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The Picture Sharing Thread

Started by Gamefreak, September 15, 2006, 09:34:56 PM

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Mysterious F.

It's the bunny from Watership Down!

Commodore Axilon

The Glamour Nazi

I know where it's from.

I'm changing it into a reference to an even Better movie.

Pale Dim

Quote from: Linkdragon0 on August 20, 2009, 05:24:47 PM
That Bunny is not white enough.

How could it kill Sir "Not appearing in this film"

I fixed it. Get it right next time! I COMMAND YOU!


The Glamour Nazi

There are some who call me ...


Pale Dim

And an enchanter!

That guy was my favorite character.


The Glamour Nazi

Mysterious F.

The Glamour Nazi

But they ate Sir Robins minstrels.

And there was much rejoicing


Pale Dim


Brave Sir Robin ran away! (I didn't!)
He bravely ran away away! (What?)
When evil turned it's ugly head,
He bravely turned his tail and fled, (No I...!)
Brave, brave, very brave!
He's very brave a man!
He's very brave Sir Robin! (Shut up!)


The Glamour Nazi

*Sings other... More Explicit Part of song*

Mysterious F.

"Speak, speak to us master! Speak to us!"

"Go away!"

"A blessing!"

The Glamour Nazi

This is scene thirty four, an important scene with a very cinematic style in which--


Oh fine.

Darth Wyndisis