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Legend Of Zelda Sacred Water/Crossover

Started by LeonardoTMNT, April 21, 2007, 10:20:03 AM

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The Legend of Zelda/Sacred Water

Chapter 1

Aid of a reptile

A war has been going on in hyrule, a war that could forever change hyrule. Even Link himself couldn't be prepared for what was coming his way. Although Link may of been able to defeat Ganondorf he had no idea what was coming his way. This new evil with the help of Ganondorf sealed the hero of all time in a magic chamber where he lays there as they take over hyrule. They have captured princess Zelda and are currently destroying the triforce power to blacken all of Hyrule. With the hero Link out of the picture who will stop them? The story continues in the lost woods.

A young Kokiri girl gathers a group of other kokiri's.

"are you sure this dark magic is going to work, we've tried it like fifty times now." Mido said as he sat next to the rest of them.

"of course it will work, all we have to do is really focus our minds." Cilly said

"are you sure we can teleport a warrior here by meditating?" Mido said

Cilly pulls out a book that is black with a gold stripe on the collar.

"I'm quite positive it will work, so everyone focus." Cilly said

Everyone closes there eyes and they begin to meditate.

An hour passes by.

"I can't take this anymore, I've had enough, it's useless!" Mido yelled.

Everyone walks off with Mido. Cilly sits there and cry's.

"don't worry Link I will find a way to get you back." Cilly said

Cilly wraps a brown sweater around herself and runs off with her book to the mountains. She finally reaches the mountains ten days later. Cilly lays the book on the ground and spreads some black dust onto the book. The book begins to get surrounded by flames. The sky begins to turn a purple black as it begins to rain, thunder, and lightening shoots around her.

"One last time won't hurt." Cilly said

Cilly closes her eyes and begins to meditate.

Many Centuries into the feature.

On the Roof Tops of New York city.

"Michalangelo!" Leonardo said as he approached him.

"come on Leo I'm taking a comic break." Mikey said.

"Leo let him have his break, me and you are up next." Raphael said.

Leonardo and Raphael jump into the air and throw out a kick. Raphael goes crashing to the ground as Leonardo lands on his feet.

"Hey Donny, how is that new hover board coming?" Leonardo said.

"it's doing ok, but I think we should head back to the sewers, night security is coming out pretty soon." Donatello said.

In the sewer.

Four Ninja Turtles train with each other.

"Leo, how about coming over here to train with the rest of us!" Raphael yelled.

"yah Leo, even Don got off of his computer to come train." Mikey said.

"give Leonardo a break you two, he's trying to mediate." Donatello said.

"race you to the video games Raph!" Mikey yelled.

Raph and Mikey run off as Donatello heads back over to his computer.

Soon the room begins to fill with electricity.

"what's going on?" Don said.

Donatello pulls out his bow staff and leaps out of his chair. Don runs off to go get Raph and Mikey. As he leaves the room, Leonardo disappears.

Back centuries ago.

Cilly opens her eyes as electricity suddenly begins shooting out of the book.

"what's going on, is it working?" Cilly said.

Finally after a minute standing right in front of her is the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Leonardo. Cilly stands to her feet in excitement.

"can you understand what I'm saying?" Cilly asked.

"where am I?" Leo asked.

"yes the magic worked, not only did I transport him here but he can speak the language." Cilly said.

"gosh, I must be deep into meditation." Leonardo said.

Cilly grabs his arm.

"excuse me sir, your not meditating, I kinda brought you here." Cilly said.

"what, what do you mean?" Leonardo asked.

"sit down, I will explain everything to you." Cilly said.

Two hours pass by.

"so you want me to sneak into the castle and free this guy named Link." Leo asked.

"exactly." Cilly said.

"how will I get home?" Leonardo asked.

"don't worry I have a spell to send you home as soon as you free Link." Cilly said.

"how far is this castle from here." Leonardo asked.

Cilly points down the mountain.

"we have a long way to go, we better get moving." Cilly said.

The two of them head down the mountain. A week finally passes by when they reach the lost woods.

"It's much quicker coming down then up." Cilly told him.

"isn't it always like that?" Leo added.

"there are my friends." Cilly said

"look who's back." Mido said.

"hello everyone." Cilly said.

"so did you finally meditate a warrior here?" Mido asked.

everyone begins to laugh, at that second Leonardo steps out of the shadows holding one of his swords. Everyone's laughter goes to dead silences.

"I know he's not prince charming, but he fights under a study called Ninjutsu." Cilly told them.

Everyone runs past her to greet the Ninja Turtle Leonardo.

"well, I guess, your welcome." Cilly said.

After everyone says there hellos Leo walks back over to Cilly.

"where is the castle?" Leonardo asked.

"I'm not going with you, just keep walking that way, you will make it to the hyrule fields and if you keep going you'll see a bridge to enter the city." Cilly said.

