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Started by Zoratunic, July 04, 2007, 04:47:33 PM

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What is your view of America?

Very Positive, its the best country to live in, the only example of what a country should be like.
2 (9.5%)
Positive, It could be better, but not in a big way
9 (42.9%)
Neutral, no preference
3 (14.3%)
Negative, there are alot of things to improve.
2 (9.5%)
Very negative, as soon as you can, your gonna fly over to Britan, or Mexico, or Russia, or whatever floats your boat.
5 (23.8%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 20


Just tell your opinion of modern day America. Personally, nothing can compare to the Red, White, and Blue!


...I meant to vote neutral but it posted as "very negative." Oh crap.

But, it's not all untrue in very negative; I'm really intending on moving to Canada or Europe as soon as I can. Not because I hate America, but because I like them more. So don't get the idea that I'm anti-America or anything.

Though I do believe that there are lots of problems, I'm not ignoring the fact that they're everywhere. There's simply no escape from this filth that is humanity, sorry to break it to you guys who think it's only in America...


To say that there are no problems is largely ignorant.  I'm a very big patriot, but it's foolish to deny that there are problems plaguing this country right now.


I know that there are problems, but nothing we can't fix.


Quote from: Fisk on July 04, 2007, 05:08:18 PM
...I meant to vote neutral but it posted as "very negative." Oh crap.

But, it's not all untrue in very negative; I'm really intending on moving to Canada or Europe as soon as I can. Not because I hate America, but because I like them more. So don't get the idea that I'm anti-America or anything.

Though I do believe that there are lots of problems, I'm not ignoring the fact that they're everywhere. There's simply no escape from this filth that is humanity, sorry to break it to you guys who think it's only in America...

The goverment does your laundry.

Negative, but livable if you have enough money.


Yes, I'm sure democratic socialism is a nice alternative to America.


I dislike America very much. Very few countries have such ego problems as America. Not saying the rest of the world is perfect, but America is truly far from it. I hope no one will feel insulted by this, as I don't point my finger at individuals and am merely answering a question.

List of bad things:
* Our planet. Pretty much every European country and some Asian countries have started some years ago to take action and bring pollution to a minimum, stop global warming as much as possible. Even though America is responsible for about freaking 1/3th of the earth's pollution, they gave the rest of the world the finger and happily went on polluting, denying global warming and I don't even want to know what was behind that awkward behaviour from the G8.
* Bush. I still don't understand how America could vote for this guy TWICE while the rest of the world didn't want him in the FIRST place. I won't post a list of all his "highlights". I'll talk about the war later and now I'll just say: Libby.
* The war. Not only did America use lies to start the war, they also ignored EVERY SINGLE aspect of international law regarding war. America continiously grants itself rights it DOESN'T HAVE. If international law had the same possibilities as national law, America would go to jail for a loooooooong time. Or....
* Death penalty. The word alone makes me want to puke. Law does not make murder justified, and that's what it is: murder. Even if the system would be perfect, and every convict actually is guilty, it stays disgusting. It's disgusting to kill a human, it's disgusting to grant people the  "right" to watch someone being killed, it's disgusting how inhumane the methods and procedure to kill are.
* Right to bear arms. How can you justify giving people access to things solely meant to kill, harm or threaten others? I'd actually like to see some reports about this matter, because I don't believe America is a safer place with everyone having a gun to "protect" themselves.
* Guatanamo Bay & co.
* How dare America say groups like the Taliban and Al-Qaeda are dangerous, when their own Christians (not all, not all. Same goes for those other two groups) are no less dangerous? But oh well, I guess they are protected because of their nationality.
* Americans think everything "good" and every quality product comes from America.
* Did you know that even China is a safer country than America? Yep, it is. America is one of the unsafest countries in the whole world. Norway on the other hand, is one of the safest (if not the safest.). That goes for most Scandinavian countries. Fun fact: the Scandinavian countries also have the lowest punishments for crimes in the whole world.
* While the rest of the world is catching up, America still has the highest percentage of fat people.
* I could start about stuff like abortion, euthanasia and LGBT rights, but I don't feel like it now and I think I already made my point. (Just to avoid possible confusion, I am pro-abortion, pro-euthanasia and pro-LGBT rights)


I don't mind America, I don't really care much for the government, but it's better than nothing. If I look at other countries, it's makes me kind of glad that I live in a country with free speech and stuff. It may not be perfect, but it's home.  :)


Quote from: LadyNintendo on July 05, 2007, 01:09:40 AM
* Right to bear arms. How can you justify giving people access to things solely meant to kill, harm or threaten others? I'd actually like to see some reports about this matter, because I don't believe America is a safer place with everyone having a gun to "protect" themselves.
I'd just like to say, if we could have guns, what if a criminal came to your house with an illeagel gun? If you were a law-abiding person, you'd be dead. Anyway, my view is positive. We have problems, but I'd rather be here than anywhere else.


Thank you Vaati and Violinist, finally some people who show some patriotism! It just kinda ticks me off when people disrespect America.  


While I said there were problems,  it annoys me when people focus solely on them.  

So what I gathered from your post LadyNintendo, is that there is no redeeming quality to America.  We're a pathetic war-mongering nation that freely gives its citizens the right to kill each other, and if they do, they get killed as well.  Our leader is liked by NOBODY and the entire freakin world is out to get us.  We made up a bunch of crap just so we can go crazy in Iraq.  Never mind the genocide, that was just a "lie" too.  And to quote John Edwards  "The War on Terror is just a bumper sticker slogan."  It has no meaning whether we went in there or not.  Just ignore the fact that they made an unprovoked attack on our soil.  No, we're evil because we retaliated.  I guess that makes Franklin D. Roosevelt an evil man as well.  And since when do we(All Americans) think that everything "Good" comes from our country?  Did you suddenly gain the ability to speak for everybody?

Mr. bubbles

I voted very negative.
I Like Pie.



Yeah, an explanation would be nice.

Mr. bubbles

* America is very crowded
* farmers losing land to developers
* the loss of land for rural America
* pollution
* the amount of crimanals
* goverment
* president
* crappy hardware (computers)
* goverment scandals
* lack of smart people (in my school)
* people over obessed with how they look
* and the same reasons as lady nintendo  
I Like Pie.