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Started by Zoratunic, July 16, 2007, 11:30:17 AM

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By the way mags, Nathan and brad said the year would actually be different without here, and I agree with them... they're actually pretty cool once you get to know them, in fact, they're like my best friends, next to you of course, lol


Quotehaha, I like how half you're friends are my friends, odd isn't it

I consider all the regulars here my friend.  It's just like Cheers.


Me too, like one big happy friendly thing :3

My friends are basically the same as back in July in my other post.
My best friends Chezza and Ylime.
Then my other friends: Steph, Zoe, Suzi, Rachel etc. I get the train with them. Also Camilla, Abbi, Amy, Vicki and Georgina.
Then James, Elliot, Daniel and Toby are also great guys.
I'm going to Paris with Toby soon, should be fun :3

Yeah that lot are my lovely close friends. We have now split forms so I dont see my old form as much as I'd like...


I'm friends with my old friend Tyler Greene again. :D


Quote from: Fu on October 07, 2007, 06:32:26 PM
they're actually pretty cool once you get to know them . . .

That in itself isn't always good enough. All because you know them well doesn't mean that they treat you well 100% of the time.

Advanceshipping and Rion had better be Chuck Norris approved.


Actually, yeah they do...


They certainly don't treat ME well 100% of the time. ::)

Advanceshipping and Rion had better be Chuck Norris approved.


You just gotta figure out what they like, and stuff like that. But yea, they are pretty cool...


Quote from: Fu on October 08, 2007, 02:39:53 PM
You just gotta figure out what they like. . .

Yes, they are cool. I mean, most of the time, they're on my good side. I'm grateful for that. :)

However, how does figuring out what they like prevent them from intentionally trying to tick me off sometimes? It doesn't.

Advanceshipping and Rion had better be Chuck Norris approved.


my friend matt is pretty cool. most of the REALLY OLDER members prbly remember him as Dragmire. he kinda drifted away from TDC tho...


lol, mmmhmm, I happen to have a friend named matt, he's kinda annoying though, not gonna lie, magmarfire knows who I am talking about. lol


Looks like we're losing a fair number of people to World of Warcraft. Dragmire, Howl, and plenty of others I'm sure...


No, Howl got banned from the computer if you don't remember right, but yea, speaking of friends, my best friend nathan is now my co-admin at my forums. And I am friends with an old child hood friend Jennifer Brousseau, did I mension she is hott? lol jk but its true... yea, we've had good times in the past. she found me on facebook last night.


Behold: Howl proclaims her addiction to World of Warcraft.

Though it isn't the direct reason she's off NOW... it IS A reason as to why she hardly ever comes on, other than her parents.


uh, I think that was awhile ago, and besides, when she came on again, she was on like every day, till her parents banned her from the PC