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Started by Baka Nezumi, May 21, 2007, 08:52:05 PM

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Bump'd. ...Oh, wait, this is a stickied thread, isn't it?

Anyway, no, I'm not in a relationship (if you're surprised, then I am, too XD ), but I did get shipped with a friend of mine on my way back from work today. It was awesome.

Advanceshipping and Rion had better be Chuck Norris approved.


Where'd they ship you to?


Oh, no not that kind of ship. This kind.

Apologies for the lack of clarity. :P

Advanceshipping and Rion had better be Chuck Norris approved.


I've got to say, being in a committed relationship in college is interesting.

EDIT: Not complaining about it. I'm still happy to be with her.


Advanceshipping and Rion had better be Chuck Norris approved.

The Glamour Nazi

Okay, so, yesterday night I had a date with my girlfriend and saw the movie Red (it was awesome.) So, since it has to do with my relationship I thought I'd post it here.

It was an awesome date, we had crepes (our mall has a crepe store that opened up like... the day before yesterday.) and we got our drinks at JellyBall. Which is a weird Japanese drink place. It seems Virginia Beach is becoming a Weeaboo hangout. :P

Anyway, yeah, that's all for now, I'll tell you how our convention trip goes after it's done.


Quote from: MagmarFire on October 16, 2010, 11:17:50 AM
Do elaborate, Shika.

Everybody's sleeping around like crazy. It's kind of weird being the only one that isn't eager to make out. Maybe I'm asexual. I guess I'll find out if I've budded in the next five years.



Quote from: Nagi Sanzen'in on October 17, 2010, 08:34:52 AM
Okay, so, yesterday night I had a date with my girlfriend and saw the movie Red (it was awesome.) So, since it has to do with my relationship I thought I'd post it here.

It was an awesome date, we had crepes (our mall has a crepe store that opened up like... the day before yesterday.) and we got our drinks at JellyBall. Which is a weird Japanese drink place. It seems Virginia Beach is becoming a Weeaboo hangout. :P

Anyway, yeah, that's all for now, I'll tell you how our convention trip goes after it's done.

Sounds fun, Chuck!  Congrats.

Quote from: Shikatache on October 17, 2010, 09:36:56 AM
Quote from: MagmarFire on October 16, 2010, 11:17:50 AM
Do elaborate, Shika.

Everybody's sleeping around like crazy. It's kind of weird being the only one that isn't eager to make out. Maybe I'm asexual. I guess I'll find out if I've budded in the next five years.

I'm jealous, man.  My sexuality drives everything I do.  I'm in a really confusing relationship circle right now-- in fact, I'm going to type it all out here.  For therapeutic value, or something.

The first and foremost female in my life is Michelle.  I've loved her from the moment I met her, and we've dated on and off for years.  Recently, we rekindled contact after almost a year of not talking.  I visited her at her college campus and it was just like old times again. I met a few of her friends, and it was nice.  Later, however, I learned that one of the people I'd met, Hayden, was her ex-boyfriend that she was still pining over.  Turns out she's in love with him, and he did pretty much the same awful, painful things to her that she did to me.  Karma, I suppose.

Still, it hurts to know that she was hurt, and I helped her through it.  The only problem is that she's obsessing over him, much like I did over her.  Every time we hang out or talk all she can think about is him.  All she ever talks about, too.  I still have the deepest of feelings for her, and I've hinted toward it several times, but I just can't convince myself to outright confess to her.  After all, her heart's still bleeding over Hayden, and she has several other people that want her for relationships or pure sex.  She's my muse, and just being around her inspires me to no end.  I've written several songs and stories purely since we started seeing each other again, about a month and a half ago.

Then there's Carolyn.  We hung out all the time back when she was in Virginia, but she recently left for college in Florida (culinary school or some **** like that).  She's super-cute, and has had a crush on me for a very long time.  I've always been quite attracted to her myself, and have recently realized that she also has a personality, and one that I'm compatible with at that.  She's coming back to visit VA in December, and she wants me to take her virginity.  Normally, I'd be all for that, but I think she's looking for a spark that just isn't there.  She wants a relationship, and love, and I just can't give her that right now.  At least, not until I know where I stand with Michelle (or as I call her, Miki).

