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Comedians, anyone?

Started by MasterKeyX, July 16, 2007, 06:48:00 AM

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Zelda Veteran

Does WKUK count as comedians? I loved the whole "Hunter against banning guns sketch" :P

Quote"Alright, Mr.Braunum, you are against the banning of the armor piercing Death Master. This gun can shoot through bullet proof vests, and Kevlar, the #1 cause of police fatalities last year."

"You know four years ago, it was only #7, its the fastest growing gun on the market, its amazing!"

"Frightening. Frightening Mr. Braunum, why do hunters need to be shooting through bullet proof vests?"

"........................... really?..... do I need to spell this out?... Say a bunch of punk kids go out into the woods with a bullet proof vest, and they strap it on a grizzly bear. Then what do you got? Invincible bears."


Is that what you want? Invincible bears runnin around, raping your churches, burning you women? Help us! Someone get all these bears outta here! Stop these invincible bears! I'm sorry, we threw our special guns away!"

"Everyone knows you can smush a bear by throwing a giant boulder on it!"

"Well what if you people make giant boulders illegal, because of all the innocent people getting killed by giant boulders"

"People don't kill people with giant boulders!"

"They will if you take away their assault rifles.


My real Poison team in BW2. They all have perfect natures and EV's. I went the extra distance and bred the right IV's into them. Come at me bro.


I like Jeff Foxworthy too! "If you cut your grass and find your car, you might be a redneck!"
We had some Jeff Foxworthy beef jerky in our van while we were on vacation, and I couldn't stop staring at it because I WANTED SOME!!!  :D

Rev Rabies

I agree TZ, Jimmy Carr is pretty funny.

my question is, Does Monty Python count?



Here's a couple more Jeff Foxworthy redneck jokes:
"You might be redneck if you gunrack has a gunrack on it!"
"If you ever get your nipple bitten off by a beaver, you might be a redneck!"

Also, TWKUK is hilarious! My favorite is this one:


I can't watch videos. Because it takes too long to load. But I remember "The best thing to know if you're ever confronted by a beaver, is 'don't poke at it with sticks'."

I like Dave Chapelle too. (spelling?)


I like Dane Cook... I even made a video with Dane Cook and Naruto stuff on Youtube (wink wink comment plz? I'm Rinku132 on there).

Zelda Veteran

Quote from: Zeon Extremist on July 16, 2007, 12:18:09 PM
Here's a couple more Jeff Foxworthy redneck jokes:
"You might be redneck if you gunrack has a gunrack on it!"
"If you ever get your nipple bitten off by a beaver, you might be a redneck!"

Also, TWKUK is hilarious! My favorite is this one:
That one was great! I've seen just about all of them. I used to have two links in my sig that were WKUK vids.

My real Poison team in BW2. They all have perfect natures and EV's. I went the extra distance and bred the right IV's into them. Come at me bro.

Rev Rabies

GAH! dane cook is rarely funny, and dave chappelle goes from funny to racist all the time, he disgusts me


I really like Bill Engvall. He's hilarious because he doesn't rely on a catchphrase to make his money, like Larry the Cable Guy. Don't get me wrong, Larry's funny, just not as funny as Bill. No way.


How about the short comedy skit that Craig Ferguson does at night? I find it to be somewhat amusing, at times...

RIP my LeafGreen team: 2005-2010

Twilight Wolf

If Monty Python counts, then I choose Monty Python! There are so many things I love about that show!
What, you expect me to say something witty?

Baka Nezumi

I really like Jim Gaffigan, Brian Regan, and (if it counts) Monty Python.


I like Brian Posehn and Neil Hamburger. They're hilarious.

I don't think I can repeat any of Neil Hamburger's jokes here, though. Besides, it's not about the jokes, it's about making the audience mad and uncomfortable. I like the way he just coughs really loudly over hecklers. I wish I could have seen him opening for Tenacious D this year (also I wish I could have seen Tenacious D).


Who Neil Hamburger? I've never actually heard of him.

RIP my LeafGreen team: 2005-2010