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what color are you?

Started by Zoratunic, October 20, 2007, 08:41:01 AM

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As some of you may have noticed through my sig, I'm a fan of Magic: the Gathering. I found this short quiz which tells you your color, which is basically you personality type. Go ahead and take it, even if you don't like Magic, or don't get your favorite color (I got red, but blue is my favorite color.). It does tell some things about your personality, like me, for example, I do really like instant gratification.
Go ahead and tell us your color:
Take the Magic: The Gathering 'What Color Are You?' Quiz.

Zelda Veteran

My real Poison team in BW2. They all have perfect natures and EV's. I went the extra distance and bred the right IV's into them. Come at me bro.

Commodore Axilon

Wow, I thought something entirely different when I read the title. :-*

Freakin' sweet.



At the expense of sounding Communist, I'd like to say...

Red Power!

Rev Rabies



Mine was blue; I took it the second I saw yours, ZT.

But I'm manipulative according to that, and I'm your worst nightmare, ZT.



<----- I hope that's a good thing.



Figures.  I like how the questions weren't all like... the top ones are all for blue, or so on.

But still, some of them were too obvious.