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Started by Zoratunic, July 04, 2007, 04:47:33 PM

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What is your view of America?

Very Positive, its the best country to live in, the only example of what a country should be like.
2 (9.5%)
Positive, It could be better, but not in a big way
9 (42.9%)
Neutral, no preference
3 (14.3%)
Negative, there are alot of things to improve.
2 (9.5%)
Very negative, as soon as you can, your gonna fly over to Britan, or Mexico, or Russia, or whatever floats your boat.
5 (23.8%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 20


What about the government, what about the President?

You have criminals in any country.  It's just something you have to live with.  If you think America is crowded, at least we don't have laws, LIMITING the amount of children a couple can have unlike China, where you're only allowed two children.  Any more than that, and the third and so on get killed.  As far as I'm concerned, and I've made a comment on Jack's blog about it.  This whole pollution thing is being blown way out of proportion.  The reason that I don't buy all of these "Use less fuel" speeches, is because the ones delivering them are hypocrites.  After Al Gore makes a "Speech" about global warming, he goes off in his PERSONAL JET and heads to his next speech.  I think that lack of smart people in your school is a really, really bad reason to hate America.  Are you aware of how many schools there are in this country, and how many of them produce some of the finest people in the country?  And why do you feel the same as LadyNintendo?  Do you know why you support her?  You can support her if you like, but I have to know why.


I'd just like to say, if we could have guns, what if a criminal came to your house with an illeagel gun? If you were a law-abiding person, you'd be dead. Anyway, my view is positive. We have problems, but I'd rather be here than anywhere else.

I rather get shot to death than being part of a system that makes it easy for people to become eachother's murderer. Also, I wonder how useful guns are for one's own protection. Stats show America has a ridicilous amount of people dying from being shot, far more than any other civilized country. How often does someone manage to save him/herself because he/she has a gun?

So what I gathered from your post LadyNintendo, is that there is no redeeming quality to America.  We're a pathetic war-mongering nation that freely gives its citizens the right to kill each other, and if they do, they get killed as well.  Our leader is liked by NOBODY and the entire freakin world is out to get us.  We made up a bunch of crap just so we can go crazy in Iraq.  Never mind the genocide, that was just a "lie" too.  And to quote John Edwards  "The War on Terror is just a bumper sticker slogan."  It has no meaning whether we went in there or not.  Just ignore the fact that they made an unprovoked attack on our soil.  No, we're evil because we retaliated.  I guess that makes Franklin D. Roosevelt an evil man as well.  And since when do we(All Americans) think that everything "Good" comes from our country?  Did you suddenly gain the ability to speak for everybody?  

I said "don't feel insulted". But eh, yes, give me one redeeming quality America has, because I, no matter how hard I try, can't come up with one. The quality has to be something very few countries have or something America was the first with.

And yes, about the war thing, you kinda are. "The army" appears to be America's nr. 1 solution. As for Iraq, no matter what was going on there, NO ONE had the right to interfere. Not without permission from that one international organization that was just bypassed. And even if permission was granted, then still this wasn't allowed. This goes far further than merely stopping genocide. Don't tell me America would've bothered if it wasn't for 9/11. Speaking of which, I wish America wouldn't have responded in a way equal to the cowardice of that attack. Just tell me, what has the war gained us?

Lastly, did I say "all Americans"? No. But either you only let your stupidest citizens appear on tv, do surveys etc., or you really should learn more about the world outside America.


*cracks knucckles*

LadyNintendo, while I do indeed respect your opinion, I must say that the liberal and radical left wing nonsesne that spews forth from your mouth truly disgusts me. I really am surprised anybody could be so incredibly brainwashed by their government, or whatever it is that has made you so left wing.

Now then. While America has its fair share of problems, it is indeed my home. And I love it. Its the greatest country in the world, and I am proud to be an American citizen. I voted for great, but there is a little improving to be done.

WHile we're at it, I suggest LadyNintendo reads 1984, by George Orwell. Thats the world we'd live in if you and you're leftist, socialist loons ran it.

RIP my LeafGreen team: 2005-2010


What about the government, what about the President?

You have criminals in any country.  It's just something you have to live with.  If you think America is crowded, at least we don't have laws, LIMITING the amount of children a couple can have unlike China, where you're only allowed two children.  Any more than that, and the third and so on get killed.  As far as I'm concerned, and I've made a comment on Jack's blog about it.  This whole pollution thing is being blown way out of proportion.  The reason that I don't buy all of these "Use less fuel" speeches, is because the ones delivering them are hypocrites.  After Al Gore makes a "Speech" about global warming, he goes off in his PERSONAL JET and heads to his next speech.  I think that lack of smart people in your school is a really, really bad reason to hate America.  Are you aware of how many schools there are in this country, and how many of them produce some of the finest people in the country?  And why do you feel the same as LadyNintendo?  Do you know why you support her?  You can support her if you like, but I have to know why.

