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Started by Baka Nezumi, May 21, 2007, 08:52:05 PM

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Quote from: Shoe-sama on May 03, 2011, 04:07:51 AM
She's my half sister, yes. It was really awkward when I met her at the mall for our first date and we (My father and myself) go out and meet her mom and it's... Well, someone my dad knew. :-X



The Glamour Nazi

You wouldn't believe how awkward it was.

Is it really that weird?


It's not weird, per se, but the chances of it happening are once every hundred million or so.

Still though, you can fool around but don't procreate.

The Glamour Nazi

Quote from: Rainbow Dash on May 03, 2011, 09:31:27 AM
It's not weird, per se, but the chances of it happening are once every hundred million or so.

Still though, you can fool around but don't procreate.

That's so totally not fair, the girl I end up falling for is my half sister... It's really really not fair at all, I want kids, I want to get married..


There are plenty of other fish in the sea, certainly some fish that won't create mutant offspring.

You fell for her because you felt an instant connection with her.  You weren't used to that connection, you didn't understand it, so you thought it was love-- and it was.  But it's fraternal love, not romantic love.

The Glamour Nazi

Quote from: Rainbow Dash on May 03, 2011, 02:15:07 PM
There are plenty of other fish in the sea, certainly some fish that won't create mutant offspring.

You fell for her because you felt an instant connection with her.  You weren't used to that connection, you didn't understand it, so you thought it was love-- and it was.  But it's fraternal love, not romantic love.

**** that, you know you only develop a true fraternal bond if you spend a couple of the first 7 or 8 years of your life with them, and I didn't see her at ALL when I was younger.

And incest doesn't mutate children, a smoker (who doesn't smoke during pregnancy) has more of a chance or defected or mutated children than two siblings.

So sorry all you anti-incest peeplez, it's not over at all between the two of us.

MOD EDIT:  Explained in the following post.


Quote from: Shoe-sama on May 03, 2011, 03:13:42 PM
Quote from: Rainbow Dash on May 03, 2011, 02:15:07 PM
There are plenty of other fish in the sea, certainly some fish that won't create mutant offspring.

You fell for her because you felt an instant connection with her.  You weren't used to that connection, you didn't understand it, so you thought it was love-- and it was.  But it's fraternal love, not romantic love.

F*** that, you know you only develop a true fraternal bond if you spend a couple of the first 7 or 8 years of your life with them, and I didn't see her at ALL when I was younger.

And incest doesn't mutate children, a smoker (who doesn't smoke during pregnancy) has more of a chance or defected or mutated children than two siblings.

So sorry all you anti-incest peeplez, it's not over at all between the two of us.

I never said I was against wincest.  I was simply attempting to offer an alternative explanation.  Fraternal bonds are largely unexplained, you'd be amazed at the number of times two people who have never seen each other meet randomly, become best friends/lovers, then find out that the basis for their attraction is that they're (genetically speaking) almost identical.  That bond transcends modern understanding, it's similar to a twins' bond but not nearly as strong.

Also, I'm afraid that if you're going to use one of those four-letter words, all the letters in it need to be censored.  At least that way we can pretend we're not being vulgar.

The Glamour Nazi

Ah, actually, that'd be one deserving of a warning, it's my second "warning warning" just so you know.

So... Recently... Things haven't been going right... I cried my heart out to Fishy the other day, and... Alex is almost trying to hurt me... I think it's about time I actually gave up on this...

I've still got a little time left to decide, I'll probably decide before I graduate, the last weekend of this month, whether I want to stay with her or whether she's no good for me and I should give up.

I think she's focusing too much on the bad, she's trying too hard to find us being happy all the time and it's blocking out all the ways that she could learn from these fights. I know for a fact that I have learned so much... But she just shuts it all down, trying to avoid fighting... And I don't want that.

So really guys, I'm going to choose before the end of the month.

Either I'm going to keep my heart open to her, or she's going to force me to close it up forever.

I will never find anyone like her ever again, for the rest of my life. I've told her that if she left me somehow, I wouldn't find anyone to replace her.

Maybe if I do, I could always consider being a monk...

(Just so you all know, I'm being totally serious.)

Also, if you look at this topic... From what it started out as, to what it is now... It really shows the fact about how us and our relationships have grown.

It's not a romantic relationship... But I love all you guys... Wyndisis, Tacheon, Mags, Fish, ZeldaVet, HnS, Twilight Wolf, Vaati, Havoc... I love you all... Over the years I've been here, you guys have become the people I love the most in this world. We should all buy an island and start a country where we don't have anything to worry about.

I know I'm deluding myself, but really, you guys always make everything better... And right now... I really need it. I need the support of my very best friends... Because I'm becoming disillusioned, and I'm starting to think the world is crap. So please... I need your help.