"where do I go from there?" Leo asked.

"Just keep walking around and you should see it." Mido added in.

"do you guy's have any floor plants of the castle, which floor is he being held on." Leonardo asked.

Mido hands him a map.

"that should be helpful once you get inside." Mido said.

"be careful there are guards everywhere." Cilly said.

"I'm a ninja remember, I've been trained for this stuff." Leonardo told her.

Leo walks off with the map.

Hyrule Fields.

"I've got two guards to the right and two to the left." Leonardo said

As the Guards crisscross each other Leo quickly slides under them.

"dodged that bullet." Leo thought to himself.

The bridge begins to raise. Leo quickly leaps into the air and makes it through in time.

"this must be the city, now to find the castle." Leonardo said.


Leo runs into a dark ally.

"this is like an ancient New York City, I wonder how my bros are doing." Leo said.

Leo finally spots the castle. Leo does a side flip over the tall black fence guarding the castle.

"looks like I have myself a couple more guards, I can't afford to knock them out and another sees it and reports it." Leonardo said.

Leo continues to move with stealth as he slides and flips pass the guards. Leo finally makes it to the side of the castle. He pulls out his ninja grippers and begins to climb up the wall.

"I'm almost there, just a little more." Leo thought to himself.

Leonardo finally makes it.

"Looks like I will have to cut these bars to get in." Leo thought to himself.

Leo cut's the bars and lands on his feet with a small tap. Leonardo then pulls out his map to observe where he is.

"ok, Link is two floors below me." Leonardo said.

Leo begins to runs towards a door when it begins to open.

"oh great, busted." Leo said.

The door swings open and Ganondorf enters the room.

"I thought I heard something." Ganondorf says.

Leonardo looks down at Ganondorf as he holds himself between the logs on the ceiling.

Ganondorf once again exits the room. Leo quietly jumps down from the ceiling.

"that was to close, I better find a better way down." Leonardo says.

Leo opens a vent and hops in. Then he crawls through the vents.

Leonardo comes to a stop.

"this is as far as I can go." Leonardo says.

Leo opens the vent and jumps down. He is in a room filled with gold treasures, with an all red and gold carpet covering the room.
"wow it's all so beautiful." Leo said.

Leo turns around to see a cage. Laying inside the cage is Princess Zelda.

"wow, who is she." Leonardo said.

Leo walks up to the cage.

"She's even more beautiful then all that gold." Leo said.

He sits there and dazes off for a minute.

"Ok Leo, your a turtle, she's not, it couldn't work out, besides your suppose to be looking for Link." Leonardo said.

Leo takes one last glance at her.

"once I get Link out, I promise we'll be back." Leo said.

Leo leaves the room and begins running down some stony stairs. He finally reaches a floor with many halls.

"ok, this is the floor, ok now which path to pick." Leo said.

Leo looks down at the map. Leonardo picks the path pointing forward. Leo finally comes into a room with many laser beams and at the end a steal door.

"what is going on here, how do they have this type of technology?" Leo said.

Leo does a run jump a fly's right past the laser beams.

"that was to close, I bet they have an alarm system to." Leonardo said.

Leo cut's the lock off of the door and opens it. A red portal appears, it try's to suck Leonardo in. Leo sticks his hand in and uses all of his force and pulls out Link.

The door closes behind him and the lasers go off.

"now to get out of here." Leo said.

Leo runs out of that room and begins heading down the long steps. He finally makes it to out side.

"well I guess I get to go home, wait my promise." Leo said.

Leonardo glances at the castle and what he sees walk past the window leaves him breathless.

"shredd, no it can't be, I must be seeing things." Leonardo said.

Leonardo throws Link over his shoulders and jumps over the fence then makes his journey back to the lost woods.

Lost Woods.

"ha, I'm pretty sure the guards have caught him by now." Mido said.

Cilly: "no, he will be here I'm sure of it, just a couple more hours that's all."

Leo walks in on there conversation and lays Link onto the ground in front of them.

"sorry to make you two worried." Leo said.

Mido looks down at Link in surprise, he had no idea Leonardo would return.

"so may I go home now." Leonardo asked.

"I can't believe you did it?" Cilly said.

"well I said I was a ninja." Leo said.

"how did you sneak past them, how did you return with Link in the first two hours!" Cilly yelled.

"Cilly as much as I would like to explain I must return home." Leonardo said.

"oh sorry I can get you home in no time." Cilly said.

Link manages to speak out.

"no, you, you can't go I need your, your help." Link said.

Leo looks down at Link.

"he's speaking." Mido said.

"you don't need my help, you know these guy's more then I do." Leo told him.

"not, not exactly." Link said.

Link pulls out a ripped symbol out of his green Tunic and holds it out to Leo. Leonardo kneels over him and takes the piece of cloth. Leo grids his teeth together as he looks at the piece of cloth.

