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How 'bout some rules? (Includes List of Cohorts)

Started by Jack, February 22, 2005, 10:41:35 AM

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Hi everyone and welcome to the Desert Colossus Forums (version 2.0)! I've used a new forum software, YaBB, that is relatively much simpler than the old one, so working with it should not be much harder than before.

Moreover, I've added barebones forum sections throughout here, so if you have ideas for new ones, please use the Instant Message feature of this board to suggest them to me.

Anyways, as for the rules, they are quite simple and are as follows:

1. Be civil. No insults, put-downs, slurs, etc.

2. Be helpful.

3. No profanity.

4. (The "joe" rule) NO SPAMMING. Spamming is replying to every single topic with a silly one-word response or reply that has no relevance to the topic at hand.

5. When replying in a topic, keep your reply relevant to the topic.

6. The forums are not for conversations. If you must communicate one on one with someone, use PMs. That's what they are there for. If only you and one person are posting in the same topic for six replies or so, and the topic of conversation has moved away from the original topic, then it's a conversation.

7. Don't do anything that will stretch the page. Examples include a huge line of dashes or periods, or just pasting the URL of a link into the reply box. Rather, break up long lines of stuff with periods, and use the URL button on the reply page (it's the one with the globe).

8. Proper grammar and spelling please. The occasional number-as-letter substitute is fine, but if that's all you post with, you make it exceptionally hard for others to read your posts. This is more common courtesy than anything.

9. This is less a rule than a suggestion--it is considered exceedling polite to have more than just "lol" or "haha" or "I agree" as a reply. Not necessary, but preferred!

10. Have fun!

11. The Golden Rule: if you have nothing nice to say, don't say it at all!

Learn 'em, live 'em, love 'em, buy 'em dinner.

List of Cohorts

This list will obviously be modified should any change to the mod squad be necessary.


Darth Wyndisis (Darth Wyndisis)
Shika (Shikatache)
Twilight Wolf (Edward Elric)
MagmarFire (MagmarFire)

The Hat Fairy


I think we should add a few more things hear, Jack can confirm these or not.

As for Spamming, if you do not know what it is, it is basically making posts that are irrevalent and serve no purpose. There has been quite alot of spamming so far in my opinion so lets try to keep it down. An example would be starting a new topic that just says, "this site rulez". If you think you post or topic is spam, it probably is.

Flaming: This is any personal attack against another member. Of course this has not been a problem yet and lets hope it stays that way, remember we are all friends here.  ;D

Trolling: Trolling is saying or doing something that anyone with common sense knows will start an argument or fighting. Again this has not been a problem and that is a good thing.


I've added new rules. Please review and make sure you know what they are!

Zelda Veteran

ha. the joe rule! thats good.
joe: weeeeeeeeeeeeee

My real Poison team in BW2. They all have perfect natures and EV's. I went the extra distance and bred the right IV's into them. Come at me bro.


Zelda Veteran

My real Poison team in BW2. They all have perfect natures and EV's. I went the extra distance and bred the right IV's into them. Come at me bro.


Alrighty, this is getting a tad off-topic!  :-\

Zelda Veteran

righto! lol. K everyone know the rules?
and just so you know. Nintendo is NOT going out of buisness anytime soon, and with all the money they will make off of the members of this sight alone will sky rocket them, not to mention the rest of the world! ;)

My real Poison team in BW2. They all have perfect natures and EV's. I went the extra distance and bred the right IV's into them. Come at me bro.


I'm sorry if it sounded mean, but I just don't want the topic veering of course.


jack,that mostly happens on all topics..... :-\


hey these rulez are awesome compared to other forums Keep it up Jack