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Navi or Tatl?

Started by violinist, March 24, 2007, 05:34:27 PM

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Who do you like better?

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Total Members Voted: 20


i say navi. how bout you? ;D


Tatl, Navi is the most annoying creature on the planet. And Tatl actually seems alive, she has a personality.


I love them both, to be honest.


Talt actully seems like a person. Navi is just a white, glowing encyclopedia who won't shut up.

Hi no Seijin

Tatl has attitude, so I'll have to go with her.  But as annoying as Navi is in the game, I still like her.
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Secretary of Lolcats; I won the MagmarFire Award for 2/21/08!
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Quote from: Hi no Seijin on March 25, 2007, 10:52:58 AM
Tatl has attitude, so I'll have to go with her.  But as annoying as Navi is in the game, I still like her.
you may have a rare desise called ignornavisannoyingcrapiosis. Suffers of this don't get as many reminders from Navi as normal people do. To cure it think about the diffrences between Navi and a mute person. They effects should reverse itself in time. Nintendo is trying to correct the problem so suffers of this desies can play the game like a normal person.

Hi no Seijin


I'm so sorry I can look past the bad qualities in a character and find the good. ::)

I'll admit, Navi does get annoying.  Nintendo probably should've added a feature to turn her off or made it so that you could press a button to ask for her help.  However, let's look at it this way.  For first time players of the game, she's a valuable asset.  And suppose you go off and do a sidequest or you save the game and turn it off, and then you forget what it was you were doing.  Navi reminds you of what you were doing.

Also, let's look at this in real life.  Odds are, Navi isn't going to sound like a broken record.  Essentially, she's a good character, but most Americans and (maybe most) Europeans only look for the bad things in characters.
Best.  Cane.  EVER!
Secretary of Lolcats; I won the MagmarFire Award for 2/21/08!
Filler.Filler.Filler.Fillah!  Filler.Filler.Filler.Fillah!


navi because and i know it is a stupid reason i dont like that tatl tried to stop you getting out of the room where you first turned into a deku until she/he i cant remeber which was in trouble


tatl says sorry a million times and each time acts like she says it the first time! Grrr!!  >:(


Quote from: Hi no Seijin on March 26, 2007, 03:38:37 PM

I'm so sorry I can look past the bad qualities in a character and find the good. ::)

I'll admit, Navi does get annoying.  Nintendo probably should've added a feature to turn her off or made it so that you could press a button to ask for her help.  However, let's look at it this way.  For first time players of the game, she's a valuable asset.  And suppose you go off and do a sidequest or you save the game and turn it off, and then you forget what it was you were doing.  Navi reminds you of what you were doing.

Also, let's look at this in real life.  Odds are, Navi isn't going to sound like a broken record.  Essentially, she's a good character, but most Americans and (maybe most) Europeans only look for the bad things in characters.
8) You know not everyone is a good person, like Tingle and Navi, when there is more bad than good, then that person is bad, now this may only be partially true in real life, you do realize we are talking about a video game, they aren't real. Now, if she was reminding she wouldn't say, "Have you played that song that Shiek taught you?" EVERY TWO MINUTES, even when I've already been to the Shadow Temple and am exploring Gerudo Valley.

Darth Wyndisis

Tatl.  At least when she has something to say she just does that jingling thing.  Navi, well, you know what Navi does.


"Hey, look, listen." At least with Midna and Ezlo they only talk when you hit a button.


Quote from: Iron Knuckle on March 29, 2007, 01:42:56 PM
"Hey, look, listen." At least with Midna and Ezlo they only talk when you hit a button.

Sometimes Midna automatically talks. >> Oh well. I actually ended up disliking her towards the end. Not hate, but I didn't like her anymore. xD Ezlo's pimp, man.


Quote from: Fishalicious on March 30, 2007, 02:36:39 PM
Quote from: Iron Knuckle on March 29, 2007, 01:42:56 PM
"Hey, look, listen." At least with Midna and Ezlo they only talk when you hit a button.

Sometimes Midna automatically talks. >> Oh well. I actually ended up disliking her towards the end. Not hate, but I didn't like her anymore. xD Ezlo's pimp, man.
I didn't stop disliking her until later in the game. She treats you like crap until you and Zelda save her.


Navi. She got to drive me up the wall, but she was less of a little turdlet than Tatl. I hated Tatl. Hating MM didn't help, either.