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What item do you like best.

Started by Princess Ruto, October 16, 2006, 11:15:59 AM

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What item do you like best (from minish cap)

Sword (all 4 Elements)
2 (14.3%)
Mole Mitts
2 (14.3%)
Remote Bombs
1 (7.1%)
Magical Boomerang
0 (0%)
Roc's Cape
4 (28.6%)
Pegasus Boots
1 (7.1%)
Ocarina of Wind
1 (7.1%)
Cane of Pacci
3 (21.4%)

Total Members Voted: 12


Yep, The cape or one of my other personal favorites, Cane of Pacci!It dosent do much but it looks nice.


I remember when I found out what the Cane of Pacci could do. And I was flipping stuff over (mainly Minish portals) going "Hee hee hee! lololol!"



Quote from: iLawliet on March 29, 2008, 11:34:33 AM
yep, its so worth xD

I agree.  I can't even begin to count the number of xD that I used up on the above-stated use of an item.


I love the rocs cape it let you fly... Er... Jump and then do the sword slam . That rocked but if only they let you jump over gates and stuff with the cape, I would have loved to fly over gates and skip parts of the game lol
Http://www.gaminglagoon.com/?ref=30582 get free stuff and help me out people!
Great ptc site referral:
Please! I need a few referrals for both! Help me out if you want to

Hi no Seijin

Quote from: greatness1993 on September 27, 2009, 06:18:49 AM
I love the rocs cape it let you fly... Er... Jump and then do the sword slam . That rocked but if only they let you jump over gates and stuff with the cape, I would have loved to fly over gates and skip parts of the game lol
Skip parts of the game?  You don't get it until the second to last dungeon.  By that point, there's not much left to skip over.
Best.  Cane.  EVER!
Secretary of Lolcats; I won the MagmarFire Award for 2/21/08!
Filler.Filler.Filler.Fillah!  Filler.Filler.Filler.Fillah!

Mysterious F.

Besides, all you can actually jump over is holes. Even tiny cliffs can't be jumped over. I've tried.


I think he was talking of the feather from FSA. But yeah, I see what you mean, greatness, it would have been an awesome item had they had it in MC.  :)