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Started by Zoratunic, September 15, 2007, 04:10:09 PM

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You know what I don't like? How we sometimes get like 3 new members a day, and yet, they make few to no posts. I get my hopes up, and they fail to do anything. What I also dislike is how they sometimes make one random topic, and never say a thing afterwards. Maybe this has something to do with the lack of steady new, active members.


I notice one or two here or there. Of course, 'tis a common thing of any forum. Though I don't really know of a way to do anything about it.

Some of those 'new members' are also bots. Look at their emails in their profilesk, if it ends .ru, then it's a russian bot, there are LOADS of those.

Twilight Wolf

They're bots, that's why they never post. We've got a security measure which sends an email to the new user with a random password they can use to log in, which can be changed later. However, since they're bots, they don't know what the password is, and thus never sign in, and thus never post. It is disappointing, though, not having many new, active members.
What, you expect me to say something witty?


most likely, but hey, you never know, some people might not get their activation key right away, like in a day or so, and they forget they were members here. and probably ignore the mail, who knows.

Hi no Seijin

I'd rather be a member of a forum with a few somewhat actives members that follow the rules and use proper grammar then a member of a forum with foul-mouthed spamlies posting at a mile a minute using the worst grammar ever.  It's all about perspective.
Best.  Cane.  EVER!
Secretary of Lolcats; I won the MagmarFire Award for 2/21/08!
Filler.Filler.Filler.Fillah!  Filler.Filler.Filler.Fillah!


try 4chan

That place is insane, they post literally at a mile a mnute. and a lot of the posts are like, nothing more but stuff repeated over and over again.


Still, I would like some more new, promising members. I should go through the member list and see who are actually active, and make a list of them.


DId that once, came up with around fifty.


I just started, It'll probably take me a while, since I'm going swimming right now.

Rev Rabies

Quote from: JQ Pickwick on September 15, 2007, 04:13:53 PM
I notice one or two here or there. Of course, 'tis a common thing of any forum. Though I don't really know of a way to do anything about it.

Some of those 'new members' are also bots. Look at their emails in their profilesk, if it ends .ru, then it's a russian bot, there are LOADS of those.

actually, they arent allowed to join my good man, gamefreak disabled those email addresses


Some of these 'inactive' members are active though, they just don't post. Such as PORNOMOVIES and SexyChick.


How's SexyChick doing? I haven't heard anything about her recently. :D


They haven't been disabled. Otherwise, how could they still be showing on the member's list?

Hi no Seijin

Quote from: Thief on September 15, 2007, 06:04:24 PM
How's SexyChick doing? I haven't heard anything about her recently. :D
She's been at my place eating all the food in my house.  I can't get rid of her.  Lend a hand, will ya?
Best.  Cane.  EVER!
Secretary of Lolcats; I won the MagmarFire Award for 2/21/08!
Filler.Filler.Filler.Fillah!  Filler.Filler.Filler.Fillah!


Alright, here's my list of active members. I based it on if that person had a considerable amount of posts, and has been fairly active. If you feel somebody was missed just post your opinion.

1.   Darth Wyndisis
2.   Gamefreak
3.   Zelda Veteran
4.   Davros
5.   Evilbob
6.   Masterkey
7.   MagmarFire
8.   Howl
9.   TP Zelda
10.   Whocares
11.   Hi No Seijin
12.   X*Twilight Zelda*x
13.   JDog
14.   Dr. Rabies
15.   JQ Pickwick
16.   Vaati
17.   Link104
18.   Lady Nintendo
19.   Shikamaru Nara
20.   Commodore Shrute
21.   Fisk
22.   Bboy
23.   Zoratunic (moi)
24.   TacheonBlack
25.   Twilight Wolf
26.   Iron Knuckle
27.   Knil
28.   alex