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Started by Baka Nezumi, May 21, 2007, 08:52:05 PM

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You've already received my response, so I'll spare you the second time.

I say try to test the water with your neighbor for a bit and go for it when you're ready. Also, try not to be intimidated by her brother; he could consider you and his sister an OTP. ;)

Quote from: Nagi Sanzen'in on November 02, 2010, 02:55:00 PM
So it's either her or I go on as a totally pathetic, single NEET.


I certainly hope you're not referring to the Wikipedia definition.

Advanceshipping and Rion had better be Chuck Norris approved.

The Glamour Nazi

QuoteIn the United Kingdom, the classification comprises people aged between 16 and 24 (some 16 year olds are still of compulsory school age). In Japan, the classification comprises people aged between 15 and 34 who are unemployed, unmarried, not enrolled in school or engaged in housework, and not seeking work or the technical training needed for work. The "NEET group" is not a uniform set of individuals but consists of those who will be NEET for a short time while essentially testing out a variety of opportunities and those who have major and often multiple issues and are at long term risk of remaining disengaged.

That definition? Yeah, right now I'm the short term version. I'm done with school and I'm just floating right now. I am sorta looking for a job, and when I get one I'll be more of a freeter, but I'll still be pretty pathetic.

I also would spend a good majority of everything I make at the job on various anime and manga. I don't go out much, so yeah, I'm pretty much the definition of a NEET right now.

And I'm confused on what an "OTP" is.


Technically, you don't fit the long-term version; not all the conditions are completely met, namely the "seeking work" thing. Of course, that's not to say that the status can't be fixed if it's reached, either. And isn't that just the Japanese version of that?

"OTP" == "one true pairing"

Advanceshipping and Rion had better be Chuck Norris approved.


I just broke up with the girlfriend I've had for a year and a half. It's been hard since I moved, so I decided to end it. It feels SO GOOD to have that relief, I've been trying to get her to break up with me for the past month or two.  :-X


Ah, you broke up with her because it became an LDR? Can't say that I blame you.

Advanceshipping and Rion had better be Chuck Norris approved.


Well, I had wanted to break up for a little while before I did, so this was the perfect reason to. I mean, I'm only an hour away, and I'm in my old town every weekend. >_>

But now that my old girlfriend's, like, out of commission, I'm stuck in a very interesting situation at this new school. My friends describe it as a harem, which is the biggest change in this school. My days used to be spent watching anime, listening to my ipod, and playing my PSP and DS. But now, whenever I do that, I get swooped up bu all these groups of girls, to listen to them talk about oher girls. @_@ I like one or two of them, but it's so hard to get close to them since I'm the new kid, and they travel in packs. XP I thought it'd be a good thing being friends with a bunch of girls, but it hasn't proven itself fruitful yet. "What do you guys want to watch?" "Soul Eater's on the anime channel right now. :O" "HA, no, we're watching teen pregnancy dramas. :D" x_x

The Glamour Nazi

Quote from: Graceful Assasin on December 08, 2010, 07:07:23 PM
Well, I had wanted to break up for a little while before I did, so this was the perfect reason to. I mean, I'm only an hour away, and I'm in my old town every weekend. >_>

But now that my old girlfriend's, like, out of commission, I'm stuck in a very interesting situation at this new school. My friends describe it as a harem, which is the biggest change in this school. My days used to be spent watching anime, listening to my ipod, and playing my PSP and DS. But now, whenever I do that, I get swooped up bu all these groups of girls, to listen to them talk about oher girls. @_@ I like one or two of them, but it's so hard to get close to them since I'm the new kid, and they travel in packs. XP I thought it'd be a good thing being friends with a bunch of girls, but it hasn't proven itself fruitful yet. "What do you guys want to watch?" "Soul Eater's on the anime channel right now. :O" "HA, no, we're watching teen pregnancy dramas. :D" x_x

PSH screw the normie girls, I'm trying to woo a cute otaku girl right now, I'll tell you about that in a bit, but hold on...


But anyway about that otaku girl, I met her at the con and I am currently romancing her with the intent of a relationship, she's a month younger than me (almost exactly) which is awesome, since I don't usually date my own age.

Anyway, if all goes well in life, around December next year... Well, me and her may be going to Japan together for a year. Regardless of if we're in a relationship.


I finished it months ag. XD Part of me died inside. :D

Quote from: Shoe-sama on December 08, 2010, 07:19:29 PM
Anyway, if all goes well in life, around December next year... Well, me and her may be going to Japan together for a year. Regardless of if we're in a relationship.
... !?!?!?


The Glamour Nazi

Quote from: Graceful Assasin on December 08, 2010, 07:36:29 PM
I finished it months ag. XD Part of me died inside. :D

Quote from: Shoe-sama on December 08, 2010, 07:19:29 PM
Anyway, if all goes well in life, around December next year... Well, me and her may be going to Japan together for a year. Regardless of if we're in a relationship.
... !?!?!?