Haven't I mentioned America's politics already?

Call me whatever you want, but China's system, even though I reject it, is the only solution for a problem way too many people ignore: Overpopulation. If not for the number of humans, then for the amount of space needed to satisfy their desires. There are too many people, and I think action should be taken. China understood that (although only looking at themselves) years ago. I do hope you mean by "killed" that the parents do so, and not that you think that there's a law stating third children have to be killed. Yes, some parents do that, and that's just plain murder and a painful..... side effect from a failing system. One that has a good basic filosophy though.

As for the pollution thing: you're just proving my former statement. And yes, it is blown out of proportions. That has also been done with acid rain years ago. However, while people overreacted, that was the only way to get them to do something about a problem maybe smaller than said, but far from harmless. Besides, that still doesn't justify America's contribution to polluting this world and not caring about it. European countries spent a lot of money to reduce theirs, America refused to do so (1/3th, people!) and America now gets a cleaner planet without even having to raise a finger. Besides, calling people who ask you to change names, doesn't make it justified to just ignore the whole case. That's also a nice American habit: making people be quiet by digging up dirt and calling them names. And then of course, everything that person said and/or stands for becomes meaningless and ignorable.

LadyNintendo, while I do indeed respect your opinion, I must say that the liberal and radical left wing nonsesne that spews forth from your mouth truly disgusts me. I really am surprised anybody could be so incredibly brainwashed by their government, or whatever it is that has made you so left wing.

WHile we're at it, I suggest LadyNintendo reads 1984, by George Orwell. Thats the world we'd live in if you and you're leftist, socialist loons ran it.

My "brainwashing" sources:
* Books about International Law, one with all kinds of cases in the history of International Law.
* The newspapers, the news, documentaries, internet and most likely everything else you can think of of the same nature.

Now, for my true response: I'm a lefty and thus I'm brainwashed? That's a new one, and I don't have to guess where that came from (right wing person). First of all, I'm not radical left. I don't really know what makes you think that. if any word would describe me, it's pacifist. I also find it a little sad (please, don't feel insulted) if people state things, but don't give any arguments to back it up. All you say is that *I* am wrong and brainwashed. How about giving YOUR version of the things I said, try to PROVE me wrong rather than calling me names.

As a matter of fact, I read that book. I reject that kind of society. A society that has nothing to do with left or right. 1984 is a tyranny, nothing else. A world run by lefties would be nothing like it.


I vote just negative for some of LadyNintendo's reasons. Notice I said SOME because I do agree with the death penalty and abortion (oh boy am I gonna get ragged on by you guys for saying that :P)

Well I could get a lot more into how America is messed up but I will say that America freaking sucks at warfare. Our American ancestors from the Revolutionary/Civil War days must be rolling in their graves right now. Also, the court system sucks. Say a guy kills 3 people and its obvious he killed them. Well the court will have all these trials and his lawyer will make the whole case drag on and on and in the end the guy gets 10 more years to live free before finally getting a sentence.
Idiots overuse their rights. -If you're a little underage I recommend you to stop reading-
Some of you might have heard about the pedophile groups in America. And guess what. They're legal. You have all of these gay men targeting kids together and you can't do anything about it unless you actually catch them doing something to a kid. And why? Because of all the "freedom of expression" and "the right to assemble" and all the idiots arguing that they can use their rights that way.
The school system is also a joke. Administrators and people from school boards keep sucking money from the government because they are convinced that more money means more learning. Hell no. You can teach a kid fine without it. Make him sit down, throw a math book and a couple classical stories at him and make him read them. (Okay, maybe not, but you get it) You don't need much to teach a kid, although computers in every school is a good idea nowadays. All you need are competent and patient teachers, and we seem to have a shortage of them these days (I can't complain about that one since I had a whole line of great teachers for 3 years straight). Although I don't know exactly how much but there is a noticeable percentage of kids in America who can't read. A good portion are high schoolers. HIGH SCHOOLERS. How it happened that 9+ teachers couldn't teach em how to read escapes me. And now, the exit exam from high school is at the 8th grade level. What is the point of going to school for four more years if you can graduate when you're 13-14? And get this. Some parents are trying to sue because their kids "can't go to college now and make something of themselves." How in the world could they go to a good college if they're so stupid and how in the name of Din could they "make something of themselves?" an 18 year old who couldn't pass a test at middle school level is destined for pumping gas and flipping burgers!

