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The Shadowed Land

Started by Shadow Ganon, February 23, 2006, 10:32:06 AM

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Shadow Ganon

Link has returned to the forest, straight after becoming the Hero of Time. He meets Saria and the 2 talk outside the deku tree. Suddenly storm clouds cover the area and rain begins to hammer down. A lightning bolt strikes the tree and it slightly uproots. A wild, live vine pulls Saria under the tree and Link pulls out his sword and shield. Before he can attack however another vine grabs him and thrashes him about, causing him to lose his sword and shield. A mysterious woman draped in black robes casts a spell and Link falls unconcious...

Zelda Veteran

As he awakens, He sits up, and rubbs his eyes. When he regained his focus, He realized he was in shackles! He lifts them with ease, But he is in a jail cell. He gets up and looks around his cell. They took his sword and shield, But they were too stupid to check his tunic. Inside, he had his bow and arrows, boomerang, bombs, ocarina, hook shot, everything was there! Even the biggoron's sword!! Although he cant equip the biggoron's sword and a shield at the same time it gave him a fighting chance! Hmmmm.... If i use a bomb, it will surely alert the gaurds! what to do?.... (and then someone continues it)

My real Poison team in BW2. They all have perfect natures and EV's. I went the extra distance and bred the right IV's into them. Come at me bro.


so link looks up and sees a Chandeleir hovering above a group of Stalfoses(the guards) using his arrows to shoot it down all the guards bust into a milliony bones. then link sees the keys
hanging on a hook buy the door using his hook shot (because the boomeriang wouldnt fit through the bars) to get the keys yes success now to get my sword .. as he escapes the cell he hear footsteps cooming to the door........some 1 continue Here

Shadow Ganon

he uses his hookshot to latch onto the wooden rafters and pulls himself up. There he clambers across to one of the walls and squeezes into a tight space, not making a sound and watching down. He see's the large wooden doors open and two, fully armed and well trained Outcast Gerudo Theives walk out, Link pulls out his sword and carefully plots out his attack, before he can jump however Ganondorf fallows the 2 theives. Impossable Link thinks to himself, Ganondorf is locked in the Evil Realm for all eternity. "MOBLINS" shouts Ganondorf, "he's escaped, how could you let this happen? My most valued prisoner, I was going to have some pleasure in the execution of this one". The cowardly Moblin looks at him, shakeing " H-He C-can't-t o-f gottn far m-m-master" It replies. Ganondorf calms down slightly, "don't go looking yet, I have a feeling we won't have to look far" he looks up, spots Link and casts a dark spell towards him. The spell smashes straight into the beams causing them, and Link to crash to the floor. The moblins surround, there spears trained on the prisoner, and Ganondorf sowly starts to walk towards him........

Zelda Veteran

Link quickly gets up in a ready position. Do you think you can escape so easily? The question is how did you escape! Link shot back. Oh, so you do talk! I liked you better when you kept your mouth shut! He waves his hands in the air, as his eyes glow an ominouse purple. He forms a giant green ball of black magic. Wait! Link thinks to himself. He has used this before! Thinking quickly, he casts Nayru's Love to protect himself. Ganondorf loses the ball of energy out of suprise! WHAT?? YOU DIDNT CONFISCATE HIS WHEAPONS??!! He screams at the moblins. Master Dragmire! we didnt know-I-We NONSENCE!! He screams. If you want somthing done you have to do it yourself! He Grumbles. Sir Please!! Another chance! we won- IVE HAD IT WITH YOU!! He screams. Red beams shoot oput of his finger tips, and the moblin dissapears. Then he turns back to link, and smiles. Sent him to the Torture demension. And guess what mr. Hero of time! YOUR NEXT!!

My real Poison team in BW2. They all have perfect natures and EV's. I went the extra distance and bred the right IV's into them. Come at me bro.

Shadow Ganon

The gerudo theifs seize Link, striping him of his weapons, and drag him away to his torture chamber. Link awakens to find himself chained to the wall and Saria is being beaten around by Moblins...

Zelda Veteran

jeez... well ok.

All of a sudden link heres a familiar naisly voice. As he looks up, he sees a little bit of light through a crack in the wall. He knew instantly who it was.  Navi! Psssst!  A little voice filters through the walls. Yes, Its me! says the little voice. NAVI! Saria, and I are in trouble! Go get help! And Fast!! Ok Link! Good luck! I will go straight to The princess her self! Try to hold on a little longer! oh, and take this! She dropped a sack in link's lap. Its a bag of magic powder! Only use it incase of extreme emergency! Ill be back link! And with that, the light dissapeared... continued..

My real Poison team in BW2. They all have perfect natures and EV's. I went the extra distance and bred the right IV's into them. Come at me bro.

