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Ask Ezlo questions

Started by Gamefreak, July 27, 2007, 09:56:05 AM

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Shadow Goris

Dear Ezlo, if you don't call me the master of cheese then i'll kill you! >:( *drools all over the place with a maniacle grin*


Dear Ezlo,
I'm back! Remember? You locked me in the hallway closet and didn't let me out for two days?!  >:(



Dear ezlo: am I sexy???  ;D

Ask Ezlo

From Shadow Goris--

"Dear ezlo, am i the master of spam, randomness, and cheese?"

Apparently you are the master of spam!  So much so that you've been recognized with a nice, shiny banning.  As for the cheese, it depends which type.  I myself am the master of Limburger.

From Zelda Veteran--

"Dear Ezlo:
What happens when the Minish Woods floods? "

The Minish Woods are flooding?!  Oh no, I've got to go!  WOMEN AND HEADGEAR FIRST!!!

From Link's Nobody--

"Dear ezlo: Do you watch the TV show called the office?? I think you should. ^_^"

Er, I'm sure I would if I had a TV.  Have you ever played a game called stickball?  It's easy!  All you need it a ball, a stick, and pocket full of dreams...

From Shadow Goris--

"Dear Ezlo, if you don't call me the master of cheese then i'll kill you!  *drools all over the place with a maniacle grin*"

You heard it, ladies and gentlemen, he threatened me first.  Deadly force is now authorized... *smacks cane against other hand*

From Vaati--

"Dear Ezlo,
I'm back! Remember? You locked me in the hallway closet and didn't let me out for two days?!


Did I now?  I thought that was someone else, my apologies!
[size=1/16]no wonder I didn't have to pay you afterward...[/size] *snaps to attention*
Eh, what?

From Link's Nobody--

"Dear ezlo: am I sexy???  :D"

pics plz


Well, I managed to arrive back from town more quickly than I had expected, so I figured I might as well answer your questions more quickly than usual!

Until next time!


 ??? how do i get back to the dark world after porting to the light one, i think i have dun the boss in the dessert..but i dont have a crystal, so i dunoo :S

Ask Ezlo

From morbidfaith--

" ??? how do i get back to the dark world after porting to the light one, i think i have dun the boss in the dessert..but i dont have a crystal, so i dunoo :S"

First off, I'm assuming that you're talking about A Link to the Past.  Wow, it's been a long time since I've gotten a serious question.  <_<

There are many portals in Light Hyrule that send you to the Dark Realm.  They are hidden under rocks and in secret rooms.  If you are on the mountain, and have already been to the Dark Ream once, then chances are you got back to Light Hyrule via the Magic Mirror.  Make sure you use the Magic Mirror in the right spot at the right time once you go to the Dark Realm-- otherwise you're forced to go back to where the original portal was through which you entered the Dark Realm in the first place.


arghh well on my map it said tht my portal i made is in the mountains, but its the one where u stand on tht blue squre when ur on the mountails, n then u got to the dark world where tht lil ball is, and i cant get to the rest of the map from there :( i have the mirror obv. and where is light hyrul ^_^ i dont really kno the names of things :P

Ask Ezlo

Would someone kindly translate that into English?


haha sorry :P k first, is light hyrule the big lake? anndd my shiney portal into the dark world is on the mountain, but when i go through it, im in the place with the two characters, the ball man and the other man, and i cant get to the rest of the map from there

Ask Ezlo

Ah, that makes more sense.

Light Hyrule is, quite simply, whatever is not the Dark World.  It is the place where you spend essentially the first half of the game.

Look at the world before you go into the portal carefully.  Think about the fact that every step you take in the Dark Realm is a step in the Light Realm as well.  So wherever if you're in the Dark Realm and take three steps left, one step up, and then you use the Magic Mirror, you'll find yourself exactly three steps left and one step up from where you initially entered the portal.  Make sense?

So when you enter into the Dark Realm, you want to make it so that when you re-enter the Light Realm, you end up on top of whatever obstacle is preventing you from getting to the Tower.


yea it all makes sence..but it doesnt solve my problem, anyway u kno u said about there bieng portal type things under rocks in hyrule to the dark world, r they random or a set few places?

Ask Ezlo

Ah, sorry I didn't make myself more clear.  I just hate spoiling things.  There's a little ridge preventing you from going to the north of where the bully and his 'ball' are playing in the Dark Realm.  Stand by there-- on the part where the ground is lighter (at least, I remember it being lighter), and use the mirror.  Then you should be atop a ledge in Light Hyrule that you couldn't get on before.  From there, simply jump to the north and you've got access to the tower.

And the locations are set for the portals.


yup dun all of tht, done the boss ect got the master sword, been to the dark world, killed the 1st boss in the dessert, i think but then i went back into the light world, and i cant get back into the dark world and wander around the whole of the map, i can get back to the place with the ball man ect

Ask Ezlo

...oh.  Oh, I see.  *smacks self*

Try going through the main gate of Hyrule Castle-- the one that was blocked at the beginning of the game.


haha yeye ty :) god so simple, im a rtard :P  ::)