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Ask Ezlo questions

Started by Gamefreak, July 27, 2007, 09:56:05 AM

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Ask Ezlo

"Dear Ezlo,
(holds up bitten finger) Does this look infected to you?"

I am not a doctor, but yes, it does look infected.  Why didn't you go to the nearest hospital?

"Dear Ezlo,
Is the new Tron good? Or just a disgrace to the original?"

What's a Tron, and why is there a new one?

"Dear Ezlo,
did you ever meet any hot chicks at those singles parties you go to?"

Of course I did.  Do you even have to ask?

"Dear Ezlo,
Sorry I stole your question, Forgive me?"

There is no forgiveness, only the pain of harsh punishment.

"Dear Ezlo,
do you have any tattoos?"

I am ashamed to admit it, but yes, I got a tattoo when I was but a wee Minish lad and didn't know any better.

"Dear Ezlo,
If a person isn't acting as them self, who are they?"


"Dear Ezlo,
are you God?"

Trust me, if I was God, I wouldn't be stuck with this horrible job.


Dear Ezlo,

What's another word for "Thesaurus"? ???


Dear Ezlo,
What's better than super cereal?

The Glamour Nazi

Dear Ezlo...

Why did the site I was taking a practice SAT test on crash? I mean, I wouldn't mind if it did it, but it was AFTER I had done EVERY LAST SECTION. THE ESSAY TOO! AND THEN IT WENT *makes fart noise with mouth*



Whoa, dude. That sucks. D:

Dear Ezlo, what's your thoughts on the new possible villain in Skyward Sword with the white hair as seen in the latest trailer?

Mr. bubbles

Dear Ezlo,
               How much wood could a wood chuck chuck, if a wood chuck was chuck norris?
I Like Pie.

Ask Ezlo

"Dear Ezlo,
What's another word for "Thesaurus"? ???"

If you were trying to force me to destroy the universe by performing the equivalent of dividing by zero, you should be severely disappointed.  Synonyms for thesaurus: glossary, language reference book, lexicon, onomasticon, reference book, sourcebook, storehouse of words, terminology, treasury of words, vocabulary, word list.

"Dear Ezlo,
What's better than super cereal?"

Ezlo BrandTM cereal.  Now with more fiber.

"Dear Ezlo...
Why did the site I was taking a practice SAT test on crash? I mean, I wouldn't mind if it did it, but it was AFTER I had done EVERY LAST SECTION. THE ESSAY TOO! AND THEN IT WENT *makes fart noise with mouth*


Oh, you were taking a practice test when I crashed the site?  I would apologize, but I'm not sorry.

"Dear Ezlo,
what's your thoughts on the new possible villain in Skyward Sword with the white hair as seen in the latest trailer?"

Pffft.  I could take that loser on with one hand tied behind my back and blindfolded.

"Dear Ezlo,
How much wood could a wood chuck chuck, if a wood chuck was chuck norris?"

If a wood chuck was Chuck Norris, then wood chuck Chuck Norris would roundhouse kick the wood, not chuck it.  You have better start running from Chuck Norris; it won't do you any good, but Chuck Norris loves the hunt.


Dear Ezlo, are you a god?

The Glamour Nazi

Dear Mr. Ezlo

How was Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows pt 2?

Do you think the cast should attempt "My Immortal" next?


Dear Ezlo, how long is the average Minish lifespan? Also, if you flushed a toilet smack-dab on the equator, which way would the water spin?

Hi no Seijin

Dear Ezlo,
Do you think the rarity of questions ask these days have to do with people believing the conspiracy theorists who claim that the world will end on December 21, 2012, and therefore think there is no point in asking any more questions?
Best.  Cane.  EVER!
Secretary of Lolcats; I won the MagmarFire Award for 2/21/08!
Filler.Filler.Filler.Fillah!  Filler.Filler.Filler.Fillah!


Dear Ezlo, is it alright if my friend buys you to be one of his hats in TF2?

Ask Ezlo

"Dear Ezlo,
are you a god?"

Trust me, if I was a god, I wouldn't be stuck with this horrible job.

"Dear Mr. Ezlo
How was Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows pt 2?

Do you think the cast should attempt "My Immortal" next?"

My favorite part of the movie were the credits.  And it's bad enough that "My Immortal" was even written.

"Dear Ezlo,
how long is the average Minish lifespan? Also, if you flushed a toilet smack-dab on the equator, which way would the water spin?"

The average Minish lifespan feels like it's about ten hundred thousand years.  As for the toilet, it will flush in the direction the toilet is designed to flush; the Coriolis effect has no bearing on the direction a toilet flushes in either hemisphere.  Even if the toilet wasn't designed for the water to flush down at an angle, but rather straight down, the toilet bowl is too small for the Coriolis effect to be observed; you would need a larger scale to observe the effect.

"Dear Ezlo,
Do you think the rarity of questions ask these days have to do with people believing the conspiracy theorists who claim that the world will end on December 21, 2012, and therefore think there is no point in asking any more questions?"

There is no conspiracy.  I will end the world on December 21, 2012 unless Jack gives me back those pictures so I can quit this job.

"Dear Ezlo,
is it alright if my friend buys you to be one of his hats in TF2?"

I don't know how he could, since I'm no longer a hat.