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Bad music

Started by JDog, November 09, 2007, 08:27:08 AM

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Yea, Kayne west is one of those few rappers that I actually like.


I know that what I'm about to say is stuff that people have been saying for the past three pages, but I'm going to repeat it anyway: I HATE METAL. Much of what I hear of it is screaming. When I listen to music, I do it to listen to melodies that are easy on the sensitive human ears, not to listen to people roaring their lungs out until their throats become sore.

Me, I prefer beautiful and epic, thought-provoking pieces, like orchestrated music (mostly video game music, no less :P ), but screaming... I don't see how people can possibly qualify that as singing!


Advanceshipping and Rion had better be Chuck Norris approved.


Well I am sorry to convey that image, but truth be told I am joining the army because I truly do love it.  And well, you really cannot judge me properly because you do not know me, and I don't know if you have ever been racially descriminated, but I go through it every single day just because my hair is jet black, my skin is bronze, and I have a slight accent.  I get discriminated from people who think "Mexican" is the name of Mexico's language, and do not know that they themselves are immigrants.  Now I don't want to hold any hard feelings, but I have been going through tough times, so please do not tread on me.

Back on topic:
I like Kanye West and Eminem, because they talk about important things in life.  Metal is alright, if it has a nice tune, thogh I prefer rock.  Metal can be a bit too hard on the ears at times.  I especially love classical.  It is fascinating how many instruments come together to create beautiful times.


I listen to music from an abstract point of view; letting the sounds create shapes and forms in my mind without any specific arrangement, save for what the music gives in its direction. That's what a lot of classical music is. Granted, quite a bit of it  is also dedicated to programmes and themes and ideas of humanity and emotion, but quite a bit of it is more abstract in the sense of its being.


I used to listen to classical music, but I seem to have lost interest in it for some odd reason. not sure why though.


I believe that Screamo isn't music.  It's screaming to notes.

Now organ and harpsichord together?  That's music.


I happen to like the screamo music thank you very much. one because thats all we get around here thats actually good, and two, because I don't really like music too slow and I don't like rap or anything.


Quote from: Aureliano on November 11, 2007, 03:08:26 PM
Well I am sorry to convey that image, but truth be told I am joining the army because I truly do love it.  And well, you really cannot judge me properly because you do not know me, and I don't know if you have ever been racially descriminated, but I go through it every single day just because my hair is jet black, my skin is bronze, and I have a slight accent.  I get discriminated from people who think "Mexican" is the name of Mexico's language, and do not know that they themselves are immigrants.  Now I don't want to hold any hard feelings, but I have been going through tough times, so please do not tread on me.

I was not saying I judge you because you are going to join the army. My point simply was that I don't think that is a proper argument that you belong to a certain country. I think one belongs somewhere because they follow patterns of the people of that place, or at least do not break those of the environment. I do not think one belongs somewhere because they "accept the same enemy", which is implied by saying you belong somewhere because you join that place's army. In other words, what is the proper way to become friends with someone: trying to get them to like you on a personal level, or by beating up whoever that person doesn't like?

On topic: There's absolutely nothing (qua music) that I am reluctant to give a try. I prefer a bit of aggresive music (Kozi's Cacophony, Rammstein and My Ruin's Terror being pretty much the upper border), but also can enjoy Enya, Era and the likes. I guess my music is (gothic) rock, Celtic, (nu) metal and certain types of Trance.

Screaming, like I said, I don't mind if it has a purpose and in case of lyrics, the lyrics aren't impossible to hear. It also shouldn't make up most of the song.


Quote from: JDog on November 11, 2007, 05:06:10 PM
I happen to like the screamo music thank you very much. one because thats all we get around here thats actually good, and two, because I don't really like music too slow and I don't like rap or anything.

I love how your reasons were that you think it's good and you think other stuff isn't.

I suppose I can handle some screaming. For instance, AC/DC. Their lyrics are kinda screamed, but the licks and such are fantastic.

Also, Kanye West was hilarious at the Awards. You know what I'm talking about.


Screaming is okay, if like Ladynintendo said you can understand what they're saying. I like Enter Shikari for example, they tend to scream a few lines but you know what they're saying, and I believe it adds affect. And Dir En Grey, but I can't understand what they're saying anyway because I'm kinda bad at Japanese. That said I didn't much like most of Marrow of a Bone (dir en grey's latest album). And of course, Alice Nine!! Arisu Kyu for life <3<3!!!o(^0^)o Their screams are just delish.


AC/DC is nothing compared to Killswitch engage lol


So you guys who don't like rap, what about r&b?  I honestly TRY other songs cuz I hear how rap is so bad.  But it is like people talk about rap has these bad images and its not like other genres have images as well.  About the racist stuff, I'm white and I'm not racist against my culture or pro black and I don't think theyre racist.  Some things mean something else.  For example, U.S.D.A.'s(the group with Jeezy and Blood Raw and Slick Pulla) song "White girl" isn't about white girls its about c to the o to the k to the e


That's not the example of racism some of us have been  talking about. What we're talking about is how they'll reciprocate likewise and blame problems they have on white people, and they'll go against their own for 'acting white'. THAT is the racism that we're talking about, not something that has the word 'white' in the song title.

All racism is bad, doesn't matter who it's coming from or whom it's directed towards.


Quote from: JQ Pickwick on November 13, 2007, 01:51:41 PM
That's not the example of racism some of us have been  talking about. What we're talking about is how they'll reciprocate likewise and blame problems they have on white people, and they'll go against their own for 'acting white'. THAT is the racism that we're talking about, not something that has the word 'white' in the song title.

All racism is bad, doesn't matter who it's coming from or whom it's directed towards.
Not to ask to much of you but can you give an example.

There are the rap songs out there that don't have the clubs scenes with girls just shaking their butts, or liquor or smoking or all the bad words, the problem is is that people dont want to buy that stuff.  That shouldn't be the rapper's/artist's fault.  Look at David Banner.  When he got in that depression and lost all that weight it was because he was just flatout not making money.  It wasn't like he wasn't trying, just people didn't like his "good" products.  He was so mad that he didn't go to the studio for a long while.  He's about done with the game today.  So the moral is, singers do put good messages out there, it just might not mix with their persona.

Back on topic, cuz I never said music I think is bad, I would have to go with country(all audios sound the same and is lyrically lacking),rock(I don't like the solo stuff or screaming and the people creep me out with their clothes and lyrics),songs that VH1 play alot and do the little docs on, like amy wine, heck she doesn't even deserve caps(which could be soul, but I do like other soul), and any Britany Spears(not anything thing she has done, but what my relative has an absolute fascination of her, and he's a guy)


Not all Rock is screaming and such. Only metal and hard rock.