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Started by Zelda Veteran, December 24, 2005, 09:39:08 PM

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Do you like the wind waker lookin gannondorf, or the Oot lookin one?

WindWaker gannondorf
4 (16%)
Ocarina of Time gannondorf
17 (68%)
neither i hate gannondorf plain and simple
4 (16%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 21

Zelda Veteran

personally, i like gannondorf over any other villan. he just seems more threatening. he just seems serious about his job. i dont like the wind waker one.

My real Poison team in BW2. They all have perfect natures and EV's. I went the extra distance and bred the right IV's into them. Come at me bro.


I'm biased and always liked the OoT Ganondorf. I need to play WW before I give my final verdict, though.


I prefer the real Ganon; PIG Ganon.

Pea-Tear Griffin

Evilslayer has a point but he looked sweet in Oot and in WW he was 2 fat looking
Go n-ithe an cat thú is go n-ithe an diabhal an cat

Zelda Veteran

YEA! THE BATTLE IN OoT WAS AWSOME!! I PLAY IT JUST TO FIGHT HIM ALL THE TIME! also at the end of FSA the fight is awsome as well! we had a TON of force fairies though so he was easy. ;)

My real Poison team in BW2. They all have perfect natures and EV's. I went the extra distance and bred the right IV's into them. Come at me bro.


I loved both fights, but lately I've been playing the WW one alot. I like that Ganon uses dual swords, hes like a samurai or somthing.


I prefer the TWW Ganondorf, because (a) he's not a one-dimensional character, I actually pitied the guy, and (b) he's a more entertaining boss.


QuoteEvilslayer has a point but he looked sweet in Oot and in WW he was 2 fat looking

In TWW he does at least have a personality and a reason for his actions. And the fact that he makes you feel sorry for him makes him even more dangerous.

That's how a true villain should be.>:]

Pea-Tear Griffin

i like the kind that kills 4 no reason and i just did not like WW that much 2 easy comp. 2 Oot
Go n-ithe an cat thú is go n-ithe an diabhal an cat

Zelda Veteran

in the WW he makes the statement
Im not going to kill you...
that was a real heart breaker... i must say, he took a step down in my book...

My real Poison team in BW2. They all have perfect natures and EV's. I went the extra distance and bred the right IV's into them. Come at me bro.


That's because he don't see the need. Besides, he was going to CONQUER Hyrule. Don't you think he hates Link and Zelda's descendants so much that he'd rather see them suffer as slaves than dead.

If he were to kill him, he would free Link from any sort of suffering afterwards. He may even have planned to torture and kill Link's sister before his eyes.


that would fit y he said that


 i hate ganondorf! simple answer to that question! but he did look better in oot, you gotta admit!

Shadow Ganon

Ganondorf is plain and simple the best thing in zelda.I love fighting him in WW but i hate puppet ganon so that reali anoys me.It was kool to see in WW that Zelda wasn't useless for once but was doing most of the fighting.


I thought the wind waker Ganondorf was brilliant and had a definate character, in a very japanese way the lord of evil is not just a blank killing machine but a character with values and feelings. Not that this makes him any weaker. If anything he is more dangerous as the sort of man that could make you feel sorry for him before using you to gain what he wants. The only thing I disliked in the final boss fight was that it felt like one large movie that I had limited control over... Just a weird feeling but it had a lasting effect.