Well, my parents are planning on sending me to Japan for a year, they came up with this on their own, mind you, I did not tell them to.

I told her and offered to let her come along with me, so she accepted and it's what we talk about quite a bit (other things like anime, moe, and general random ranting get the rest) so I think we're pretty set to go to Japan together.

Also, FRICK. I think she has a boyfriend, but they're in a pretty unhealthy relationship, and all he seems to care about is his libido, while she wants a decent relationship, it seems all they talk about now is, to put it nicely, ecchi.

So I'm trying to see if she thinks it's an unhealthy relationship (part for my own gain, though mainly because I truly care) so if I'm lucky she'll realize it and date me, the true hero of this story.


... You're not getting off that easily. You have to tell me more about Japan, but this isn't the topic for that. >_>

So, you really think their relationship will last a year? And her boyfriend will be fine with her going to Japan alone(?) with you?

... Most importantly, if my memory serves me correctly, you're a Junior right now, and she's even younger. How the HELL are the two of you getting out of school for a year?  :-X And where would two teenagers be living there, by themselves?

The Glamour Nazi

Quote from: Graceful Assasin on December 08, 2010, 08:14:06 PM
... You're not getting off that easily. You have to tell me more about Japan, but this isn't the topic for that. >_>

No it's not, message me, I'll tell you about it then, or get on AIM.

So, you really think their relationship will last a year? And her boyfriend will be fine with her going to Japan alone(?) with you?

I'm hoping it won't last that long, and I'm hoping I get to start dating her. Although I hope she picks up on my hints a little bit. She seems not to notice.

... Most importantly, if my memory serves me correctly, you're a Junior right now, and she's even younger. How the HELL are the two of you getting out of school for a year?  :-X And where would two teenagers be living there, by themselves?

HAHA! In that case your memory fails you! I AM A SENIOR! I WILL HAVE GRADUATED BY THEN.


Third, WE'LL BE 18 AT THAT POINT! So we could easily make use of Manga Cafes, Apartments, or Love Hotels.



... I can't believe how perfectly that works out for you.  :P Putting my undying jealousy aside, I wish you congratulations! :D


Quote from: Shoe-sama on December 08, 2010, 08:20:08 PM
Third, WE'LL BE 18 AT THAT POINT! So we could easily make use of Manga Cafes, Apartments, or Love Hotels.

Dude, TMI. 0.o

Still, if you two become an item, that will be epic.

Advanceshipping and Rion had better be Chuck Norris approved.

The Glamour Nazi


Anyway, last night, around 9:45, I recieved a semi-planned call from who shall be known as "Girl-A."

The call's duration was 33 minutes and 53 seconds. The call took place outside of my house, in the rain, in temperatures ranging from 24-32 degrees farenheit. I was without a jacket.

It was so cold that the rain was freezing on the trees and on my hair and hands almost as soon as the rain touched them, meaning that my knuckles were throughly frozen when I returned.

Over the course of the call we talked about various things, my heart pumping in nervousness for even more various reasons.  ;)

As we started I believe I apologized for hanging up on her as I got up to go outside, since I have very little privacy in my home. She responded that it was all fine, and that it was pretty funny, because not many people just up and hang up on her, at least not her friends. To which I responded jokingly "Maybe I'm not your friend. Hahahahaha!"

We laughed for a few moments.

I then asked her if she had watched the episodes of Seikon no Qwaser that she said she would, she said she forgot, and then we talked about how rediculous the show sounds. Then I brought up Gurren Lagann's later rediculousity and Kamina's sword when he meets Viral. Which we totally twisted to mean things that should not be discussed on a family forum.

After that I do believe I asked her about when she wanted to see Tron. She told me when she was free and that it was all a matter of getting a ride (we're both too lazy to go get our licenses  :P) and that her mother isn't a fan of boys and girls "mingling" so if I went to pick her up she'd be all "You can't go with him. He's a boy" To which I responded "Since I'm an ota, you could tell her what most Japanese think about us ota, that we're 'semi-gay' since we're too busy with anime to deal with real women."

She then told me that she had been telling her friends that in order to get them to stop asking about me. (May not be a good sign  :-[) But I laughed, since I shoulda told that to you guys to get it so you wouldn't bug me about her all the time.  :P

Afterwards the subject changed to shotacon and lolicon, I'll leave that part out since not much of it is very good to talk about here, but I will tell you that she called me onii-chan around 50 times throughout the conversation, which I though was insanely cute and had a moment like this almost exactly, with her also sorta playing the slightly weirded out girls saying "Onii-chan hentai desu." Which was great fun.

After that my hands had almost gotten frostbite, so I told her I'd message her on AIM when I got inside, since she was already on the computer, and ended the conversation.



Here's what I think:


We need MOAR!

Advanceshipping and Rion had better be Chuck Norris approved.