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An Update is seriously needed

Started by Pyrgusfinn, July 15, 2007, 07:49:50 PM

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Mysterious F.

I actually have come up with a theory as to why bgrugby has changed so significantly: jealousy. I don't mean downright being jealous of the mods, but he expected that when he got back here he'd still be a mod and that he'd take control as head-mod. When he got back, however, he quickly realized he wasn't a mod anymore, and decided that it was the fault of me, Gamefreak, and ZV (we had nothing to do with it, however. Me and Gamefreak became mods long after bgrugby was removed from the list, and I don't know about ZV), namely me. (In fact, he sent me a PM where he called me an big mean doo-doo head) After constant arguing with the mods (namely me) and insulting just about every member there was, (even the ones who sided with him) he was banned. This is only a theory, however. I may not be correct, and I might be too, but this is the only explanation I could come up with to describe how in a two year absence he quickly turned from one of the site's most respected members to one of the meanest. It's quite sad, really. If only he had handled things another way, he might have become a mod again...

Also, to expand more on the minor things:

JQ and I constantly argued, mainly over my modship (which he hated) and bgrugby. Come to think of it, we never really made up.  ;)

A few spambots, they were deleted quickly.

The theories (as per usual) was a basic battleground.

And that's just about it.

Doctor's note: editted swear out


So you think basically that he started insulting everyone right off the bat? Grow up, when he got back, he was fine with everything. It's only when you started making those kinds of mistakes did Bgrugby lash out. But instead, you went on being 'insulted' by every little thing, so...

I do not want to hear anything more of Bgrugby and your 'theories'.

Rev Rabies

now sty calm j, he hasn't done anything wrong but state his outlook on what's happened

Mysterious F.

Exactly. Please don't be angry with me, JQ. I don't want to argue with you anymore (Where have I heard that before?  8) ) and the other members don't want anymore arguin either.


Keep the peace or lock the topic, I say.

RIP my LeafGreen team: 2005-2010

Baka Nezumi

Hi, I joined in your absence from what I can tell.
Spam is now an immeadiate warning unless you have posted under 20-ish posts.
And, Whocares, I'm pretty sure your theory was wrong. I got to know bgrugby really well and I'm pretty sure that wasn't jealousy. A lot of people weren't exactly thrilled with your modship...

Commodore Axilon

Well, he did lash out at people besides Whocares, as I can attest to. Whatever it was, it wasn't solely Whocares's fault.

Rev Rabies

Quote from: Whocares on July 16, 2007, 02:52:56 PM
I actually have come up with a theory as to why bgrugby has changed so significantly: jealousy. I don't mean downright being jealous of the mods, but he expected that when he got back here he'd still be a mod and that he'd take control as head-mod. When he got back, however, he quickly realized he wasn't a mod anymore, and decided that it was the fault of me, Gamefreak, and ZV (we had nothing to do with it, however. Me and Gamefreak became mods long after bgrugby was removed from the list, and I don't know about ZV), namely me. (In fact, he sent me a PM where he called me an *ss) After constant arguing with the mods (namely me) and insulting just about every member there was, (even the ones who sided with him) he was banned. This is only a theory, however. I may not be correct, and I might be too, but this is the only explanation I could come up with to describe how in a two year absence he quickly turned from one of the site's most respected members to one of the meanest. It's quite sad, really. If only he had handled things another way, he might have become a mod again...

Also, to expand more on the minor things:

JQ and I constantly argued, mainly over my modship (which he hated) and bgrugby. Come to think of it, we never really made up.  ;)

A few spambots, they were deleted quickly.

The theories (as per usual) was a basic battleground.

And that's just about it.

whocares, you swore, ommiting a letter doesn't save you, i am afraid i must warn yu a second time, keep it clean or you will be gone


Also, a hole in the theory, Rugby GAVE UP his modship. SO yeah.

Well..the thing is...Rugby was...friendly with the bottle...

Mysterious F.

Oooh, a second one. That's not any good. I'll try to stop now.  ;)

He gave it up? I actually thought by the time he lost his modship he wasn't active anymore. Well, it was a long time ago, I don't look through old posts very often unless need be.


Then please don't make assumptions about the past that may promote a fight. It's... not so good.


oh my... the anger.  lol.  I'm glad that is all cleared up for sure now.  
@ ZV:  HI!  a familiar face for sure.  
@ JQ: I remember you!

Thanks guys!


How about we drop the 'rugby thing, before an explosion bursts onto the Desert scene.

RIP my LeafGreen team: 2005-2010


I am in agreement  ;)


You should watch the one word posts Pyrgus.