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Relationships Topic

Started by Baka Nezumi, May 21, 2007, 08:52:05 PM

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Pale Dim

I have a feeling some of us have yet to get laid, though. -_-

But anyway, I just (not just just, but just) got out of a relationship, so I'll be laying low for a while.



Nothing wrong with being a virgin.

Anywho, I must admit I feel a bit guilty and I could use a bit of insight from you fellow gentlemen. There's a guy who I was hanging out with this past summer and he commissioned a Byrne plushie as a birthday present for me along with getting Ocarina of Time Master Quest and he asked me if I was interested in a relationship after the second time we hung out. Naturally, being the late-bloomer I am, I said I wasn't really into the whole deal. He just simply said "ok" which can be interpreted any kind of way, really. I try to talk to him like nothing really happened and we're still just as good friends, but I can't help but feel a little bit of he has a resentment against me. I mean, I can't say I blame him. After all, the guy totally knew my one weakness: hot videogame characters and I just turned him down. But in my defense, I wasn't ready for a relationship, and I'm still trying to maintain a friendship. What should I do to reduce the tension?


Well, this is kind of a tough one...
It depends if he's open with the tension or not. If he is, your best bet is to shoot him down whenever he brings it up. >_> If not, then that's even harder. The only possibilities I can think of will distance you as friends. You can talk/flirt/hang out with other guys to make him lose interest. Or, you can distance yourself for a little while, and hope it just blows over... Other than that, it's very difficult for you to do willingly. Unless he changes something by himself, it's not going away anytime soon. Hope this helps. :/


Yeah, I figured it would be best to just give him some space and let it blow over. I don't see him very much, but he does hang out with some of my other guy friends.

The Glamour Nazi

Quote from: Jean Havoc on March 03, 2011, 04:57:35 PM
I have a feeling some of us have yet to get laid, though. -_-

But anyway, I just (not just just, but just) got out of a relationship, so I'll be laying low for a while.



Yeah, Alex and I are allowed to hang out again. She's still as awesome and amazing as ever. And she just keeps getting better.

Pale Dim

Well, it was about a year since I broke up with my second ex, but I think it is time again to say that I am now in a relationship again. Tonight, we'll be going to a movie, having ice cream.... Dad is going to be driving us home and watching us from the rear-view mirror....


The Glamour Nazi

Quote from: Jean Havoc on March 19, 2011, 09:23:34 AM
Well, it was about a year since I broke up with my second ex, but I think it is time again to say that I am now in a relationship again. Tonight, we'll be going to a movie, having ice cream.... Dad is going to be driving us home and watching us from the rear-view mirror....

Who's parents don't?


Mine don't, if only for the fact that there are no relationships for them to worry about and since I'm, well, 20. It's a nice luxury, to be sure. :3

Anyway, congrats, Havoc! How did this start, if I may ask?

Advanceshipping and Rion had better be Chuck Norris approved.

Pale Dim

Okay, life story:
We met about two years ago, and I kinda didn't find her likable at all, as she was actually pretty annoying. So, I kind of avoided her for a long time until sometime last May, when there was an incident I will not speak of, and she seemed to show a bit of concern. For some reason, I don't know, maybe she matured or something, she isn't that annoying anymore, and then I found her approachable. But at the same time, she was going out with a scumbag that her friends seemed to have a problem with, he had already cheated on her twice that time, and she had broken up with him, but was then going out with him again (she was apparently desperate.  :-\ ).
So, my second ex breaks up with me, I'm depressed for about only a day, and then the Bike Tour comes up, and when I'm not thinking about how atrocious the hills (mountains) we were climbing were, I couldn't help but think of her, no matter how much I shook her out of my head. At the same time, I was also thinking about some other girl, but she wouldn't go out with anybody, but mainly because she was probably a closet lesbian. She was easily shaken away.
Anyway, I get back, and then I realize that I have been having strong feelings for her. I wait until last Wednesday to be able to actually confess to her, only the event that she was supposed to attend was lacking said person. I meet her on Facebook, and it turns out that she rarely ever does anything on Facebook. Her best friend, Carissa, does however, and she is very upset. It turns out that Des had already broken up with the guy she was going with while I was on the bike tour, but she's been back with him, AGAIN, since Christmas, and he already cheated on her again! Jeeze! He didn't care about her!
So I'm talking with Carissa, and I'm and equally upset. She asks me why, and I tell her. Apparently this is very interesting to her. She tells Des, whom she has been yelling at because of her BF, and the next thing I know, I get a message from Des, asking if she would go out with me. "YES!" We met up the next day, to help watch the little kids while our mothers were examining various new foods (I have no idea what was going on with them, I was helping to watch the kids). Every chance I got, I would sit with her, and we would was magical. ♥♥♥

So, I have a movie date tonight in 30 minutes, so I gotta get ready to get going. Thats how we met...and I still cannot believe it.