I don't know what I'm going to do...

It's 5:44 in the morning and I'm crying to myself in my room, wondering if love is worth it, wondering if I should keep trying...

Why can't the hardest thing in my life be finding the TV remote and stealing the batteries for my Gameboy Color anymore? Why do I have to deal with love?

The Glamour Nazi

It's over.

She ended it.

I'm literally crushed right now.


I'm so sorry, Shoe.  But it was probably for the best.  You said yourself you were considering ending it, at least this way your suspicions have been confirmed.  You're an awesome guy and I heart you too.  Might I suggest going to the Bhavada society on the Virginia/West Virginia border for a while?  It's a Buddhist monastery and you can go there for a month-long retreat or so.  No talking during certain hours, it's a great place to just go and find yourself and understand who you are and your place in the world.  I went on a retreat there once and it was probably one of the best experiences of my life.

The Glamour Nazi

Quote from: Rainbow Dash on May 04, 2011, 11:06:32 AM
I'm so sorry, Shoe.  But it was probably for the best.  You said yourself you were considering ending it, at least this way your suspicions have been confirmed.  You're an awesome guy and I heart you too.  Might I suggest going to the Bhavada society on the Virginia/West Virginia border for a while?  It's a Buddhist monastery and you can go there for a month-long retreat or so.  No talking during certain hours, it's a great place to just go and find yourself and understand who you are and your place in the world.  I went on a retreat there once and it was probably one of the best experiences of my life.

I'm actually tempted to... I just... Can't believe she didn't wait to do it in person... Even I'm not that cold...


Yeah, not doing it in person is a ***** move.

Pale Dim

Wow. I'm so sorry man.


The Glamour Nazi

I can't believe SHE did it like that, the girl who only wanted to have a relationship that would succeed, I admit I'm not the most mature guy, but she's claiming she's mature, but she's not, she can't work through these problems and deal with a little pain so she can be happy later, she's not mature.

Still, she's someone I'll remember for a long time. And I have no regrets.


Wasn't expecting it to end like this. This is the second unexpected thing I found out about today... But anyway, sorry that it came down to that. Maybe my response below will help you feel better.

Quote from: Shoe-sama on May 04, 2011, 02:39:45 AM
I will never find anyone like her ever again, for the rest of my life. I've told her that if she left me somehow, I wouldn't find anyone to replace her.

As for the first part, you may be right. The keyword here is like, which I assume you mean to be "noticeably yet arbitrarily similar." When it comes to being very alike, the odds may be small, but the thing is that the next person who comes into your life need not be the same. This also does not imply that having a significant other being different than a previous one is a bad thing; as a matter of fact, in terms of goodness, it can only be the same or even better. After all, if your next half were to be practically identical to Alex, then that relationship would potentially be doomed before it started; the risk of having the same events repeating themselves would be higher than average.

Part of the thing about dating is that you try to do a sequential check for compatibility. Think of it in terms of a machine: If a part isn't compatible with you, rip it off, learn from it, let it heal, and move on to another part with the failed part in mind. You appear to get this principle, so good for you!

QuoteIt's not a romantic relationship... But I love all you guys... Wyndisis, Tacheon, Mags, Fish, ZeldaVet, HnS, Twilight Wolf, Vaati, Havoc... I love you all... Over the years I've been here, you guys have become the people I love the most in this world. We should all buy an island and start a country where we don't have anything to worry about.

I know I'm deluding myself, but really, you guys always make everything better... And right now... I really need it. I need the support of my very best friends... Because I'm becoming disillusioned, and I'm starting to think the world is crap. So please... I need your help.

We love you, too, man! *hug* And the island thing is a good plan, indeed. ;) We could have an army, and HnS would be the heavy weapons guy!

QuoteIt's 5:44 in the morning and I'm crying to myself in my room, wondering if love is worth it, wondering if I should keep trying...

Why can't the hardest thing in my life be finding the TV remote and stealing the batteries for my Gameboy Color anymore? Why do I have to deal with love?

Let me take you back to the broken machine analogy. If you want the machine to work properly, you need to find the right part. If you give up on it, it'll never work properly (and concussive maintenance certainly won't help, haha; please don't do that to yourself, whatever you do). If you keep looking, you're much more likely to find that other part to get it up and running.

Now, I'm not trying to imply that one needs a significant other; no way am I knocking the concept of celibacy. It's just an analogy to poorly disguise the cliché I'm referencing. As for whether or not you should keep trying, that's up to you. Whatever makes you happy. I probably wouldn't recommend you trying right now, since you're still healing, but when you're ready and you want to keep looking, do it!

Advanceshipping and Rion had better be Chuck Norris approved.