"what is it?" Mido asked.

"Leo, what's wrong?" Cilly asked.

"The Foot." Leonardo said.

To Be Continued


Legend of Zelda Sacred Water

Chapter 2

Time to begin

"What, the Foot, who are they?" Mido asked as he walked over and tapped Leonardo on the shoulder.

"How did they get here, the bigger question is what are they doing here." Leonardo thought to himself as he stood to his feet.

"Who are the Foot?" Mido asked Leonardo once more.

"There a clan of ninja thieves, they are highly skilled warriors." Leonardo responded as he began to walk off.

"Where are you going?" Cilly asked.

"I'm going to go find out what there up to." Leonardo said.

"No, wait until Link awakes, I bet he has information that might be useful." Mido said as he grabbed Leo's hand.

"Alright, ok we'll wait for him to awake." Leonardo said as beneath a tree and began to meditate.

Later midnight brings a light rain with a little storm and a full moon. The next morning brings in a nice spring smell. Leonardo wakes up to here someone swinging a blade.

"Link." Leonardo say's as he walks over to him.

"Good, your awake." Link said as he put his sword away.

"You should get your rest, you didn't look to good last night." Leo said.

"I'm fine, I've been through worse." Link said as he stretched his arms.

"So Link, what is going on here." Leonardo asked.

"This is all the work of an evil Gerudo called Ganondorf." Link said as he began to walk in circles.

"Ganondorf, that must of been the guy I saw last night while sneaking around in the castle." Leo thought to himself.

"Generations back many hylian boys were able to stop him, but now he has formed an alliance with a foe of yours who calls himself Oroku Saki, a.k.a the Shredder." Link said.

"Link do you have any idea what Ganondorf's intentions are?" Leonardo asked.

"Back in the past it was only to take over hyrule but now I fear he is plotting to unite my world and your world into one." Link said.

"What, how is he going to do that?" Leo asked.

"There is a force on this planet called the triforce, during my battle with Ganondorf the triforce was shattered all over hyrule, the whole planet." Link responded.

"I see, and now we have to retrieve the pieces before Mr. Gerudo does." Leonardo said.

"Right, if he does merge the two worlds, who knows what will happen." Link said.

"I thought he just wanted to take over." Leo responded in confusion.

"It's not that simple, the three of them have bigger plans." Link told Leo.

"What three, I thought this was between Shredder and Ganondorf." Leonardo said.

"There was another guy who came from your world, I don't really know much about him other then the fact that he is a highly skilled fighter." Link said.

"Um, did you here his name when you were locked up?" Leonardo asked.

"No." Link responded.

"Ah, none of this makes any sense." Leonardo shouted to himself.

"What has bugged me up to this point is the fact they knew you would be coming." Link said.

"What, what are you talking about?" Leo asked as he approached Link.

"I mean they've been expecting you, and someone else that will fight at our side." Link said.

"But if they knew, why didn't they kill Cilly?" Leonardo asked.

"I truly don't know Leonardo." Link said.

"Do you think they could be trying to bring one of my brothers here?" Leonardo asked.

"No, they said something about he's a vigilante who comes out at night, he's a teen like us." Link said.

"Um, I can't make sense of any of this." Leo said as he walked over to a tree and sat down.

"One thing I know is that they want us alive for now." Link said.

"We can't just knock on the door and ask them for answers, hey Link do you know when this other guy is going to show up?" Leonardo asked while sitting up.

"Um, I think he was transported here last night, they said that you both should show up in the mountain tops." Link said.

"That settles it, we head to the mountains." Leo said as him and Link walked out of the Lost woods. They said there good bye's before leaving.

After a little walk they make it to the hyrule fields. They watch as a light wind blows the tall wet grass as a rainbow appears above.

"The grass is still wet from last night." Leonardo said as they walk deeper into the fields.

"So, your some kind of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle, right?" Link asked Leonardo.

"Yah, there aren't many people from my world like this, I was mutated by a green ooze." Leo said as they walked past the path way to the city.

"Well since it will be awhile why don't you tell me about your origins." Link asked.

"Well ok, it starts off with some alien creatures called the Utroms." Leonardo said as they kept on walking.

Leonardo explained to Link about his three brothers and about the rest of his life.

"Ok we've been searching up in these mountains for about the last thirty minutes, and we still haven't found a trace of him." Leo said as he gazed down at the lands below.

"I might know someone who may be able to help us." Link said as he began walking to the east.

Leonardo followed. They traveled for many hours and finally came to a stop.

"Where are we?" Leonardo asked.

"Welcome to Death Mountain, follow me." Link said as they walked up a hill.


A giant rock falls down at them. Link pushes Leonardo out of the way, then he leaps into the air and cut's it in half.

