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Started by Baka Nezumi, May 21, 2007, 08:52:05 PM

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We love you too. Let me just say that I know exactly how you're feeling. If you ever want to know what actually happened to me, we can trade stories over IM's. Let me just say that while you think you won't find another one like her (believe me, I know how that feels), you actually will. It's like when you find an amazing song that you listen to on repeat for more than an hour. After it's lost its luster, you think you won't find another amazing song to throw on repeat- but you always do.

What I did to deal with my heartbreak was and is... a little more destructive than I would recommend- but you'll find your own way to deal with it. If you want some solid advice, feel free to drop me a PM any time. I've dealt with this enough to be straight up angry towards women in general. It's messed up, and I don't reflect that in the way that I live- but in my head I'll never ever fully trust a woman. Ever.

If enough of us become rich, I'd be down to chip in a couple million for the island. ;)

The Glamour Nazi

Thanks guys, it really means a lot... Um, I know it's not entirely related to the topic, but...

I'm prolly gonna be feeling bad for a while, and I'm not sure if you guys to pay for it...

But instead of the island, why don't we get together for my graduation? It'll be the 27-29 of this month, and guess what? The lodging is a huge condo that's been paid for. You just gotta pay for the trip, send me a PM if you're interested and I'll tell you where it is.

It'll feel amazing to be surrounded by my most amazing friends when I graduate, since I... don't have her.

Still let me know, and just so you guys know... I'm not taking it hard, I'm sure something that happened with her will influence me to make a decision that will lead me to who I'm supposed to be with.


So this morning I woke up with dried tears on my face, so I don't think I'm taking this as well as I thought. My mind tried me like... 3 times making me think she sent me a message apologizing or... Saying she wants me back... I'm trying to move on... But so much stuff is holding me back.

My mind is clinging to all the safety and happiness I had... I'm amazed I met a girl who met all my standards, physically and personally...

I know this hurts you guys to hear, since you shipped us so hard... I thought she was more devoted and willing to work for her happiness than that.


Quote from: Shoe-sama on May 04, 2011, 03:56:28 PM
Thanks guys, it really means a lot... Um, I know it's not entirely related to the topic, but...

I'm prolly gonna be feeling bad for a while, and I'm not sure if you guys to pay for it...

But instead of the island, why don't we get together for my graduation? It'll be the 27-29 of this month, and guess what? The lodging is a huge condo that's been paid for. You just gotta pay for the trip, send me a PM if you're interested and I'll tell you where it is.

It'll feel amazing to be surrounded by my most amazing friends when I graduate, since I... don't have her.

Still let me know, and just so you guys know... I'm not taking it hard, I'm sure something that happened with her will influence me to make a decision that will lead me to who I'm supposed to be with.


So this morning I woke up with dried tears on my face, so I don't think I'm taking this as well as I thought. My mind tried me like... 3 times making me think she sent me a message apologizing or... Saying she wants me back... I'm trying to move on... But so much stuff is holding me back.

My mind is clinging to all the safety and happiness I had... I'm amazed I met a girl who met all my standards, physically and personally...

I know this hurts you guys to hear, since you shipped us so hard... I thought she was more devoted and willing to work for her happiness than that.
Where do you live again?

The Glamour Nazi

So guys...

I realized why she did what she did, it wasn't the best way to solve this problem, I hurt her. I know that now. I hurt her.

She even admit that it wasn't the best way to do it, but she said "It was best."

She said "I'm happy now, sure I have to go through life without your support, but I've always been strong enough to do it."

She also said "You always made it out to be my fault making it seem like I was the one who was over-sensitive, saying that I didn't look on the bright side of anything, well it's hard to look at the bright side when you're being stabbed to death."

I never once did anything that warranted the feelings she had. My only crimes were not knowing how to put my feelings to words, and getting complacent with her. I never did anything but care, I always showed her love and support, and she just pushed me away.

This is such a far cry from "We'll always talk it out." and "I'll forgive you for anything."

I'm fed up with her. I want to move on, find a new girl, maybe hang out with some friends... The thing is that it's so hard to meet new people, and I know that I have no real chance of meeting anyone outside of a con, and even then the chance of them being near me is very low.

I just wish I could have made things work out better.

But it's finally over. I finally, finally understand that... So guys, gimme a hand, I wanna meet a nice otaku girl. Help?

