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Started by Howl, September 13, 2007, 07:00:00 PM

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I just looked at the announcements, I know I haven't been here in a long time, but I will say that I'm a bit disapointed. Alot of you know better. I didn't come on here to see THAT. I wanted to check up on you guys. My WoW life has indeed gotten way to busy for me. I'm sorry about my prolonged absences.


Wait, see what now?

And just so you know, EVilbob was one of them.


Quote from: JQ Pickwick on September 13, 2007, 07:16:52 PM
Wait, see what now?

And just so you know, EVilbob was one of them.

"oh oh oh, let's all break down and cry, our beloved hero has turned on us!"

I was an anti-hero all along (I.E. A hero who behaves/has the attitude of a villain, but has heroic goals)

Maybe I should leave again. The people I knew have changed so many times I don't know them anymore, and now the mods are overbearing and holding on to "Jack says..." "Jack said!". I'm sure if he saw this he would be disgusted. I sure as hell know I am.


I'm going to lock this, I know now that it was a bad choice to even open. If you think it's right, give me a warning if I broke any rules. I didn't want to start a fight to be honest, but right now I'm afraid ones going to break out.