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Best Anime Opening

Started by Mysterious F., July 14, 2007, 03:10:16 PM

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Mysterious F.

Well, because the original Anime Opening discussion has become inactive, I'm making a new one:

Basically, just give ONE of your favorite anime openings, and later we'll vote for which is the best.

Well, mine is this.

Zelda Veteran

Freckles :D
Its not my fav because of the show, its my fav because its awesome!

My real Poison team in BW2. They all have perfect natures and EV's. I went the extra distance and bred the right IV's into them. Come at me bro.

Rev Rabies

stop it with the videos and high speed internet!

my favorite would have to be the bleach season 1 or  fullmetal alchemist season one


OBSESSION -- .Hack//Sign (song by See Saw)

I adore this song, this entire video... everything about it. The synching is amazing... it's subtle in some places, but blatantly obvious in others.

By the way, here's Dr. Rabies' openings:
Asterik -- Bleach (season one) (song by ORANGE RANGE (thanks TZ!))
Melissa -- Fullmetal Alchemist (song by Porno Grafitti)


maybe "Jig THE Upper" by Hi Festa for the 2nd opening of
Demashitaa!Pawa Pafu Garuzu Zetto!

or maybe "Go!!"by Flow used in Naruto

although "Haruka Kanata" by Asian Kung Fu Generation used in Naruto is good too.


Motteke Sailor Fuku - The Lucky Star Opening

Oh and Fisk, Asterix is sung by ORANGE RANGE
I love that song, it's on my iPod.


Either "Ready Steady GO!" Fullmetal Alchemist opening 2
"Rewrite" Fullmetal Alchemist opening 4
"Kawaita Sakebi" Yugioh opening 0(not a typo)  It's a good song.
"Haruka Kanata"  Naruto opening 2


Best anime opening? Well, if you mean theme song and all, then I'd have to say the opening for Kyou Kara Maou and its theme sonfg, Hateshinaku tooi Sora ni. It's just so catchy!

Listen and be HYPNOTIZED like me.

Hateshinaku tooi Sora ni

RIP my LeafGreen team: 2005-2010

Rev Rabies

Quote from: Fisk on July 14, 2007, 05:45:40 PM
OBSESSION -- .Hack//Sign (song by See Saw)

I adore this song, this entire video... everything about it. The synching is amazing... it's subtle in some places, but blatantly obvious in others.

By the way, here's Dr. Rabies' openings:
Asterik -- Bleach (season one) (song by ORANGE RANGE (thanks TZ!))
Melissa -- Fullmetal Alchemist (song by Porno Grafitti)

actually the FMA one is wrong, i should have specified that its the ENGLISH first season opening i like


It's the English opening... unless you mean the TV op, which is... uh...

Well, I don't know. I could've sworn it was Melissa, though...

Ready Steady GO! -- Fullmetal Alchemist
Rewrite -- Fullmetal Alchemist
Kawaita Sakebi -- Yugiiou
Haruka Kanata -- Naruto

Rev Rabies

melissa was for the first two episodes, not season one


Melissa is the one on the DVDs. I watched the DVDs, therefore, it is, in fact, the English opening to me. The television version may have only had Melissa for the first two shows, but it should've been for the entire season.

But, it doesn't matter, if it's not the one you were looking for, then... which one was it?


Freckles as well, the song alone was bloody awesome, plus the original opening that goes with it makes it a whole lot cooler. Of course, it sounds better in English, ZV.


I nominate Texhnolyze This is an anime I've been watching as of late, it's got a lot of stuff that makes it more real... Mind, the first couple minutes is the opening, so... It has a lot of motifs in revolution... There are four groups in a city, they're like the gangs of this city... It's complicated. ANyway... Daily motion is a french site so that's why the subs are in french, heheh...


Heh? Nyuuu you took my idea! Oh, who cares... (lol a pun!)

O well I pick Rewrite from Fullmetal Alchemist
and Yura Yura from Naruto.
O and the Lucky Star Opening (if some have already been said I'm sorry)