Also, I'll be right back after I watch Tangled.

Pale Dim

Do what I did. Take a break from love for a while.


The Glamour Nazi

Okay, I just watched Tangled, but... Let me say that this movie is the first DI$NEY movie I've ever disliked, not because it was bad, it was probably one of the best I've ever seen.

But it reminded WAY too much of what has been going on in my own life...

Not to mention Alex sings like Rapunzel, and the whole haircut thing and the fact I used to call Alex my "Disney Princess."

Wow, No more DI$NEY for me for a long while.

Any sort of help is greatly appreciated.


Quote from: Fluttershy on May 08, 2011, 06:02:02 PM
Do what I did. Take a break from love for a while.

I'm really enjoying that break actually.
My ex is apparently telling everyone that I'm miserable without her.
Truth is, I haven't felt this great in a while.
She said, "I control his sex life." I found that quite laughable.

Pale Dim

Quote from: Portal Veteran on May 08, 2011, 07:54:35 PM
Quote from: Fluttershy on May 08, 2011, 06:02:02 PM
Do what I did. Take a break from love for a while.

I'm really enjoying that break actually.
My ex is apparently telling everyone that I'm miserable without her.
Truth is, I haven't felt this great in a while.
She said, "I control his sex life." I found that quite laughable.

My first ex is exactly like that. She makes it sound like I was better off with her, when in reality, I look back, and I think "why did I go out with her?"



Quote from: Fluttershy on May 09, 2011, 03:50:31 PM
Quote from: Portal Veteran on May 08, 2011, 07:54:35 PM
Quote from: Fluttershy on May 08, 2011, 06:02:02 PM
Do what I did. Take a break from love for a while.

I'm really enjoying that break actually.
My ex is apparently telling everyone that I'm miserable without her.
Truth is, I haven't felt this great in a while.
She said, "I control his sex life." I found that quite laughable.

My first ex is exactly like that. She makes it sound like I was better off with her, when in reality, I look back, and I think "why did I go out with her?"
Right? Like maybe two girls like me when I was with her. Now that I don't talk to her anymore, I'm pulling so much tail it's surprising even me 8)
Not even gonna to pretend I'm not bragging. You all have to understand that while I have a pretty cool personality, I'm still a nerd. This is an incredible feat for me! Revenge is so sweet I can't even appreciate it while it's there because I already want more!!

But yeah. Last night she decided to disappear off the face of the earth, and have one of her friends tell us that he killed her, stuffed her in a body bag, and she's probably halfway down the guadalupe river.

SO. There's that...

Yeah, luckily for him, he decided to tell us that she TOLD him to say that, and she left without telling him where she was going. Lucky for HIM, because after getting that text, I voted to beat his body to pieces with a crowbar, and my friend volunteered we shoot him in the crotch, and then call the police on him. Good times, good times.

Wait, what? ???
Why is she doing this?
We got a hold of her finally, and it turned out she was just over a friend's house... So why make everyone think you're dead? The worst part, is I really didn't feel like I'd lost anything at all. She's not the person I loved, and as far as I'm concerned, I don't know her.

The Glamour Nazi

Well, even though I thought Alex and I could stay friends... I noticed something she said.

She told me she knew the breakup was coming for a while... But the last time I saw her we did... Perverted things... So if she knew that it was coming, why did she keep doing that? She suggested it to ME that time. I only did those things with her because I was going to stay with her forever...

It seems to me she was using me...

Well, I doubt there is any chance of Alex and me being friends ever again. I want her to hurt right now... But I wish her happiness in her life.

I'm sorry it ended like this... For the past week my world has seemed grey and lifeless, the girl I loved more than anything left me when I needed her the most... And she betrayed me. I can't feel anything but sadness, lonliness... I feel like every choice I made in the past 5 months and 20 days was a mistake... But not this.

With time... I'll be able to move on.

But... As much as I love her... I hate her right now.

I'll let you guys know when I find a new girl.