*cue Napoleon Dynamite "Lucky!"*

But really, that's awesome! I hope the date goes well!

Advanceshipping and Rion had better be Chuck Norris approved.

Pale Dim

Okay, I'm gonna let you guys first and foremost know how the date went.



...More? Okay! If you can't tell, I'm in a great mood!  ;D

We walked in, I paid for the tickets, she was gonna pay for the popcorn and soda, but after looking at the prices, we decided we'd be good without that stuff. Okay, awesome! So we walk into the theater (we're watching Rango, btw) and it turns out that there are still people in the theater from the last show, and the last show was still on (I think, near the ending). So the theater manager catches up to us and says that they were having technical difficulties during one of their showings, so they were delayed by 7 minutes. So, he said we could take a seat while we wait for the show to end.  We sit together, and we cuddle. We do nothing...but cuddle. Her thumb was moving up and down my hand, and the next thing we know....we're having a thumb war....


So then everyone is walking out of the theater, and when they have finished flooding out, we snuck on in, and we picked a seat in the back so no one can see us. The movie starts, immediately she lays her head on my shoulder, hand in my hand, my other arm wrapped around her, AH it was incredible.
We liked the movie. In my opinion, it was INCREDIBLE. I don't know what you guys would think of it, though.
So, we leave the theater, I take her over to the ice cream store next to it (I couldn't stop shivering because it was cold out...), and we walk in, I pay for the ice cream, we have a good time, listen to the good 80's music, and we leave...
I call Dad to come get us, and he comes over in his gorgeous Dodge Magnum, I open the door for her, she climbs in, and then I get in the other seat, and we ride off...
She gives him directions to her house, and along the way, we come across an empty road, so my Dad goes ahead, and...


...It was incredible. He was trained to do that, at one point. But I digress. The lighting was just gorgeous. He then turned them back on, and we find ourselves holding hands the ride up. We get to her home, and I walk with her in, we hug, we look at each other, hug some more...and then finally part ways...and I walk back into the car.

I think it went rather well. ♥ ♥ ♥


The Glamour Nazi

Okay, dude, thumb wars with your girl are always amazing. Trust me. You'll  be having them for a while.

Also, snuggling before (and during) a movie is always fun.

Also, nice touch Mr. Dad with the headlights.

Good Job. *thumbs up*


Dare I say the date was Chuck Norris approved? ;)

Advanceshipping and Rion had better be Chuck Norris approved.

Pale Dim


Yeah, it was pretty amazing, except we didn't get to see the not-so-close-to-the-earth-as-predicted moon. That would have been incredible-er.



Alright, so I have another sitch.

This guy I know (let's call him Bob) used to like me at the beginning of the year. To tell the truth, I was a little creeped out because I didn't like him in that way. He would follow me closely and mimic my path. In a class I have with him, he would always sit extremely close to me and as I would be going to my gym class the period before he would follow me up until we reached the girls locker room. He even joined German club because he knew I was in it.
He asked me to homecoming this past year and I told him I was already going with some friends just to kind of avoid him. At the homecoming parade, I was with German Club and of course, he was there, too. After the parade he told me how he felt saying "I kinda like you." and I replied, "......Oh..." and then got in my car and went home.
Around Christmastime, he was dating one of my friends and during that time he no longer mimicked my path, sat three inches away from me, or any of that. But we still talked and we were good friend, and we still are. But just a few months ago, they broke up and now Bob is back to liking me again. There's actually someone else who I like but I barely get to see him anymore because we don't have lunch and gym together anymore so I can only talk to him on Skype. I don't want him to think that Bob is my boyfriend, especially when one of my friends was teasing me that he was and one of my other friends asked me if I liked him. I told the one girl who asked me if I liked him, "NO!" because Bob wasn't around, but when my other friend was teasing me saying "Vaati and Bob sittin' in a tree..." I just gave her a look because I didn't want to hurt Bob's feelings when he was right there. I'm not as concerned about what my friends think, but I'm just concerned about what the guy I actually do like is thinking. I want him to know that there's nothing going on between Bob and I and that we're just really good friends, even if Bob wants something more.