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An Update is seriously needed

Started by Pyrgusfinn, July 15, 2007, 07:49:50 PM

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for DarkZelda and I.  It would be greatly appriciated if someone (preferably someone who remembers who we are ) to update us on what has been happening since we have been gone.  We know Jack is missing and all that, but seriously... wow.

and to anyone who doesn't know us, can you let us know who you are?

and for anyone who has changed their username, please tell us who you were originally.  



I remember both of you, to a degree. I'm now a mod. I was originally Darkphantomime, so....

Jack came back for a little bit and made Gamefreak forum administrator, so everything's better now.


ah... cool, cool.  the last I heard, things were chaos.  I'm glad its been straightened out to a degree.  

Commodore Axilon

bgrugby and rincewind were also banned. Not sure if you really care about that though.

Not sure if you remember me. I was probably "Commodore Axilon" when you were here.


yeah, I remember you, and I vaguely remember bgrugby.  what was he banned for?  do you know.  no big deal if not.


Heh, the five minutes or so they WERE here when Commodore first joined at least...

DW sum it all up...Rugby decided that he didn't like how the mods were handling things and went on a huge tirade, trolling and insulting just about every member.

Rincewind was proven to be a past member who was banned, and went around insulting everyone.

Jack put Gamefreak in charge of the forums since he wouldn't be around much anymore.

Gamefreak reshuffled the mods. I don't know if you remember me, but I'm one.

Whocares and ZV resigned modship and were replaced.

Evilslayer was removed.

I replaced Gamefreak's mod spot.

Wyndisis is the only mod who remained.

Things have become peaceful once again since the change in power, and everyone is happy.


There were also a couple minor bannings (IE: Sabata and Raiden) but those guys were nothing.

Bgrugby was mainly sick of how whocares was doing things and...

All that's in the past now.


I;m a new member compared to you and you probably dont remember me, but I was MasterKey when you used to post... in case you wanted to know...

RIP my LeafGreen team: 2005-2010


No JQ, Zelda Veteran and myself were dragged into bgrugby's point.  

Anyways, I'm glad things happened when they did.  I think we were close to a breaking point.


Ah.  thanks a lot guys!  I do remember you pokekey (as masterkey anyways) and congrats Gamefreak.


Hey, it's nice to see you back, Pyrgus! Where've you been all this time? ;D

Advanceshipping and Rion had better be Chuck Norris approved.

Rev Rabies

i think back when you posted i was sephiroth or vincent, one of the two


It was indeed a long time ago.... back when I was a n00b

RIP my LeafGreen team: 2005-2010

Zelda Veteran

Quote from: Pyrgusfinn on July 16, 2007, 07:32:26 AM
Ah.  thanks a lot guys!  I do remember you pokekey (as masterkey anyways) and congrats Gamefreak.
He changes his name according to the seasons, hobbies, etc. :P
And Its great to see an old member back! I think Pygrus was here when I first joined! :D

My real Poison team in BW2. They all have perfect natures and EV's. I went the extra distance and bred the right IV's into them. Come at me bro.