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Ask Ezlo questions

Started by Gamefreak, July 27, 2007, 09:56:05 AM

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Dear Ezlo,
How come nobody will look at this?

:( :( :( :(


Quote from: ZeldafreaK on March 29, 2009, 11:33:13 AM
Dear Ezlo,
Um okay how do i find log4 53 using only the calculator that my Algebra II teacher gave me? I can only figure out how to do the log10 of things but that doesnt help me. :-[

Oh, I can answer that.

To find the logarithm with a base other than e or ten, you need to take the common logarithm (or natural logarithm; either one works) of the number in question (in this case, 53) and divide that by the common logarithm of the original base (in this case, 4). Visually, this is...

loga A == logb A / logb a,

where a is the original base, A is the number the base must be equal to when it is raised to a power, and b is the new base (preferably ten or e).

Dear Ezlo,

How do you like my taking over your position? =D

Advanceshipping and Rion had better be Chuck Norris approved.


Dear Ezlo,
Why do you find things like this comical? -->
How is this funny?! Funny like a clown?! Does this amuse you?!


Dear Ezlo,
why did the chicken cross the road? :)


Dear Ezlo,

How do you feel about tailors?


dear ezlo,
vaati has a good question. oh and why did the cat cross the road ::)


Dear Ezlo,

How would you like to team up with Midna? (You'd replace her helmet.) And I'm flooding your inbox on purpose in case you haven't already noticed. >:D


Dear Ezlo,



I can answer that.
Quote from: HackerHero92 on April 10, 2009, 02:42:38 PM
WHERE ARE YOU?!!!!!!!!!!
He is not online right now.  ::)
Quote from: HackerHero92 on April 10, 2009, 02:42:38 PM
He is not online right now.  ::)
Dude its kind of obvious. ;)

Oh and also
Dear Ezlo,
Why did the dog cross the road? ;D


HackerHero92, you don't want to stretch the page like that.  ;)

Dear Ezlo, Why does ZeldafreaK ask so many "Why did ____ cross the road?" questions?

Ask Ezlo

"Dear Ezlo,
This sentence is a lie. Am I telling the truth or a lie?"

If the sentence is indeed the truth, the sentence is lying.  However, because the sentence is lying, it is telling the truth.  And now that it's telling the truth again, it is again lying.  And because it is lying, it is really telling the truth.

I would keep on going, but my secretary says I don't have the space for it.  So let us move on to the next question.

"Dear Ezlo,
Why don't people ask you more questions you're a genius."

I used to coerce people into asking me questions, but then legal issues arose and I had to stop.

"Dear Ezlo,
How come this is not a question."

Why is this not an answer?

"Dear Ezlo,
Are you going to be in spirit tracks? Oh and also when does it come out, including delays and everything?"
Of course I will be in Spirit Tracks.  I am in every Zelda game; you just can't see me.

Including delays and everything, the game will come out in the future.

"Hey Ezlo,
Can I show you mah Pokeymanz?"


Is...Is this a sex question?

"Dear Ezlo,
How come nobody will look at this?"

Have you tried using subliminal messages?

"Dear Ezlo,
How do you like my taking over your position? =D"

I love it only if you stole those photos from Jack and destroyed them.  If not, then stop stealing my job before I am forced to kill you.

"Dear Ezlo,
Why do you find things like this comical? -->
How is this funny?! Funny like a clown?! Does this amuse you?!"

It amuses me greatly.

"Dear Ezlo,
why did the chicken cross the road?"

If you ask me that question, or a question similar to that, again, I will add your head to my collection of people who have greatly annoyed me.

"Dear Ezlo,
How do you feel about tailors?"

They are an essential member of any community.  Why, without them, I would have to go around naked, and everyone would die from my sheer sexiness.

"Dear Ezlo,
How would you like to team up with Midna? (You'd replace her helmet.) And I'm flooding your inbox on purpose in case you haven't already noticed."

I have actually been meaning to talk to her about just that, but she is a hard person to get a hold of.

And flood away, so long as you ask me new questions.

"Dear Ezlo,
Well, if you read my profile, you will know that I am in Ezloland.

And it is rather difficult to answer questions when I am not here.

Dear Ezlo,
Why does ZeldafreaK ask so many "Why did ____ cross the road?" questions?"

Because he is under the wrong impression that he is funny.

The Glamour Nazi

Hey Ezlo,

I forgot to ask you this question but....

Is Giga Impact an egg move for Buizel if the father is a Feraligatr and the mother is of course a Floatzel?

If you know the answer to this question does that mean you are also a fellow pokemon breeder?


TP Zelda

Dear Ezlo,

Why am I doing this?


Is there anyone you admire in the "Ask _____" industry?
~*Wizzrobe Clan*~


Dear Ezlo,

Quote from: Ask Ezlo on April 24, 2009, 08:36:36 AM
Because he is under the wrong impression that he is funny.

No, I was under the impression that you knew the answers to my "Why did ____ cross the road?" questions... but now I'm under the impression that you dont! :o


And also um... why dont you like my questions? :'(