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Na na na na hey hey hey good bye

Started by Howl, September 14, 2007, 03:55:41 PM

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That means you're staying? :D

Advanceshipping and Rion had better be Chuck Norris approved.


I feel I might be a bit to blame for today.  I haven't had the best day(As a few people already know) and I probably got a little too angry a little too soon.


Quote from: MagmarFire on September 14, 2007, 08:27:57 PM
That means you're staying? :D
sorry, thats a maybe. I feel like it's my fault that everything got so depressing.


Trust me, my day sucked plenty before anything happened today on TDC.  Don't feel bad.



I'm gone for a few days, and there was a problem? Dangit...I need to drop some things off my schedule...

I'm not entirely sure what's going on, but I WILL check it out, and Howl, the whole time I've known you you've been a great, fun-loving person. You haven't caused any problems that I know of, no more than I or any other members on this site have.


 :-[   Is it me or does non of this make sense? Howl is apologising for something she hasn't done and reckons that she should leave because she isn't as up-beat as she used to be... Admins are apologising for having bad days... TDC  seems no less active then it was when I was around but everyone is panicking... HAS THE WORLD GONE INSANE!!! Really, this all seems more then a little over the top.


Please don't leave, I don't get all this.


She's just depressed from all that's going on in life, both here and in the real world.


Quote from: Howl on September 14, 2007, 03:55:41 PM
Guys, I feel like I am the one that helped cause a lot of the past troubles. I think I caused a new one. I'm not sure if this belongs in the Chat or in this board. I feel that I should say that I'm sorry for every being mad, annoying, or being a rebel. I want to say that I'm sorry to all mods and past mods, for being the one to stir trouble at times. I would like to say sorry to all the members, young and old, new and veteran, because I've let you down. I clearly promised to help TDC rebuild. Sadly I wasn't there when Jack was gone for so long. I wish I was more active, and yet I wasn't. If I was here more when that happened, maybe things could of gone differently. My goal was to become a mod and to have fun. The modship was right there, but I didn't "grab" it when I had the chance. This was not an evil goal. I just wanted to be a leader, rather then a follower.

I don't know if I should go or stay. I know that if I stay, my reputation can climb higher, or get worse. If I go, I won't know if I'll be remembered for the good things that I contributed, If I did give anything to this site. I want to be remembered as the upbeat wolf I once was. Not the depressing person sitting at the keyboard now.
One last request I have. I would love to talk to you guys on something called vent. Go to the link below, and if you want, we can have a heart to heart talk, when you get it, ask me for the server info and if you have questions about installing it. All you need is a mic, and it's free to install. I'll be happy to talk to you guys.

And with that, I'll watch this topic, but for the hour I bid you Ado.

    With Love from your favorite wolf
PS.Remember me
        Vent Install. Website-

I don't remember you causing any trouble, Howl. Actually,--maybe this is just me--but you seem like one of the more down-to-earth members.


I'm sorry, I don't know what down-to-earth is.

Mysterious F.

Nevermind. Howl, you've done nothing wrong, despite whatever guilt makes you feel that way. If you still think you're causing trouble, than instead of leaving, try making it so you think you haven't caused any, or simply repeat the words "I have not done anything wrong" many times until you realize you haven't. Otherwise, I would have to shake you uncontrollably yelling at you that you haven't done anything wrong until you realize you haven't done anything wrong.


Ironically enough, that actually would make her think that she had done something wrong.


Howl, don't leave. You're an excellent and old member, cherised by TDC. You've been here for as long as I can remember. So don't go. Stay. You have friends here.

RIP my LeafGreen team: 2005-2010

Mysterious F.

To further help your decision, everything everyone else said in this topic is 100% true, nothing of it is wrong.


I made my choice, I'm staying *throws party*.