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The ZU Hack

Started by Keaton, July 27, 2007, 06:57:41 AM

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Ahem, usage of certain swear words (Not all, though) is not tolerated, but since you're new, I edited your post and let you off easy for now. S, F, A, and B words would be the banned ones... >_>

You mean stuff like at Goatse?



Aye, they even posted the infamous goatse pic itself...  ::sob sob::

Caution:  Faint at heart, do not read
They also had shock pics of cat mutilation, ending up in an inside-out cat.


What is wrong with these people...God, if that ever happens, I don't care what Jack said, Whocares had better call him again.


What's wrong? Never heard of internet shock sites? There's a fair bit of stuff out there that isn't porn, but is meant to just shock you and make you very very sick.

Some people have a VERY sick sense of humor...


It's true.  Some people look at shock sites just for the almost-euphoric feeling of having your mind destroyed (I am not one of these people), and the pics on these sites are often used by hackers to frighten and disturb innocents for 'lulz'.

Ever seen the movie Copycat?  It's like that email with the moving corpse-thing.  It's nasty stuff, but it's purely for shock value.


Ah yes, Goatse... u_u I think 4chan may have been the source of that, but don't quote me on it. ...though I don't think anyone's really brave enough to type in "source of Goatse" into Google.

Shock sites... Ugh. I hate animal abuse. Setting cats on fire, turning them inside out, grabbing puppies by the legs and bashing them into trees... seriously, are people really that heartless nowadays?

The world is a sad place, sometimes.

By the by, I'm extremely glad that TDC is not the type of forum to bash people/sites for no real reason. o_o Just thought I'd throw out a little appreciation to you guys.

Twilight Wolf

*Shudders* I can't even imagine how sick and twisted people can be when they really want to. It's people like this that make the entire human race look bad.
What, you expect me to say something witty?


Ours is a relatively small one. Places like ZU, Gfaqs, and 4chan have a LOT of immature people that will do anything to start a fight or screw with people's minds in the worst possible way(s).

People are indeed cruel nowadays

And Goatse... I think that started back in 1999 or so, not sure. It's just another thing that helped influence the sick minds across the internet.


First of all, I'd like to think that ZU doesn't have that kind of people on it, but obviously, it does... :(

Secondly, I found the picture that they used while they were busy hacking the site.  A sort of a 'do not disturb' sign, if you will...

Don't worry, kids, it isn't anything inappropriate.

In fact, it's actually pretty funny.


Who's the guy with the afro?


I don't know.  I don't know anything about the pic other than the fact that they posted it before they had finished uploading all those shock pics and Quicktime sound files that were creepy to the server.

you have to admit, in some grotesque, macabre, twisted, demented, humorless, selfish, evil sense, they've got style...



HOLY CRAP! I think it's Borat.

What kind of sound files are we talking about here?


They were a bunch of Quicktime files all saying the same thing in about fifty different voices, along with lots of Modern-Gothic music that lagged up the computer a lot.

Meh, what's done is done, no ifs ands or buts about it.

Mr. bubbles

Man. This sucks big time. I mean like this :-X :-X :-X ??? ??? ??? :-[ :-[ :-[ :o :o :o all at the same time.
I Like Pie.

Penguin dude 2

Goatse, thats just disgusting. >:(
This is one reason why I don't like the human race that much, because many are sadistic jerks that need to die and have their memory erased from everything.
People that torture animals because they can't talk, or because they are different, need to except them.