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Started by Baka Nezumi, May 21, 2007, 08:52:05 PM

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Pale Dim

Q: Is it a good thing when your GF is a freshman?  ;)



well, I personally don't think that it matters.  Why are you asking?

Pale Dim

Well, because I'm kinda in that situation right now. It doesn't matter to me either, but you know, it's never really been shown as a good thing in the media, being a senior and all that....



I mean it is something that is generally considered odd, but if you like the girl, I say go for it.
It really shouldn't matter to anyone but you and her.


It's not odd, it's the status quo, and that's what's stupid about it.

Hi no Seijin

Wow, been a while since I've been in here.

Anywho, age shouldn't matter all that much if you're really in love with the person.  It only really becomes an issue if you're having sex with her; you know, sex with a minor and all that (although, you're still considered a minor yourself).  Of course, as you're both in high school, any sex at all is a bad idea, given the risk of teenage pregnancy.
Best.  Cane.  EVER!
Secretary of Lolcats; I won the MagmarFire Award for 2/21/08!
Filler.Filler.Filler.Fillah!  Filler.Filler.Filler.Fillah!


The rate of teenage pregnancy is not because teenage men are somehow more virile or women more fertile, it has more to do with the alarming rate at which contraception is ignored and unused, or improperly used.  If you want to have sex, guys, please know how to properly put on a condom-- there's more to it than one would think relying solely on intuition.

Also, an interesting fact - 37% of people who don't practice contraception say it's due to a "latex allergy".  However, only around 3% of the people who say so actually have such an allergy.


Thank you very much for the health lesson. It has truly enlightened me. ^_^

Also, what he says is, indeed, quite true.


I don't know what the age difference is between a senior and a freshman ><
But usually  abit of an age gap isn't too weird, especially since girls are meant to mature at a different rate and are technically at the same level of maturity as guys older than them when they are in school, though often it isn't the case. I have known some people where the age gap was a bit too weird though, like a guy in the year above me, who is 17/18 going out with a 12/13 year old, that's a bit creepy I think.


Quote from: AliCal on September 30, 2009, 11:09:10 AM
I don't know what the age difference is between a senior and a freshman ><
But usually  abit of an age gap isn't too weird, especially since girls are meant to mature at a different rate and are technically at the same level of maturity as guys older than them when they are in school, though often it isn't the case. I have known some people where the age gap was a bit too weird though, like a guy in the year above me, who is 17/18 going out with a 12/13 year old, that's a bit creepy I think.

Say, Britian wouldn't happen to be a safe haven for pedobear, now would it? I mean, we in america have all kinds of insane laws that make no sense, especially regarding the whole 'sex-with-minors' thing.


Quote from: JQ Pickwick on September 30, 2009, 02:57:24 PM
Quote from: AliCal on September 30, 2009, 11:09:10 AM
I don't know what the age difference is between a senior and a freshman ><
But usually  abit of an age gap isn't too weird, especially since girls are meant to mature at a different rate and are technically at the same level of maturity as guys older than them when they are in school, though often it isn't the case. I have known some people where the age gap was a bit too weird though, like a guy in the year above me, who is 17/18 going out with a 12/13 year old, that's a bit creepy I think.

Say, Britian wouldn't happen to be a safe haven for pedobear, now would it? I mean, we in america have all kinds of insane laws that make no sense, especially regarding the whole 'sex-with-minors' thing.
Its not like everyone follows that rule.  Just saying.


Quote from: AliCal on September 30, 2009, 11:09:10 AM
I don't know what the age difference is between a senior and a freshman ><
But usually  abit of an age gap isn't too weird, especially since girls are meant to mature at a different rate and are technically at the same level of maturity as guys older than them when they are in school, though often it isn't the case. I have known some people where the age gap was a bit too weird though, like a guy in the year above me, who is 17/18 going out with a 12/13 year old, that's a bit creepy I think.

It's getting to the point where none of the kids are really maturing at all anymore, even into college.


Quote from: JQ Pickwick on September 30, 2009, 02:57:24 PM
Quote from: AliCal on September 30, 2009, 11:09:10 AM
I don't know what the age difference is between a senior and a freshman ><
But usually  abit of an age gap isn't too weird, especially since girls are meant to mature at a different rate and are technically at the same level of maturity as guys older than them when they are in school, though often it isn't the case. I have known some people where the age gap was a bit too weird though, like a guy in the year above me, who is 17/18 going out with a 12/13 year old, that's a bit creepy I think.

Say, Britian wouldn't happen to be a safe haven for pedobear, now would it? I mean, we in america have all kinds of insane laws that make no sense, especially regarding the whole 'sex-with-minors' thing.

What?? Well it's illegal to have sex if you're under 16.


here it's illegal for an adult to have sex with anyone under 18, though age of consent is 16 in most states.

Pale Dim

Quote from: JQ Pickwick on October 01, 2009, 11:58:39 AM
here it's illegal for an adult to have sex with anyone under 18, though age of consent is 16 in most states.

In MOST states. But chances are we aren't in those states. That is the one problem I have with this country, and I know, I say that a lot. Not all the rules that pass through will apply to EVERYONE.

Quote from: JQ Pickwick on September 30, 2009, 02:57:24 PM

Say, Britian wouldn't happen to be a safe haven for pedobear, now would it? I mean, we in america have all kinds of insane laws that make no sense, especially regarding the whole 'sex-with-minors' thing.

This country was founded to get away from the hardships of Monarchy. However when we arrived, we led a massacre on the people here in the name of God, and began a government- not immediately, mind you -that insists on getting in the faces of the people it has been started to protect, saying that we must follow the rules that THEY set, even though this is a country run BY the people, FOR the people, and yet, for the last several years, maybe even longer, we have had our lives controlled, basically, by a book that claims there is only one almighty being watching over all of existence, and that book has been the template for our laws since this country was founded. WTF? We live in a country of freedom, and yet we insist on having our own lives run by people claiming to be our protectors, who follow whatever a pile of papers written by some schizoid (no offense) who probably thinks the world will end in the year 2012. The sex-with-minors thing should be the least of our worries. (Feel free to correct anything I may have mixed up.)

Anyway, I digress. The whole relationship is going, but I had to slow it down a notch today. We were taking the whole thing WAY to fast.