I have a predicament. Just a tiny one. The bloke I'm going to prom with is my friend but I'm afraid that it's going to turn out like all my other friendships with dudes and just end up with him wanting to be my boyfriend and I don't feel ready. Much like the boy who liked me my sophomore year, he's a nice kid but I'm afraid that I'll be missing out on a great person if I say no, but I just don't feel mature enough for anything serious. Plus, doing so much as holding anyone's hand grosses me out to no end. Germy and awkward. I wouldn't want anyone to see me. And I'm afraid saying no to a relationship will ruin our friendship. I'm just thinking ahead here. He hasn't expressed much feelings about it but I'm just so afraid that he will and I won't feel ready to say yes. I'm still attached to my wind sorcerer and pissed-off looking Lokomo. ^^;

Rev Rabies

Well, i've been on the opposite end of said snaffu several times, best way to deal with is tell him you just want to be friends before he gets too attached. Good friends love and romantic love can be very easily confused.


I don't want to be too blunt, I would more rather ease into it. He's never made a move on me but I heard from his sister that he does like me. I suppose it's better than the other guy that likes me who I'll address as "Bob" to respect his privacy.

So, I went to a restaurant with Bob, my teacher, my teacher's husband, my teachers cousin, and my teacher's cousin's friend just tonight. Bob and his father were nice enough to pick me up because my mum is having car troubles. We had friendly conversation, joked about things at school, all that good stuff in the car. Got to the restaurant and met up with my teacher and the people she was with. We ate, stayed and talked for a while then I went up to go to the lavatory and one of the guys my teacher was with suggested to Bob that he should have helped me out of my chair like a gentleman and I said, "No, no. That's okay." as I walked to the restroom. When I came back out and sat down at the table, I noticed Bob get up to scoot my chair out for me and I quickly scrambled to my seat before he got a chance. My teacher sort of laughed at how quickly I got to my seat. There were musicians playing at the restaurant, and there were two little kids (a boy and a girl) dancing. My teacher suggested Bob and I get up and dance, too. Waltz. I made as many excuses as I could not to Waltz with Bob from "I'm a clumsy dancer." (which I'm not) to "I'm too lazy." Then I tried to change the subject. After dinner, Bob and his dad drove me home and it was drizzling a bit. Bob got out of his side of the car and came to open my door and he walked me to my door. He took off his sweater which he always said was his trademark sweater and gave it to me saying it would help me remember high school. Knowing him, I knew he would want a hug, too. And rest assure, he did so I just gave the bloke what he wanted. I turned around, about to go back into my house and then he stopped me, put his hand on my shoulder and said, "One more thing to remember high school." and he tried to kiss me. I pulled away quickly and told him I just wasn't that type of person. I asked him if he wanted his sweater back because after all, it was his favourite sweater and it was cold out. I wanted to be more insistent on giving him his sweater back but I didn't. I went back inside and laid the sweater on my bed, my hands shaking. I couldn't look at that sweater any longer and now I'm stuck with it. He knows I only want to be friends, in fact, I've made that very clear with him many times so in a way, I don't feel bad. But I still wish I could have been more insistent on giving him his sweater back. Hopefully, I can meet up again with him this summer and return his sweater to him. I'm sure he misses it, and besides, I just can't bear to look at it after that. I don't really know whether I'm asking you guys for a solution, I guess I'm more just looking to vent my frustration.

Pea-Tear Griffin

Okay I just gotta get some stuff off my mind....

Okay so I've been dating this girl for quite some time, I love her (yea I'll just be blunt about it) and up until recently she's been able to say the same. But now her mind is starting to stray from that, and I just don't make her as happy as I once did. I don't want things to end and want to try all I can to make it work. But i just don't know what to even do. I mean I want to just blow her mind away and make her feel even happier than when we first got together, but I know if I can't that things won't work.

All I want is her to be happy and I just don't seem to be the right person for the job at the moment... I already talked to her about it and we agreed that I'll have one night to "take her breath away" again, and if I can't then I know what will happen, and I will just have to accept that is how she'll be happy.

I would do anything and more to make her happy, and I just don't know what to do... So yea I guess I feel a little better saying this to someone :/
Go n-ithe an cat thú is go n-ithe an diabhal an cat

The Glamour Nazi

Then the answer is obvious... You have that one night...

You obviously love her, because you want her to be hapy (something I learned about love is that's all it takes) The question is if she wants it for you.

It's what caused so much strife for me, she didn't want me happy anymore and left, making me feel horrible, but... It's how it goes.

So, you have one night, use that one night to take every happy moment you ever had and condense it. Don't do anything perverted, since that'll just ruin the whole moment.

Anyway, just my 2 pennies.