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Most Successful Song Ever Contest

Started by Mysterious F., July 15, 2007, 04:35:18 PM

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Mysterious F.

So, what do you think is the most successful song ever?

I'll go third to mae sure I'm not the only one doing this.


Most successful song ever?  Tough call.

I'd go with Bohemian Rhapsody.

Commodore Axilon

While Bohemian Rhapsody is indeed my favorite song, I wouldn't exactly call it the most successful.

This is a very odd question, Whocares. ;)

Zelda Veteran

Most successful.... I would have to sat "Smoke no the Water". EVERYONE has heard that song. Its not my fav, but its definitely a successful song.

My real Poison team in BW2. They all have perfect natures and EV's. I went the extra distance and bred the right IV's into them. Come at me bro.

Twilight Wolf

Going by the numbers, Bing Crosby's single "White Christmas" sold more than fifty million copies worldwide, and is listed in the Guinness Book Of World Records as the best selling single of all time. So it could definitely be considered the most successful, sales-wise. However, there are other singles that didn't sell as well, but might be considered just as successful, culturally speaking. I can't think of a good example at the moment, though.
What, you expect me to say something witty?

Mysterious F.

I'll say the Macarina. Taking the dance into consideration, I don't think I need to explain why I chose the Macarina, now do I?

And TW is right, there are other ways to hear a song besides buying the CD (Youtube, Radio, etc.).


Uh... yeah, I don't know.

The songs I listen to are fairly un-popular and therefore not very successful.

Oh, but "You're Beautiful" by that one guy was popular enough for me to punch someone in the face whenever the song came on.


hmmm... im going to have to go with happy birthday... I mean really, who hasn't heard of that?


Pyrgus brings up a good point, do Traditional songs count?

Also, "You're Beautiful" was by James Blunt. I can't stand to hear it anymore, along with several others...


Yeah, I remembered it was James Blunt after I posted that... XD;

Yeah, Happy Birthday's popular. XD


I'd say Fur Elise, in a way, if classical music counts. I mean, its everywhere  :o It's even on those musical birthday cards.

Mysterious F.

Wow. Rinku, your signature is messed up. Literally.  :o

Hmmmm. Good point. Happy Birthday is known by almost everyone in America who speaks English and in a few other countries. I actually made this for songs that have been recorded by a legal singer/artist/band into a CD within the music industry, Happy Birthday had NEVER been unless you include a CD that is mainly children's music, and you wouldn't count that, would you?


eh. didn't know it was for actual recorded songs.  Just thought you meant the most known.