Now here's where it gets disturbing.  Read at your own risk.

Then there's Ginny.  We've been great friends since I was, like, 4 years old-- and she's six years older than I.  I've always had a crush on her, and she knew it and played off of it, getting me to do her dirty work for her.  She's married to a nice, bi guy named Joey, and we're pretty good friends as well.  Recently, though, we've been exchanging emails and that kind of thing, and the three of us are starting to fool around.  She's a submissive person (in bed), and her husband's trying to be dominant for her, but he's also a sub by nature and she has to dom for him every now and then.  She's not getting much satisfaction out of it, and so she wants me to start joining in in their games.  I'm okay with this, as I'm a pretty horny guy, and she's pretty smexy.  Only problem is, I'm ALSO a submissive person, but I can't really let them know that.  So I pretend to be dominant, which is hard.  And I'm bad at it.  And I have a feeling she thinks that there's more to the relationship than just smex, friendship and drugs, but really that's where my feelings for her end.  I suppose I could just be ignoring what might be there, but I have good reason for that.  Anything deeper than that would just end badly for all three of us.

I also have a bunch of other chicks who want in my pants, but I can control those urges for the time being and so I just casually shrug them off or ignore their furtive glances.

wat do, guise?

The Glamour Nazi

Sounds like you need some seme friends and you need to stop hanging around all those uke.

But yeah, I have no idea what to do, since I don't plan on sleeping with anyone for a while since I'm planning to go out with my girlfriend for a long time, and when she moves away to college I'm pretty sure I'm going to follow her.


Quote from: Nagi Sanzen'in on October 17, 2010, 11:54:39 AM
Sounds like you need some seme friends and you need to stop hanging around all those uke.

But yeah, I have no idea what to do, since I don't plan on sleeping with anyone for a while since I'm planning to go out with my girlfriend for a long time, and when she moves away to college I'm pretty sure I'm going to follow her.

Seme?  Uke?  Explain, I don't understand your moonspeak.

The Glamour Nazi

Quote from: Zaraki Kenpachi on October 17, 2010, 11:59:37 AM
Quote from: Nagi Sanzen'in on October 17, 2010, 11:54:39 AM
Sounds like you need some seme friends and you need to stop hanging around all those uke.

But yeah, I have no idea what to do, since I don't plan on sleeping with anyone for a while since I'm planning to go out with my girlfriend for a long time, and when she moves away to college I'm pretty sure I'm going to follow her.

Seme?  Uke?  Explain, I don't understand your moonspeak.

Seme is the Japanese for "giver/pitcher" and the uke is the "taker/catcher" in the battery. If you get my meaning.



I'm afraid that I, too, am not sure what advice to give, since I'm one of those guys who's all for sex strictly within a marital relationship. ...Which, on my end, probably isn't going to happen for a loooooooooooooooooooooooong time, if at all, but I digress. :P

I suppose what I can say is to make a decision that keeps future negative repercussions to a minimum. Of course, if there are negative repercussions, don't be afraid to tell us and get it off your chest. :D

Advanceshipping and Rion had better be Chuck Norris approved.


It's not that I don't have a sex drive, Tach...I hope. I better have one.

As for your situation, all I can really say is FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF--

The Glamour Nazi


Warning, if you got used to me blabbing about "I love my girlfriend yadda yadda" stop reading this NOW.

Alright, I knew you wouldn't. So my girlfriend and I are no longer an item. We've been getting pretty distant, she fell for someone else, one thing led to another and that led to a heartbreaking, but clean, break up and we are going to remain friends.

Sadly, as the NEET I am I have little to no chance of meeting another girl. There is my neighbor, but she has a really intimidating brother, which is... Scary. Still, I heard she hada crush on me and I may have a chance. She's pretty much all my physical tastes, but she's sadly more Yan than Tsun when it comes to the Dere-dere scales.

So it's either her or I go on as a totally pathetic, single NEET.
