled him to the depths of the swamp and he died  as well and his soul hanted the cottage as well so he was now one of the people that died there and soon after that more and more people died there .

The end

How did you like that .(its not one of my bests )


It's good! You should submit it to the Fan Works Library.

Hi no Seijin

First off, Princess, your grammar is horrible.  You seriously need to work on that.  I don't mean to offend you, but your grammar can definitely use some major improvements, as well as your spelling.  Secondly, you should be putting your fanfics in the Fan Works board.  Third, I highly disapprove of these stories.  It tells me that you're immature and that you're unable to look beyond the surface.  Observe how the world actually works and actually put some thought into what you write.
Best.  Cane.  EVER!
Secretary of Lolcats; I won the MagmarFire Award for 2/21/08!
Filler.Filler.Filler.Fillah!  Filler.Filler.Filler.Fillah!