I'm just a young teenager so my opinions could be wrong. So don't get too worked up about them.

Well no matter how much improves or digresses when I'm grown up I'll still move to somewhere in Asia anyway (probably the Phillippines or Japan) because I'm half Asian and it's sorta natural for me :)


I must agree with Lady Nintendo on this, even though SOME people blame the left-wing movement of Europe, you can't deny the truth of the matter: America stinks. Let politics blind you as much and you blame the other side for being as they are, even though politics is reflecting on you. But Lady Nintendo is not american, so you can't really make a point on that.

And she HAS read 1984. There have been fears raised in the recent past where america seemed to get closer and closer to 1984. It is the truth of any extreme political divide, not just strong left, but strong right as well. The strong right favors authoritarian (READ: TOTALARIAN). SO do not try to go about it that way. America is full of hypocrites, and we're so lazy and unconcerned about everything, that just as soon as the rest of the world does something about pollution, america just stands by and attacks them, disrespecting what they've worked so hard to accomplish.

It is a fact, and no amount of political wordplay can conceal the truth: America is not the most well-liked country in the world. Be as arrogant and ignorant as you please, but doing so will only make this place worse, not better.


QuoteThat's also a nice American habit: making people be quiet by digging up dirt and calling them names. And then of course, everything that person said and/or stands for becomes meaningless and ignorable.

In the case of Al Gore, I guess it would be a matter of Do as I say, not as I Do.  Because Al Gore's actions are far from "eco-friendly".


At least he has SOME backbone when it comes to devising environment-policies. and 'actions'? Stuff that's circumstantial and is true of virtually any other politician like having a mansion that spends about as much electricity as any other mansion? Yeah, that's REALLY a good thing to accuse of... hypocrites we all are.


Everywhere has some problems. America has a lot. I'm just ignorant and would much rather ignore them for now. I'm hoping I won't get yelled at for agreeing with LadyNintendo for some of the problems.

Another thing I see quite often, but many others don't... well, in southern Texas, there are two main colleges/universities. There's the University of Texas (Longhorns) and the Texas A&M (Aggies). At my school, the 'smart' class seems divided by which of the two they plan to go to. "I want to go to UT because the Longhorns are great at football!" is what I hear the most often. Now, am I the only one who thinks it's a little... hm... shallow to want to go to a college just because they win more football games? Ugh...


I just want to point out here that alot of you whow dislike America are only telling one side of the story. You conveniently leave out all the great things America has done. If you would ike a list, I'd be glad to cpmlie one.

Now, you say international books on law and a anything else on the Internet all agree with your radical opinion: that America is perhaps the worst country ever devised. I find that extemely hard to believe. Newspapers, the news, documentaries: yes, I;m going to scream the truth you guys like to ingore. THEY ARE ALL LEFT WING. Dont deny it, watch any news stationm or read almost any newspaper.

Now, the entire brianwashes thing? I didnt get that from anybody. I got that from myself, after observing what you guys do and how youact. You really are brainwashed by the media and the government wherever you live to believe, simply, that AQmerica is the enemy and will always be the enemy. Im not denying that America has done some bad things. In fact, America has done some very disgraceful and disgusting things, but you really are brainwahsed when you say you cant find even one redeeming quality to thisa nation. Thats propaganda. I can find one right now if I wanted to off the top of my head.

And 1984, as discussed by my teacher, is a book about a socialist, anti-american world. Radical left people want this, its painfully obvious from the media and their actions.

And you may not realize it, but you really are radical left. What makes me say this? You are extremely anti-war, anti-american, and I would assume (correct me if Im wrong) anti-business. Guess what? That is radical left.

And for the record, Al Gore is a lying, filthy, radical propagandist who has nothing better to do than spread the message for his own agenda. Ill write about this in another post...

RIP my LeafGreen team: 2005-2010


If Al gore is a nasty liar, what's that make George Bush?

And NO ONE wants a totalalarian government where only the top 10% of the people have a life. No one wants a government where every word is controlled and the past and history can be conveniently changed to suit whatever propaganda is in the air at the moment. Hah, 1984 was written by a british. It was a scary prospect of what our world can turn into.

And masterkey, you're honestly no better. The positive qualities? They aren't in the issue, because we really are like this. And so what if Lady Nintendo is anti-american? She's not even IN america. She lives in the Netherlands, and it is a sign of the sentiments that Europe and the rest of the world share of us. You may deny it due to 'left-wing propaganda', but honestly, is the right wing any better when all it does is broadcast lies and things to promote political battle? Just look at Fox news.

