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Debate Clarification

Started by Jack, November 11, 2006, 09:33:35 AM

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1. A debate is not saying "this is my position and everyone who disagrees with me is stupid/evil/crazy/heathenous".

2. Debate threads are okay as long as everyone keeps in mind this is not a politics forum, and therefore do not take what other people as seriously as a knife-wound (which real-world debates tend to degenerate into).

3. Mocking the beliefs of others will not be tolerated. Everyone has a right to their own opinion, whether you agree with them or not.

4. Debate topics will only be locked if they degenerate into said orgy of brooding hatred between members. There is a one-strike-yer-out policy on such threads.

5. If you feel that a member is breaking any of the aforementioned rules, pm a mod or myself. Don't call it out in the thread, that'll make it worse.

6. Dan the Man was not banned for starting a religious debate topic. His topic was closed because he couldn't handle the fact that other people had opinions different than his, and flipped out and posted swears up and down the board. For that he was banned.

Mysterious F.

Well, dan asked to be banned too, but the topic pretty much caused it.


I agree, especially cause i start debate topics all the time. These rules are good, they could make debating more enjoyable.

RIP my LeafGreen team: 2005-2010


Rincewind only started his to incite me into something.

QuoteWhat do we all think, come on Gamefreak/Kastake Hawashi/whatever I' m sure you've got some biggoted pro-Bush grievances to air?


Generally, I try to steer clear of debate topics (I myself am not very interested in politics). Of course, if a topic is in my alley, I'll try to heed to these rules. Heck, I may be a little TOO careful. :P

Advanceshipping and Rion had better be Chuck Norris approved.


Its okay to debate, just dont get out of control or you'll look like an idiot and probably get banned/warned.

RIP my LeafGreen team: 2005-2010


I never meant to imply that he was banned for starting the topic.  I meant to imply that it just puts everyone in a bad mood and brings out the worst in all of us.

Mysterious F.

Also, I just wanna say this: A debate is more than just the 'confronting' of two different political or religious beliefs, it is the 'confrontation' of any two different beliefs, like a topic that you ask who likes or dislikes cookie dough (which I like) and why. It's just two differing sides saying their beliefs.


I think the other day's events kind of put my previous words into focus.  It just brings out the worst in us.


I agree, and Jack, those are good rules.  ;)

Mysterious F.

Well, of course he thinks of good rules!

Zelda Veteran

Extremely late responce Akatsuki ::)

My real Poison team in BW2. They all have perfect natures and EV's. I went the extra distance and bred the right IV's into them. Come at me bro.


maybe we shoudl hold some practice debate sessions or something...so that everyone knows how to debate without breaking the rules...

Lord of the Wolfs

Ya so we test it out first to check if it looked like a good idea at the time.


Quote from: Jack on November 11, 2006, 09:33:35 AM
5. If you feel that a member is breaking any of the aforementioned rules, pm a mod or myself. Don't call it out in the thread, that'll make it worse.
is a mod a cohort?