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The Song of Healing

Started by Fierce Deity Link, August 17, 2007, 12:03:34 PM

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Fierce Deity Link


If you are on the verge of crying while listening to this song, you are not the only one...I always think about pamela and her father... :'( :'( :( :'( :( :'(


Sorry I think Midna's Desperation is more sad.

Fierce Deity Link

hmmm.....good point....not!

Commodore Axilon

Hold on now. Don't go selling out your opinion just because someone disagrees with you.

I, for one, thought it was extremely emotional. And the various circumstances in which it was used just add to that. Darmani's release, Mikau's death, and Pamela reuniting with her father are all quite emotional circumstances.

Midna's Desperation is just background music. The Song of Healing is a major plot point.

Fierce Deity Link

I listened to that song on youtube and was like  :'(


It is emotional, but I think Midna's desperation. Of course if you are counting all four versions, then, yeah, its better in some ways.

Fierce Deity Link

When I found a howling stone in TP and found out it was the song of healing, I TOLD EVERYONE TO SHUT UP, and I listened to the beautiful remake. I still think the mm version is best. That scene where the girl's like "It's all a's all a dream..." showed that she really cared about her father. But now the dad's a HUGE OBNOXIOUS WEIRDO!!! Fine. I won't bore you with this mushy gushy stuff, now stop reading this...

O.K! Who wants pie?

Penguin dude 2

It's one of the best parts of MM! The whole game had healing in it! It really helped set the mood for it. I thought it was the best song in the game, personally, except for Oath to Order.


Agreed! Though, I think I might like the Song of Healing more... Eh, I might like them both equally in their own way. They're still awesome!

The Song of Healing is, indeed, one of Koji Kondo's finest works in the Zelda franchise. I would sometimes just go back in time and help Pamela's father to hear the piano version in it. I may still do it to some extent, but the fact that I would want to go and listen to it over and over again is a sign that it's a great song. :D

Advanceshipping and Rion had better be Chuck Norris approved.


It doesn't sound as good on the Ocarina alone. I just played it on mine.


I personally dislike how ocarinas sound... I like the acoustic guitar/deku pipes playing it, more.

The part with Mikau was... great. Emotional, and.... I adore how he left  with Lulu.

Fierce Deity Link

Oath to order is kinda sad though... (edited first response(though you probably do not care))


I used to have the song of healing as my ring tone. It was my first one, it was later on replaced with sarias song, the starfox theme, the halo theme, Sweet Home Alabama, and Iron Man.


I recently learned how to play the song of healing on my recorder. Good times, good times.