And the Left wing? We promote the truth, no matter how dirty or ugly it is. Because if we keep denying it the way we do, we're only going to end up looking stupid and hated.

But then again, you could just say 'F*** it, I don't give a care about what the rest of the world thinks of america'. If you think that, then you're part of the problem, not the solution. Just another apathetic, spoiled american concerned with material gain.

Face it: America is the biggest hypocrite on the planet, and that makes me sick.


Quote from: PokéKey on July 05, 2007, 10:20:14 AM
I just want to point out here that alot of you whow dislike America are only telling one side of the story. You conveniently leave out all the great things America has done. If you would ike a list, I'd be glad to cpmlie one.

Now, you say international books on law and a anything else on the Internet all agree with your radical opinion: that America is perhaps the worst country ever devised. I find that extemely hard to believe. Newspapers, the news, documentaries: yes, I;m going to scream the truth you guys like to ingore. THEY ARE ALL LEFT WING. Dont deny it, watch any news stationm or read almost any newspaper.

Now, the entire brianwashes thing? I didnt get that from anybody. I got that from myself, after observing what you guys do and how youact. You really are brainwashed by the media and the government wherever you live to believe, simply, that AQmerica is the enemy and will always be the enemy. Im not denying that America has done some bad things. In fact, America has done some very disgraceful and disgusting things, but you really are brainwahsed when you say you cant find even one redeeming quality to thisa nation. Thats propaganda. I can find one right now if I wanted to off the top of my head.

And 1984, as discussed by my teacher, is a book about a socialist, anti-american world. Radical left people want this, its painfully obvious from the media and their actions.

And you may not realize it, but you really are radical left. What makes me say this? You are extremely anti-war, anti-american, and I would assume (correct me if Im wrong) anti-business. Guess what? That is radical left.

And for the record, Al Gore is a lying, filthy, radical propagandist who has nothing better to do than spread the message for his own agenda. Ill write about this in another post...

So, from a right wing perspective, what is good about America? What is the other side of the story that left wing politics don't want us to know or that we are denying? All you say is "left wings lie", but you apparently are incapable of telling us what the "truth" is. I can't think of a redeeming quality America has (something unique), and you apparently can't come up with one either.

Let me tell you about MY country before you go on attacking left wing politics. My country wanted a more left wing oriented government again, after the awful mess more right wing politics made in the 8 years they had the power. The best party to do this job, and the one who got the most votes, was the SP. Guess what, they hardly will play any role in the next 4 years. Now why? Because the parties siding with America (pro-America and mainly right, although the CDA is whatever currently is in control) and the war this last couple of years refuse to take their responsibility and let things be investigated. The SP demanded this research. So what did those parties do after the elections? The made a coalition (the coalition pretty much decides the course of the country for the next four years. The parties not in the coalition have far less power) between themselves and the PvdA, another, less popular lefty party, that was prepared not to ask questions about the war or America's politics if only it would be in the coalition. And I won't even start about the other "promises" these parties made eachother in order to become the most powerfull. So now the Netherlands are stuck with "Harry Potter" for another four years, our demand for a left wing government is almost completely ignored, and the only good thing that has come from these elections is the Party for the Animals.

Then your teacher knows nothing about left wing politics. It's simple, no one wants 1984; not righties, not lefties. 1984 is a tyranny, that has nothing to do with the mentioned politics. A true Left wing society would balance the rights of individuality and the duties people have towards society and the planet. 1984's government only thinks about themselves, is prepared to torture for that, ignores the individual, and lies. That's not the ways of the left. That shouldn't be the ways of anyone, and certainly doesn't represent either group.

Oh yeah, against war is sooooo radical left. First of all, it doesn't mix with your accusations of left politics in 1984. Secondly, is being anti-war a bad thing? Is it bad to be against killing, hurting, torturing, destroying and telling others how they should be? Is it bad to be disgusted by the filth that comes from war, neatly covered up by governements and other leaders? I am not anti-America, I think the country has a bright future. I can't exactly say what it is, but America feels like it is ready for change. But I do despise the America of today. And no, I'm not anti-business. You'd be surprised how right wing my opinion about business is.

Oops, forgot to respond on your comment about Gore. "Al Gore is a lying, filthy, radical propagandist", again, let's all give people who's message we don't like names, so we can consider the message ridiculous. Tell me, what would he gain from this propaganda of his?


I don't think Al Gore is an idiot for saying something I agree with, I obviously don't think you're an idiot.  I think Al Gore is an idiot for not practicing what he preaches.


All politicians are hypocrites, but at least he tries to put forth policy to help the earth.


At least he is try to help America instead of condemming it... >:(
Besides, if our army stank, how did we free the Iraqis?