"It looks like we have company." Link said as they ran to the top of the mountain.

When they got to the top of the mountain they saw two foot ninjas and two Lizalfos greeted them by swinging swords.

"Link, stay back there mine." Leo says as he jumps in front of the four of them.

One of the foot ninja's try's to slice Leonardo who slides under his legs and gets behind him. Then Leo grabs him from behind by the neck and throws him off the mountain. One of the Lizalfos throws a boomerang at Leo who cut's it in half. Then Leo runs over and uppercut's him off the cliff.

"Nice moves turtle, but that wont save you turtle." The other Lizalfos says as he charge towards Leo swinging his blade. Leo doges him by ducking, then he does two back flips and throws two ninja shurikens at the Lizalfos who cut's them to the ground.

"I've had enough of this madness." Leonardo said as he jumped towards the Lizalfo and did a bicycle kick, kicking him five times.

On the last kick the Lizalfo falls off the edge of the mountain. The remaining foot ninja does a jump kick in hopes of knocking Leonardo off the mountain but Leonardo does a flip over him making him fall off the cliff. Link claps in amazement.

"You've got to teach me some of those moves." Link said.

"No problem, so where is this friend of yours." Leonardo asked.

"Right this way." Link said as they continued there journey.

"He should be right in there." Link said as he pulled out his shield and sword.

They enter the dark cave.

"So who are we searching for." Leo asked as a Deku Scrub shoots up and fires speeding fast nuts at him.

Acting quickly, Leonardo pulls out one of his twin katana blade and slices the six nuts in half. Then Leonardo lunges for the Deku Scrub, at the last second it goes back into the ground and Leo bangs his head.

"Ah, that little." Leo grumbled as he stood to his feet and putting his sword away.

"Don't take it personal, they are annoying little critters." Link said as he once again led the path.

They walk down a dark tunnel and are finally stopped. Leonardo pulls out his swords.

"Who are you!" Leonardo yelled.

"Put your swords away there friends." Link said as Leo put his blades away.

The Goron guards approach the two of them.

"What do you seek little ones?" One of the Goron's asked.

"Were looking for Darunia." Link responded.

"Follow us." The other Goron guard said as they walked down a sandy dark tunnel with a little dim light peaking through the cracks in the wall.

They finally make it to a room filled with light from torches.

"Sir, you have some visitors." The Goron said, and then walked off.

"It's an honor to be in your presents Darunia." Leonardo said as he bowed.

"Link your alive, who's your friend." Darunia asked.

"I am Leonardo, we were wondering if you have any information about what's going on." Leo asked.

"Um, I don't know much but I do have something that will give you an idea about what's going on." Darunia.

"Any information you can give us is helpful." Link says as he leans up against the wall.

"The shredder as you call him has a mythical weapon called the Sword Of Tengu." Darunia said as he sat up in his seat.

"I know of that weapon, it possesses great powers." Leonardo said.

"He and Ganondorf are planning to link the power of the triforce and the power of the sword of tengu to combine our worlds, then using the sword of tengu Shredder will turn the triforce power into darkness." Darunia said.

"Why would they want to turn the triforce into dark power?" Leonardo asked.

"They have there reasons, that I do not know." Darunia said.

"We thank you for your time, Leo we better get on our way." Link said.

Leo bowed to Darunia once more and walked off with Link.

Outside of the cave.

"So where are we heading now?" Leonardo asked.

"Come, let us travel to the wet lands below, I want you to meet Princess Ruto, she may be able to help us on our quest." Link said as they began to jump down the mountain.

Fifteen minutes later.

"Ok, were back at the hyrule fields, so where are the wet lands?" Leonardo asked.

"This way." Link responded.

At that second they both are shot by a dart, in there arms.

"Ah, what the." Link say's as him and Leonardo fall to the ground unconscious.

That night.

Leonardo opens his eyes to see that they are locked in a cabin.

"My weapons there gone." Leonardo says waking up Link.

"Um, it looks like they jacked me of all my utilities to." Link say's as he try's to open the door.

"Ah it's locked, can't even budge it." Link says.

"Move out of the way." Leonardo says as he punches down the door.

"Where are we?" Leo thought to himself.

"Were at the grave yard, who brought us here?" Link said.

A figure jumps out of the shadows right in front of them.

"Hello warriors, I'm so glad I finally get to meet you." The figure said.

"Who are you, and where are our weapons?" Leo snapped.

"I'm Deathstroke, but you can just call me Slade." Slade says.

"What do you want?" Link asks.

His response is slade jumping over to them and doing a spin kick knocking them to the ground.

"A fight with you two, to test your fighting skill." Slade says.

Leonardo and Link flip back to there feet and get into there fighting stances.

"He wants a fight, we'll give him one." Link says as him and Leonardo jump into the air.

To Be Continued.