Shadow Ganon

Link worried about Navi's hasty decision. If Zelda came here she would be in sure danger, with her carrying the Triforce of Wisdom, Ganon would surley capture her, and the triforce will be Ganon's. Link tried thinking of a way to contact Navi but failed.If only I had told her to stop, he thought.How can I get in touch with her, If I manage to find a way, then surley my brother, hiding in the shadowed lands of Hyrule, could come and rescue me and Saria, he's bound to. Link thought and thought but no immediate answer came to him, perhaps my ocarina, he though. The guards were messing around with it, it was only a few metres infront of him, If only he could get it when the Moblins back was turned he could re-direct Saria's song and make direct connection with Navi.It was a trick he had learned before he became the hero of time, all he had to do was play the notes backwards. Would this work, he hoped so. If it is to work though, he thought, amazinIt will take amazing timing, and will be very dangerous....(please continue)


( thats my Que )
BOOOOM!!!!!!! a huge explosion echoes through the area and distracts the gaurds. a strange dark figure approached and took out all the moblins. He whipps out his bow and kills a few more ( this guy has mad skillz) when thre all defeated he walks up to the ocarina of time and then looks at Link......Link: who are u ... can it be ...Omni ???  :'(
Omni: yes brother i see u havent changed a bit i always was the better fighter

Link shut up its been so long were u been      

Omni: searchin for ur dumb A$$ thats it ill let you free but i warn u im not going to help u (just save Saria i dont care bout the Princess)

Omni left and and gave link some of his Weapons  Link confused as Hell... Left in search for his Friends

( Continue )

Shadow Ganon

Link walked up down a corridor to where Saria was being held in a cell. He ran to try and open the cell door but the 2 gerudo theifs jumped from the rafters and attacked. After a long sword duel between them Link saw his advantage and struck down the first theif. Now Link continued to fight until sure enough, he struck down the second one. he opened Saria's cell and she walked out. "Come on Saria" He yelled, "We gotta go and find Nvi and the Princess"....

Zelda Veteran

Link grabbed the key inside Saria's cell, and lead saria down a long hall. There was a bright light at the end of the hall, and they burst out of the long hallway. Link looked at saria, and said, Where are we? This place is like a mix of every place ive ever visited in my travels. Saria said, you guess is as good as mine, But I have one question for you. Who was that dark figure? He resembled you! He also d- She was cut off by the sound of foot stepes crunching through dead leaves. Link hushed her, and drew his sword. crunch...crunch....crunch.........Link.. they stopped! Saria whispered. crunch crunch crunch crunch CRUNCH CRUNCH CRUNCH A Stalfos warrior emerged, as Saria let out a terified scream! It Lunged at link! Link rolled around it's attack, only to receive another blow from a Wolfos Behind him! Link when plummiting to the ground, but he caught himself, did a back handspring, and lunged right back into the action! With a quick slice, he destroyed the wolfos! With a sad howl, it dissapated to dust. The Stalfos, must have thought link dropped his gaurd for he lunged at link from the side. Link jumped back, and began to charge up a spin attack! The Stalfos lunged yet again, But caught the tip of links blade the second it got close! It shattered to pieces, and Its head tried to bounce away. Link through his boomerang at the beast, and hit it square in the skull. It exploded into a cloud of black magic, as its essence driffted away with thye wind. AMAZING LINK! Saria clapped in glee! Link looked at her and smiled. What did you expect from the guy who destroyed the king of evil? Come on saria, we most likely have a long way to go, before we are in the clear. With that, he lead Saria into yet another hall way... Continued

My real Poison team in BW2. They all have perfect natures and EV's. I went the extra distance and bred the right IV's into them. Come at me bro.


They hall led into a clearing with few trees. He beckoned Saria around behind the trunk of a thick tree."Shhh!"Link whispred.He peered around the corner.A wolfos was sitting on the ground on the other side,as still as a statue .They waited for what seemed like an hour,but the wolfos didn't move."Come on,"said Link,"We have to get out of here!Waiting for it to leave will take forever and in that time,something else could find it's way over here."They quietly crept behind a tree on their left and looked back on the wolfos to make sure he didn't see.They continued to make their way forwards,going from tree to tree."Crunch!"What was that?"Asked Saria."I stepped on a branch."Whispered Link.He looked back at the wolfos perch,he was gone!Link's heart thumped against his chest as he peered around the corner of the tree.Warm breath blew heavily on his face as a pair of bright yellow eyes stared back into his own...Continued

Mysterious F.

... heart, thirsty for blood. It leaps up, but Link shoots it with an arrow in the brain, and it dies. Link then plays the Minuet of the Forest and they both end up right next to the Forest Temple. They both stare at eah other for a while when suddenly, Navi appears, followed by Zelda. "Zelda, get out of here!" Link yelled " Ganon's looking for you!" Suddenly, many blinding lights appear and when they ended, Navi and Zelda were gone! Link looked back at Saria's position, but she was gone too! Then Link looked up and saw Saria entering the Forest Temple, trying to get away from the madness. Link then uses his hookshot and enters the forest temple. It looked different, mabye because Link was a child. Link then saw Saria and...

Zelda Veteran

i dont know how to continue that whocares. Can i start from anjus last post? I would leave a nice cliff hanger to continue off of as well.

My real Poison team in BW2. They all have perfect natures and EV's. I went the extra distance and bred the right IV's into them. Come at me bro.

Mysterious F.

Continue from mine, please!