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Started by Mr. bubbles, May 12, 2007, 10:41:29 AM

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Bizzare, isn't it.  My school banned a book last year and I was one of the leading crusaders to get it back.  I"m heavily against censorship.

Mr. bubbles

So did you get the book back?

Why must they BAN Books?
I Like Pie.


Yeah, we won in the end.  I even got to meet the author at an appearance in my city.

Hi no Seijin

Quote from: weetle on May 19, 2007, 04:17:17 PM
Why must they BAN Books?
I think part of the reason is because they just don't like the book and think they can order others not to read it.  Although, that may be paranoia on my part.
Best.  Cane.  EVER!
Secretary of Lolcats; I won the MagmarFire Award for 2/21/08!
Filler.Filler.Filler.Fillah!  Filler.Filler.Filler.Fillah!


Frankenstein wasn't all that boring - and if you read the original, first edition, then you read the part about Victor being in love with his... sister... Incest, anyone?

But such books can only truly be appreciated by those who are used to the language and the way the people of other literary movements wrote. It's not all that boring if you at least have a good grasp of how to read and are used to the type of content and diction.


Dr. Suess(which isn't his real name) was a political cartoonist before he wrote books. It was a holiday at my old school.


Say... what book exactly did they TRY to ban?


The Kite Runner.


There doesn't seem to be anything that really merits controversy... unless the people that wanted to ban it are racist and did it solely because it takes place in Afghanistan... Yeah, that was a VERY smart move.


No, it was banned because there were words in it that we, as public high school residents have never heard [/sarcasm]


Try reading Salinger's Catcher in the Rye... There's a whole lot more swearing than any other book of contemporary fiction that I've read.


Quote from: Akatsuki on May 19, 2007, 03:40:28 PM
They should re-write it so that all of the British sayings that aren't understood well in America are replaced so we could understand it.
You can't re-write books, what if someone said they wanted to re-write The Bible, that's a lot harder to understand than many great British classics.
It ruins the author's vision.

Mr. bubbles

EDGE CHRONICALS              
I Like Pie.


Quote from: Rincewind on May 19, 2007, 12:37:50 PM
Watch out man, better not say Dick - someone gets quite upset by it.
Rincewind, you're on thin ice...

Weetle, I think you can give up on the Edge Chronicles thing now, it's apparent nobody has read it and it's just getting annoying.

I remember I was part of this school experiment where we read banned books to try and understand why they were banned. I read 'The Chocolate War', which sounds innocent enough, but then a few pages in it just gets sickeningly gruesome...


Hm... the banned book project thing sounds nice. I want to do that. D:

Gruesomeness doesn't really phase me that much in books, unless it hits a soft spot. Of course, I don't like flat out gore, I like it when there's a plot to the madness...

What was the Chocolate War about, Shika? O: