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Ingo Ranch

Started by Shadow Ganon, February 23, 2006, 09:33:22 AM

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Shadow Ganon

Ingo is a supporter of Ganon in the first half of the game and it is not vital to visit Lon Lon Ranch as an adult. So if you dont make ganon see good he will still support Ganon surley. However the party at the end will still be held at the ranch, and Ingo will still be seen celebrating with Talon.Surley if he is a supporter of Ganondorf he wouldn't be celebrating his demise. It is like Princess Peach running into bowsers arms when he has just burnt mario to a crisp...


Ingo only serves Ganon in the second part when he has been BRAINWASHED. ;)

Shadow Ganon

Ahhhhhhh so that would mean when Ganon is defeated Ingo will no longer be brainwashed making him happy he has been sealed away??


More like when you get the horse, actually. ;)

Shadow Ganon

Yes but as good as it is i dont thing it is vital to get Epona to complete the main storyline


No, it isn't. You can use the longshot to get into the Gerudo Valley.

Shadow Ganon


Epona was one of the best bits from Oot though and kept strangly amused for ages. Simply riding through Hyrule field, letting lose arrows when I felt like it... Still, there is the question of why escaping with the horse Ingo was going to give to Gannondorf freed Ingo from his brainwashed state. And why Gannon would want to brainwash him anyway.

Shadow Ganon

I don't believe he was brainwashed, maybe Ingo just thought noone could beet Ganondorf and so to save himself from death later on he became a fallower out of cowardness. But when he met Link he realisedn that he need not be scared.


Quote from: Shadow Ganon on February 23, 2006, 09:33:22 AM
Ingo is a supporter of Ganon in the first half of the game and it is not vital to visit Lon Lon Ranch as an adult.

yes it is. that is how u get epona. u need epona to get the biggorin sword :D

Shadow Ganon

Well yes but what I mean is the vital stuff, you don't ever realy need the biggorons sword to get up to and fight ganon ;)


You can use the Light Arrows or the Megaton Hammer in the final battle. ;)


ingo is a freak.......

Shadow Ganon

I can agree Medli.But it is never vital to go to Lon Lon ranch at any single point in the game


biggeron sword rox! no the crappy cheap immitation one for 200 rupies either