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Started by DarkZelda, February 14, 2006, 06:21:51 PM

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I'm flattered. Thank you!

oh, and me and some new friends kicked ass on Halo 2 just now!

Anyway, how's it going with Majoras Mask? anyone?
The rising sun will eventually set,
a newborns life will fade.
From sun to moon, moon to sun...
Give peaceful rest to the living dead...

"Aim for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars..." - Les Brown -


your welcome
mm is still twisty!


You still got the walkthroughs right below the Jukebox!  ;)
The rising sun will eventually set,
a newborns life will fade.
From sun to moon, moon to sun...
Give peaceful rest to the living dead...

"Aim for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars..." - Les Brown -


TP Zelda

Um, HELLO! Major problom. Almost EVERY SINGLE DARN time I get to the bos in the Stone Tower Temple. The WORLD almost ends! AND THEN I GOTTA DO THE DARN TEMPLE ALL OVER AGAIN! Can someone help me on how to beat the boss really fast?


Shadow Ganon

All I can say is, go to the start of day1, play the inverted song of time to make time go twice as slow, go straight to stone tower temple (Song of Soaring), Now race through the temple, just getting the big key and then to the boss, you should get plenty of time left


i've never heard of that temple! ;)

TP Zelda

Oh yeah! And getting all the faries made less time doing the temple! So, I have the Fairy Sword know. It should be WAY easier for me to beat the Temple now since I don't have to reascue all the faries all over again! And know that I have the Fairy Sword, It should make alot of things WAY easier, because it does 4x the damage than the Kokiri Sword! Cool eh? OH! And when I get to the Mini Boss, it's going to be really easy to beat him 'cauwse I gowt the Fairy Sword ya'll! Do u get me?


TP Zelda

Make me chill! No, I'm just kidding!But it will make things alowt easier know thawt I have the Fairy Sword! Oh! And out side of the Bosses room, it's, still like, NIGHT OF THE 1rst DAY! WHOOOOOO!!!!! Booyeah!

Shadow Ganon

Lol Kool, so dd my advice help????

TP Zelda

Shadow Ganon

gdgd always glad to help ppl when i can, neva know when i mite needone ov u lot 2 help me lol


lol u can b useful......
nah,i'm jking ur helpful! ;D

TP Zelda

Medlio, I mean, Medli! Where have u been girl? Me and Howl have been worried and we've missed u!