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leaving or returning members.

Started by JDog, January 06, 2007, 02:50:00 PM

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The gang's coming back, guys! The gang's actually coming back!

Intentional use of CLANNAD picture was totally intentional. ;D Welcome back!

Advanceshipping and Rion had better be Chuck Norris approved.


Pea-Tear Griffin

I too have returned, I was watching E3 and was like I have to hear what the guys at the Dessert will have to say. Sooooo... What'd I miss :P
Go n-ithe an cat thú is go n-ithe an diabhal an cat


Oh, just my yells of joy at work during Nintendo's E3. XD

Nice to have you around during the E3 buzz, PTG!

Advanceshipping and Rion had better be Chuck Norris approved.


If anyone noticed, I've been far less active lately. This is mainly because of severe depression. I found out a lot of things recently... To anyone who would catch the reference, I'm basically the "Scotty who didn't know..." in this situation. I went like 3 days with absolutely no appetite. I still managed to throw up a couple of times though. I'm posting this here because apparently, she's been watching what I've been writing in the relationship thread... Cunning, I know. I'm actually kind of proud of her for remembering this place. Still, I'm eating again, I'm feeling better, and I'm accepting the reality that nice guys finish last.

My life is changing- for better or worse, I don't know yet. But one thing is certain: I will never be the same person.

Here at the colossus, maybe. :)

In any case, I didn't think y'all would want to hear from me until I was feeling better anyways, so here I am. I'll try to be more active, but school and work are gonna be tag-teaming to destroy my life. I love you all.

- ZV


Hello again, everyone! For those of you that remember Fishyrules, I have returned! I left around when Mags revealed his face, so I finally woke up from my coma.  :D Nice to be back~

... And ZV, I'm really sorry to hear you were so upset, man. :/


We love you, ZV.  You're a pretty cool guy.

Also, welcome back Fishy :>

Pale Dim

Heeeey, Fishy! Welcome back!

And what brought this about, ZV?



Quote from: Link104 on August 15, 2011, 03:47:30 PM
Heeeey, Fishy! Welcome back!

And what brought this about, ZV?
Very long and complicated story.
To be short:

High School Sweetheart
Loved her.
She loved me.
4 years later.
She gave herself to the guy I hate the most in the world.
And then to a guy who doesn't really care about her all that much.
She told me with very little sugar-coating.

So yeah... Long and intensive story shortened to a few sentences.

Hi no Seijin

ZV, one day, I'll become a drifter looking for a job.  And then I'll float down through Texas and we'll meet.  And then we'll brutally conquer Texas and make it illegal for people to be douchebags.

Or, you know, get arrested for trying to brutally conquer Texas.  I have zero experience in brutal conquests.  But at least we'll be together!

Welcome back Fishy.  Did Mags show his face here?  I know he teased us, but I don't remember actually seeing his face.
Best.  Cane.  EVER!
Secretary of Lolcats; I won the MagmarFire Award for 2/21/08!
Filler.Filler.Filler.Fillah!  Filler.Filler.Filler.Fillah!

The Glamour Nazi

He did so, HnS, but only to our clan.

It was ahem, leaked out, by a certain someone I won't name to one person outside our clan, but otherwise has been a well kept secret.

Mysterious F.


Whoa, it's Whocares!  Welcome back!

Mysterious F.

Well thanks. It's nice to be back, too. What has happened these past few many months?


Nothing, really.  JDog came back, got banned again, came back and got banned again again.  But you might have been around for that.

Uhhh, KP has become more active, I think I saw Alpha poke his head in once or twice.  Some members left, a couple came back, the site got a new fancy shmancy layout courtesy of KP, and we've been doing podcasts more often.