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Vaati Has No Speaking Roles

Started by Vaati, December 24, 2006, 07:28:42 AM

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 ::)I still like the idea of him being in a cockpit with a megaphone, a coffee grinder, and an easybake oven.

Hi no Seijin

That is a likable idea, isn't it?  We'll just go with that.  There.  Problem solved.
Best.  Cane.  EVER!
Secretary of Lolcats; I won the MagmarFire Award for 2/21/08!
Filler.Filler.Filler.Fillah!  Filler.Filler.Filler.Fillah!




Quote from: Hi no Seijin on January 05, 2007, 05:59:35 PM
QuoteSo would a human be a cross breed between gerudo and Hylian, like a mule is a donkey and horse's offspring?
Not really.  Humans can apparently reproduce; Bippin and Blossom are humans, and they have a son.  Mules, however, are unable to reproduce.  Plus, the resulting child of a Hylian and Gerudo (assuming the Gerudo exiles herself from her race, which I would imagine dispell the magic in their blood keeping them all female) could either look like a Hylian except for the color of skin or a Gerudo except for the pointed ears.  It all depends on genetics.

I'm not sure about how the whole reproduction thing works, but looking at what is in-game (OOT and TWW mainly), I'd say Humans, Hylians and Gerudo can reproduce with eachother and the offspring has the characteristics of either the mother or father (random?) with only things like hair colour and skin colour possibly not being dependant of the offspring's race. Aah, if only I could've seen Rose's ears. She's the mother of those two kids on Outset Island. Point is, her husband's ears are pointy, but her children's round. You can't see hers however, because of her hair. I think she's Human, but maybe she and her husband are Hylians with latent Human genes. And it is also somewhat implied that OOT Malon's mother is a Gerudo, which would explain her absence in OOT.


Has anyone beaten FS. Just the regular FS, not FSA. I don't have the game, so I wanna know if the ending is any good. (Y'know, with Vaati init  :) I hope not, I'd like to know I'm not missing anything)

Zelda Veteran

I've beaten both actually. There will be spoilers in this, just to fore-warn you.

Four Swords
Fighting Vaati with friends is just awesome! We played him over and over again. He is on top of a giant swirling cyclone. You have to throw bombs into the cyclone (timing it right) and hit him. When he falls, slash like crazy.

My real Poison team in BW2. They all have perfect natures and EV's. I went the extra distance and bred the right IV's into them. Come at me bro.


Ah cool!  :) Don't worry, spoilers don't bother me, I haven't even gotten to the part on TP, but I know what Midna's true form looks like.  :)
Anyway, back to Vaati.


I never get to play TP anymore, my sisters got obsessed with Harvest Moon again, so they are doing those half hour time limits. you cant do a dungeon on a half hour time limit....



Good to know that I am not alone in this world of personifying video game characters.

Mysterious F.

Wait, Vaati speaks at the beginning of FS, right? During the intro.


Yes, because that was the first time we see him, he had to have some intro.  >_< Its the only part of FS I've ever seen.

Mysterious F.

I don't think he did in FSA, but in FS he surely did.


I think he just laughed, as usual.   ::)


Yeah. And I was talking about FSA. I don't have FS.