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Ask Ezlo questions

Started by Gamefreak, July 27, 2007, 09:56:05 AM

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Dear Ezlo,
If you're in hell, and you're mad at someone, where do you tell them to go?  ;)

The Glamour Nazi


Dear Ezlo,
What does the spirit flute do? :-\


Dear Ezlo,
If Television Rules the Nation, ar we Human After All?
~*Wizzrobe Clan*~

Ask Ezlo

"Dear Ezlo,
That was a pretty accurate Equation. Good Job."

It is what I'm being blackmailed to do.

"Dear ezlo,
Im back what are you going to do.
P.S. I can get those photo's."

I don't know.  Should I be doing something?

P.S. Jack has the photo guarded under very strict measures, several of which include biometrics.  Good luck with that.

"Dear Ezlo,
Hats are very flammable aren't they?
*puts on gloves*"

They are very flammable.  But as I am not a hat any more, you should put those gloves away before I am forced to come down on you.  Hard.

"Dear Ezlo,
Have you ever had the greatest urge to kill and/or maim?"

I'm getting one right now.  Sleep with one eye open tonight.

"Dear Ezlo,
What does purple taste like?"

That depends.  If it is fresh, it tastes like plums.  If it has been sitting out for days, it tastes like Vaati's socks after a ten mile run.  Or so I heard.

"Dear Ezlo,
If you're in hell, and you're mad at someone, where do you tell them to go?"

Well, assuming you are in the 9th Circle of Hell, you tell the person to crawl into Satan's stomach.  And that, of course, is assuming you can get out of the ice.  Otherwise, you just tell them to go a deeper circle of Hell.  Unless you're in the 5th Circle, in which case you just keep on fighting.  And, again, this is all assuming that those demons and devils guarding Hell let you talk to each other in the first place.

"Dear Ezlo,
Over 9000?"

What is common Internet memes?  I'll take Famous Cats for 800, Alex.

"Dear Ezlo,
What does the spirit flute do?"

I could tell you, but you'll just have to wait until Spirit Tracks come out in your region.

"Dear Ezlo,
If Television Rules the Nation, ar we Human After All?"

We're still humans.  We just have Television Overlords.


Dear Ezlo,
What would you do for a Klondike bar? ;D

Hi no Seijin

Dear Ezlo,
What wouldn't you do for a Klondike Bar?
Best.  Cane.  EVER!
Secretary of Lolcats; I won the MagmarFire Award for 2/21/08!
Filler.Filler.Filler.Fillah!  Filler.Filler.Filler.Fillah!

Pea-Tear Griffin

Dear Ezlo,

If rule 34 has no exceptions, does the game truely exsit?

Go n-ithe an cat thú is go n-ithe an diabhal an cat


Dear Ezlo,
What is your opinion of techno music? ::)

Pale Dim

Dear Ezlo,

If a tree falls down, and no one's around, and it hits a mime, does anyone care?


Ask Ezlo

"Dear Ezlo,
What would you do for a Klondike bar?"

I would send my secretary to the store to buy me one.

"Dear Ezlo,
What wouldn't you do for a Klondike Bar?"

I wouldn't go to the store myself when I have a secretary to go for me.

"Dear Ezlo,
If rule 34 has no exceptions, does the game truely exsit?"

The Game must exist because you just lost it.

"Dear Ezlo,
What is your opinion of techno music?"

It's okay, but it is far inferior compared to the Minish flute.

"Dear Ezlo,
If a tree falls down, and no one's around, and it hits a mime, does anyone care?"

Why would anyone care?


What is your name?
What is your quest?
What is your favourite colour?

The Glamour Nazi

Dear Ezlo,

WHAT is the air speed velocity of an unlaiden Swallow (Reference Called)

Hi no Seijin

Deal Ezlo,
What is the capital of Assyria?
Best.  Cane.  EVER!
Secretary of Lolcats; I won the MagmarFire Award for 2/21/08!
Filler.Filler.Filler.Fillah!  Filler.Filler.Filler.Fillah!


Dear Ezlo?

Why do I keep losing the Game?
~*Wizzrobe Clan*~