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Started by Zoratunic, July 16, 2007, 11:30:17 AM

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I just wanted to start a topic about any friends you may have. Even though I'm known be just about everyone in my school (I'm probably the coolest "geek" in my school), I only really have a few really close friends. My best friend is awesome. We share most of the same interests, and rarely argue, except over whether or not country music is good. We like just about the same types of games, even if our favorites are different (he likes Pokemon more, I like Zelda more). My other main friend is also pretty good, although he can be kinda weird and random sometimes. He's probably one of the best players of Halo I have ever seen, and also a very good spriter. Right now I'm pretty content with my current friends and semi-friends.

So, what about you guys?


I have a lot of friends at school. Nora, Allison, Alex, Henry, Megan, Kalene, Brittany...


My friends are mostly: Girls who like anime, and guys who like video games and basketball. But I also have a group of gothicy emo buddies and (not nerd, but really booksmart?) friends. I kinda drift from each group whenever I want.


My friends... well, they probably hate me... but my online friends are the greatest.

There's Mez, Sessha, Ai, Wolte, and just about everyone on TDC.


Quote from: Fisk on July 16, 2007, 12:51:38 PM
My friends... well, they probably hate me... but my online friends are the greatest.
If they hate you, why are they your friends?


I have one REALLY close friend, we are like sisters, we actually have quite dissimilar intersets especially when it comes to guys (thankfully), she is really sporty, whereas, well I'm just not, I adore videogames/anime she hates them but we still get on so well!
Then I have another ver close friend and with her we have a trio and that's who I spend my time with.

I am like casual friends with everyone in my class, and very good friends with this guy who has really similar interests to me. And I have a constant war of insults with another guy.

Then there's agroup of girls in another form I get on with and we did the D of E together.

Then I have my internet buds, basically everyone at TDC and TT. Yay!


Oops forgot to mention you guys.
And Robin too.


i only have online friends and my "game friends" in animal crossing  ;D


Mm, well, things have been sorted out (for now) and my friends are pretty constant now:

Sarah/Sage- I talk to her a lot, mostly about our characters. It's kind of funny... The other day we were talking and laughing about people in Loveless. Someone overheard the part about "burned alive in and tied to a chair" and looked at us funny. XD

Kendra/Kuroi- She's... augh, we're losing touch, if only because she walks in ___'s footsteps... not a good thing. >: She's very angry and gets mad at me a lot... but we have good times.

Stephanie/Sheeta- Probably my best friend at the moment... We hang out a lot, talk things out, and we don't fight. o_o I help her clean out her house everytime I go over. 8D And I was terrified of her fish, Oscar, but he died... and it feels weird to go over and not see a psycho foot long fish. >: (they have a baby Oscar now... he likes bubbles)

Joe/Zeifer- We talk about games... He's Sheeta's boyfriend, so usually I see both at the same time. He likes to play Gears of War with me because I make calculated shots, not random I KIL U shots. ... I suck either way, though. I made him get a fish tank and fish.

Steven/Maxx- Sheeta's brother. I call him Stefan. I love that name. He isn't really a good friend and is actually quite the jerk... but he's still fun to hang out with. I put his Megaman toy in Jell-O.

BJ/Zeig- He's weird but a good friend. o_o We get into random conversations about .hack//, mostly me fangirling over Endrance. I love Endrance.

Random others- Nathan (Nei-san), Charlene (Yami-sama), Kimberly (Kim Kim), Tia (...Tia). I don't hang out with them enough to actually call them friends, though.

Oh, and I have a BFF (best friend forever!). His name is Aaron. He's 6' 6" and on the football team. He reads a lot and we give each other random hi-fives and hugs.

I still have you guys on TDC, though. And my online friends. :D But I mostly talk to my Seme now... I'm her Uke/Fishie.


Well, I have some friends, there's magmarfire, norman, carl, ben, josh(who died last weekend which sucks) oh yea, and hudson, yea, they're all cool, I got other friends, but I don't feel like naming them, lol.


I have a few friends, and thanks to those Aspie meetings, I've made even more! :D

Of course, there's JDog, whom I love kicking the crap out of in Super Smash Bros. Melee. I'm also very good friends with his cousin Anthony. He's still quite the challenge in SSB (stupid Lightning Kick :P ), but there were many times where I beat him to the point where he had to go hara curi (or however you spell it) because I had, like, two or three lives left, and he had one. :P And he just plain kicks the crap out of me in DDR. 'Nuff said. XD

There's also David and Brian. I'm sure JDog knows whom I'm talking about. ;) Ah, we all enjoy doing a lot of things together. Like video games, mostly. Including Super Smash Bros. Melee. In which I can kick the crap out of them, even if they team up against me in Team Melee. MUHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! :P

There's also Jubal and Theo, and I just relish it when we play Halo...even though against them, I can't play worth crap. ;_; So Theo and I played Co-op mode in Halo 2, and when Jordon gets Halo 3, I think it would be awesome if we play Co-op! :D

There's also Norman. As much as I would love to kick is butt in SSB and Ratchet and Clank, I've hardly ever played video games with him. And don't count on me to ever ride with him in a car again. EVER. :P

Sydney, Britney, and others are also good friends of mine. Though for some reason, I haven't gotten a reply from Sydney lately... Eh, won't be long now before I get one.

My other "first-time" friends are less prominent than my other friends because we don't really hang out anymore. Heck, I barely even see them. Though sometimes, they can just be plain rude or irritating toward me. These people include Nathan, Brad, and Aaron. 'Nuff said about them, I guess...

For my friends at my new place of living, I've gotten quite a few friends at those Aspie meetings. They include Curtis and Dave, all of whom I like to play Super Smash Bros. with. And despite the fact that I don't win every single game, they (or at least Curtis) still want to kill me. XD

I also have a few friends at school and at Youth Group, but quite a few of the people hardly qualify as good friends at the time because we hardly talk to each other. However, at Youth Group, there's Lee. He doesn't play Super Smash Bros. that much, but he's still cool. ^_^ There's...Mike, is it? I can't seem to fully recall his name. But I like playing SSB with him, and with...ah, Corbin, I think it is. Gah! Why am I not too confident with names!? :'(

There's also Duncan at my school. He's a funny guy. :P

Finally, mainly because I can't name the rest--given there is a rest--at the top of my head, there's TDC!!! :D :D :D

Advanceshipping and Rion had better be Chuck Norris approved.


haha, I like how half you're friends are my friends, odd isn't it? lol and mags, I think Sydney said she sent you an email a while ago, not sure though, but yea, she has been pretty busy lately, she's hardly on, so yea, when she is, I'll tell her to email you if you want me to, just to let you know how things are goin at the "big" FHS lol


Mmm...I don't remember getting it if it was sent less than ten days ago... That's a possibility, I guess.

Advanceshipping and Rion had better be Chuck Norris approved.


probably, but she was complaining about you not writting back, so it may be, but yea, she was on just a few minutes ago, she left randomly... anyways, I think we better stop posting now.


Quote from: Vaati on July 16, 2007, 01:17:07 PM
And Robin too.

Well, I still talk to her on the bus. But she's not much of a friend. She's a back-stabber.  >:(